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Re: Video and Browsing
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HTML5-Video is on its way, so Odyssey and Netsurf should integrate an inbuild Playback-Method that make use of hardware-acceleration.

That would be really great!

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Re: Warp3D SI : Tests thread
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Please test Wipeout2097!

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Re: Still interested in Huno's games ?
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I have a Sam460ex lite (1Ghz) with 2GB RAM and Radeon6570 Ultimate (passive cooled)

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Re: Still interested in Huno's games ?
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* Are you still interested in gaming projects from Huno?

Yes, I`am

* Do you play Huno's game ?

Not every game because i´m more kind of casual gamer.
Another story is the fact that wapz3d isn´t running that smooth on my NG, maybe wit hnew RadeonHD-Driver i will dig into the World of 3D Edoshooters again

It´s not Hunos fault at all!

* What could refrain you from playing or using Huno's games/apps ?

I´m father with two kids too like Huno. A big great respect to him to find the patience and time to make such huge abount of releases for our beloved AmigaOS.

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Re: POLL: What graphics card(s) do you currently use on AmigaOS 4.x?
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Only the new generation 4K monitors is much more interesting, and costs not a lot more then this Dell 27
inch. But using the highest resolution could be problematic on the Amiga.

I don´t think so. It´s a matter of bandwidth provided by the graphic-card and the higher RadeonHD-Modells should handle that.

You can have then 40pt Fonts for Icons with a nice rounded Shape!

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Re: POLL: What graphics card(s) do you currently use on AmigaOS 4.x?
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One big question to Hans:

Does the RadeonHD-Driver support Duallink over DVI-Out on my RadeonHD6570 in order to Support:

- High Resolutions above FULLHD (> 1920 x 1080).

- High Refresh rates, there are LCD´s out there who can Display up to 120Hz.

A friend of me will borrow me his 22" with 120Hz for a couple of days to test if the RadeonHD driver can meet the above mentioned requirements.

Specially the 100Hz-Mode is interesting while running E-UAE with 50Hz PAL-Games (assuming that games triggers a 50fps output like Turrican..etc). That should be a very smooth experience, because 50fps fits exactly to 100Hz (showing a frame twice). In 60Hz on normal TFT-Displays you see on games which use 50Hz scrolling that theres hops between 50Hz output of the Emulator and the 60Hz of the Monitor, its not that smooth that it could be

And in normal Workbench use all commands that require dragging of Windows, Screens, Mousepointer will maybe benefit from it in terms of smoothness. And of course Games that can provide stable 120Hz+.

Edited by fingus on 2014/6/5 11:01:46
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Re: Trouble with YAM 2.9p and SimpleMail
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I´m using Simplemail since Years on OS4 but without a second account. It´s the best to contact the Simplemail Authors instead of asking people who didn´t write the code

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Re: INDIEGO! App Store for AmigaOS3.x/4.x first glimpse
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Hollywood is only slow if the coder don´t know how to do things right! There is hardware-accelerating support in hollywood but you have to know surely how it works.

Don´t blame the Language, blame the coder!

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Re: News about Amistore
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Tablets/phones are nice devices for consuming content, but if you want to create stuff, then you're much better off with a desktop computer.

I agree 100%. Mobile devices will never replace the good old Desktop-Work.

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Re: echo and shell
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Something like this:

echo {backslash}""aaa{backslash}"" >1

Where {backslash} ist the backslash-sign

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Re: USB devices that work with OS4.1 Update 6
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Nokia Lumia 1020 is also beeing recognized by PTP.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Good Job! Thx kas1e!

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Re: USB devices that work with OS4.1 Update 6
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Nokia Lumia 620 is beeing recognized by PTP.

Nokia E71 as Mass-Storage (You have to set the options in the Phone to that!)

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Re: Hyperion server is offline
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There appears to be some hardware issue which is being worked on.

Throw that damn x86-Server hardware out and replace it by better AmigaNG-Machine

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Re: Flipclock V53.2 released
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Hi Everyone,

Maybe, i have to look for that but it can take a while because i´m very busy with work and family, and because i work on a new codebase from the scratch.

Maybe some donations will fastening it up

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Re: why not Dosbox with overlay and composition
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Compositing is hardware-accelerated while other is CPU render only.

In a Hollywood-Script i wrote for a test i got these resultes:

http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... opic_id=36878&forum=32&19

The Demo is always hardware-accelerated, without it you can divide all screenrates by 10.

Edited by Rigo on 2013/11/26 11:05:30
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Re: AmigaOS and web browsing in 2013
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And maybe you'll change also your arrogant behaviour


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Re: AmigaOS and web browsing in 2013
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Who will made the OS4-Port/Compile if the bounty has reached?

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Re: Battle Squadron for AmigaOS 4.X
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Like some usual and classic sdl-busy-loop.

Isn´t that called the classical "polling-loop"?

Timers and vsync rocks!

Great game btw.!

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Re: Should Linux kernel power future AOS solution ?
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