With the release of "sam440ep_setup" fix for Sam440s, which should speed-up graphics performance, I thought I'd runs some tests to see how it affects Quake 3. (This will repeat some stuff I posted on AW.net ages ago.)
First, how do we benchmark Quake 3? * Open the console of Quake 3 (typically by pressing Tab). * Type "timedemo 1" (without the quotes!). * Type "demo four" * Wait for the demo to complete. * Return to the console to see the results (fps).
The following are the "best" settings I'd previously found (where I aimed for good looks without much speed penalty)! Here's what I use: Quote:
GL Extentions=On (Off is no faster) Video Mode = 800x600 (1024x768 is signficiantly slower) Colour Depth = 16-bit (32-bit only makes it slightly slower, but I can't see the difference) Lighting = Vertex (Lightmap is massively slower, and I can't see the difference) Geometric Detail = Medium (Low gives no speed benefit, while High is significantly slower) Texture Quality = 4 (max) (Worse settings are almost no faster) Texture Depth = Default (This doesn't make much difference) Texture Filter = Trilinear (Bilinear is not any faster)
On OS4.1 beta with Debug Kernel I got 18.2 fps for "demo four". The next post will contain what I currently get (with OS4.1 update 2) before/after using the "sam440ep_setup" fix.
For posterity (and to save me writing it down elsewhere!) here are the results of changing only one setting & then running the same demo: Quote:
Note that fps varied by at least 0.1 between tests, and so anything between -0.1 & +0.1 fps can be considered "no change", while -0.2 or +0.2 fps (1%) should not be construed as being significant due to the high chance of errors.
Crisot is right, the patch improves only read performance, which has near zero impact on 3D games. You may noticed some improvments in some SDL games, emulators and amicygnix.
Anyway later today or tomorrow we'll publish a PCI update utility on ACube website which will improve write performance up to 30% (around 64 MB/s on the M9 chip) and with this you'll notice some improvment on 3D too, but don't expect miracles, max 1 or 2 FPS.
For overall better 3D performance, improved 3D drivers are needed.
BTW, about Quake 3 tuning. You may have noticed sound is really jerky when reaching low FPS. Just uses thoses consoles commands:
s_mixprestep 0 s_mixahead 1
This wont improve performances, but at least you'll have much better sound.
Lighting = Vertex (Lightmap is massively slower, and I can't see the difference)
This is one of the most important visual setting, Lightmap gives much better experience. Try to lower other settings to keep good performances with Lightmap.
Edited by Crisot on 2010/11/30 14:32:41 Edited by Crisot on 2010/11/30 14:41:42
@fingus Imho a bit (5-7 fps) faster in compare with peg2. Because new sam have faster speed with video bus, and with memory , but l2 a bit loose in compare with peg2.
@m3x Can you maybe plug-in radeon9250 to sam460, and try quake3 , just to see FPS difference on the same warp3d drivers, just on new sam ?
Btw, a bit out of topic, but maybe you can also do little test of LodePaint (opengl based painter), which show FPS ? If yes, i can write more details about how to test it. So we can compare peg2 and sam460 in real live, with current status.
Imho 5-7fps + only or maybe the same or i will not very surprised if even a bit slower :)) Because of 1.2ghz of cpu, which are have lower L2 cash in compare with peg2, but a bit faster in raw power.
Anyway, by your test tool, it says that max mips on peg2 are about 3000, while on sam460 - about 2400 if i remember right. Dunno if it will also make sense for end usage or not..