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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@ Raziel

I would suggest deleting everything under the CurrentUserProfile drawer (that is, the .mozilla and Mozilla drawer).

The problem is that once timberwolf is started without RANDOM, and the databases have been created, some vital information is not processed and bookmarks can no be stored. Deleting the whole profile should help.

Otherwise, you might want to start timberwolf with the -ProfileManager command line option. This will start the program with a small window where you can select or create a new profile. Create a new one, and continue starting with this one. Then try saving bookmarks.

Let me know if that worked

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I saved it in RAM:

Well that is the problem I think “RAM DISK:” has a space symbol in there.
Try rename “RAM DISK:” to “RAMDISK” and try again.


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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@ samo79

Drag and drop is in as far as it can be implemented. As I said, the drag & drop system is alien. Basically, it works like a temporary clipboard, not a "tell me a filename to open" like with Workbench icons. This requires additional functionality. I might do that in the course of later "amigafications" in Timberwolf, like adding ARexx ports, native menustrip etc.

The opening of windows is fixed in the sense that it no longer opens a window as a small 1x1 + frame sized stamp and then moves it. It will be created as hidden and then moved to the place where it was created before being shown. What place it is required to go it not something the window code can influence, it will simply get the command to open. This position comes from within the code of the original Firefox tree, so there's no telling why it does that. I'll look into this particular effect (I've reopened the bug on the tracker).

Download might or might not work... it does for me, but I think there's still a problem with relative file names and file names with spaces. However, I also didn't claim that it would work. The release notes state what was changed, nothing beyond that was done for this version.

As I said, this version is supposed to be "feature complete" to the extend what is possible on current AmigaOS. What remains to be done is bugfixing and occasional optimization, but the feature completeness was my current goal. Some bugs were fixed along the way as a side effect, but I did not directly address any other bugs. This is what I will be doing in the near future.

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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tfrieden wrote:
@ Raziel

I would suggest deleting everything under the CurrentUserProfile drawer (that is, the .mozilla and Mozilla drawer).

The problem is that once timberwolf is started without RANDOM, and the databases have been created, some vital information is not processed and bookmarks can no be stored. Deleting the whole profile should help.

Otherwise, you might want to start timberwolf with the -ProfileManager command line option. This will start the program with a small window where you can select or create a new profile. Create a new one, and continue starting with this one. Then try saving bookmarks.

Let me know if that worked

I did that before, but tried it again right now with the ProfileManager.

The ProfileManager worked and it let me create a profile which i choosed to use

But it still does not let me save bookmarks

Just for the record, my RANDOW looks like this:
Handler = L:Random-Handler
Priority = 5
StackSize = 4096
GlobVec = -1
Startup = 0

It s a project (with an 8-ball icon) and is MOUNTed with ACTIVATE=1


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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Maybe it helps if i tell you the error console spills out

PlacesStarButton failed adding a bookmarks observer: TypeError: PlacesUtils.bookmarks is undefined Line: 3456


PlacesUtils.bookmarks is undefined Line: 1283

when i press the yellow star?


It was fun while it lasted...

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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It seems a LOT faster than before, in fact very quick indeed.

I can now also paste URLs into TW which has increased its useability tremendously. Rather do it using RA V than CTRL V though

Posting using TW after copying the URL from MUI-OWB.

It's getting better all the time, impressive work.


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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Raziel wrote:

I have one little problem regarding bookmarks and wanted to ask here before i open a bugreport

I cannot save them...
They are simply not saved when i click on the yellow star, nothing happens.

Timberwolf is on a JXFS partition

That's your problem: JXFS doesn't support record locking, which sqlite needs. If you move it to a SFS partition (and probably recreate the profile again), it will then work.

Yes it is annoying. Hopefully the required features will be added to JXFS, considering that's supposed to be the modern next-gen replacement to FFS.

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Seems little faster on x1000 or i just think so. Thanks for the clipboard :) Had to use CTRL-C / CTRL-V.

Was hoping for facebook commenting but ill have to wait for some future update ;)

Keep up the good work

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Chris wrote:
That's your problem: JXFS doesn't support record locking, which sqlite needs. If you move it to a SFS partition (and probably recreate the profile again), it will then work.

Yes it is annoying. Hopefully the required features will be added to JXFS, considering that's supposed to be the modern next-gen replacement to FFS.

Perhaps the author of JXFS didn't implement locking on purpose.

There has been discussion of a new future file system core that all filesystems should be based on. Perhaps this will manage record locking generically?

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Nice update. Sound on youtube is nice. Just hope for better speed would be nice.
Copy paste is great to have.

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Well that is the problem I think “RAM DISK:” has a space symbol in there.
Try rename “RAM DISK:” to “RAMDISK” and try again.

I try any other partitions availible on my disk (Work: and HD:) but the result is the same, download here does not work


Drag and drop is in as far as it can be implemented. As I said, the drag & drop system is alien. Basically, it works like a temporary clipboard, not a "tell me a filename to open" like with Workbench icons. This requires additional functionality. I might do that in the course of later "amigafications" in Timberwolf, like adding ARexx ports, native menustrip etc.

Ok it's clear now, when i read drag&drop as fixed i thought about the ability to drag manually a file into the browser, almost when i open the report i thought about it

I'm very looking forward to all that future "amigafications"

The opening of windows is fixed in the sense that it no longer opens a window as a small 1x1 + frame sized stamp and then moves it. It will be created as hidden and then moved to the place where it was created before being shown. What place it is required to go it not something the window code can influence, it will simply get the command to open. This position comes from within the code of the original Firefox tree, so there's no telling why it does that. I'll look into this particular effect (I've reopened the bug on the tracker).

Mmm but this wasn't the other old (and already fixed) bug ?

"Off screen windows creation" --> (bug 732)


This one was perfectly fixed on the update 3, the new one i mention instead is a bit different even if again it is affected the windows behaviour

"Windows creation (Automatic auto-allineament issue)" --> (bug 756)

While this one is related only to the auto-positioning of the windows, so once you open a new window/subwindow, it will be opened on a certain position on the screen and then it will be allineated again

Download might or might not work... it does for me, but I think there's still a problem with relative file names and file names with spaces. However, I also didn't claim that it would work. The release notes state what was changed, nothing beyond that was done for this version.

Yep yep i know that in this version you didn't work on it !
I just a bit annoyed and i would like to report it again .. i really can't understand how to download as nothing seems to work !

Instead i'm able to install themes (Persona) and all other plugin in general will be downloaded and installed without any problem .. just the plain download seems problematic as i explain in my previews messages

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Just installed it. Haven't tried it out much yet but what I have is working nicely.

Thanks for all your efforts!!!

'non fixed' A1XE, USB card, Sil 0680 IDE, 512mb RAM, Radeon 9250, OS4.1 Update 5
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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available

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Hmmm ... 'read-me' file says different, but it doesn't look like Mason's work to me.

Edited by klesterjr on 2012/6/30 5:23:42
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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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If anyone is having trouble submitting bug reports on bugs.os4depot.net then it's probably because your user has not been validated properly when registering to the site. Log into he site and follow the instructions that are presented to you.

Ps. Yes it is possible to log into the site without being validated.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Funny - I thought the same at the first glance. But maybe we see the first incarnation of a future AmigaOS4.2 design evolution (i.e. the drawer icon base is different to the current one...).

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Chris wrote:

Raziel wrote:

I have one little problem regarding bookmarks and wanted to ask here before i open a bugreport

I cannot save them...
They are simply not saved when i click on the yellow star, nothing happens.

Timberwolf is on a JXFS partition

That's your problem: JXFS doesn't support record locking, which sqlite needs. If you move it to a SFS partition (and probably recreate the profile again), it will then work.

Yes it is annoying. Hopefully the required features will be added to JXFS, considering that's supposed to be the modern next-gen replacement to FFS.


Thanks for the hint, that did it.

I did not install it onto a new partition, i left the main program drawers on a JXFS partition, rather did i move the CURRENTUSER: assign (and its representive drawer) to a SFS partition and voila

Bookmarks saving works now, Bookmarks restoring from a PC Firefox does too
(OWB bookmark import doesnt, but i dont know why)

At last, everyday Timberwolf has arrived for me

Thank you Mr. Friedens
Thank you Chris for the hint


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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"Yes, I do "

I will donate asap.

Please, keep up with your work.

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I cannot get paste function to work, anyone else experiencing this?

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Anyone else getting an ISI when running it for the 2nd time? (Quit and restart Timberwolf without rebooting).

Edit: Seems to be OK now.

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Re: Timberwolf beta 4 available
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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It's an unhappy drawer rather than a happy drawer

It's proably unintentional, but subconsciously if this is a new design, it's a bad idea.

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