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New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just popping in
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CommodoreUSA announced that they will release a C64 style PC in June 2010.


According to site, it will be also sold as a barebones version. I wonder if SamFlex will fit in this case ?.
It would make a perfect A500 style OS4.1 capable machine..

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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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As a barebone, it still includes the motherboard
See: http://www.commodoreusa.net/catalog/item/7429988/7790650.htm

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I agree. Such a case would rock!

I guess it would only be possible to fit a Sam motherboard inside but just imagine a custom X1000 fitted inside this...

Sweet dreams, indeed.

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Commodore still alive ?... mmmhhh... they could try to project a new Amiga...

I mean, almost everything in the new Amiga generation could be use...

Does anyone know if they already have been asked if they want to make new Amiga ?

The case looks very nice !

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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sorry, I hate to burst your bubble but its actually this:
It's an x86 PC that's for sale right now, in fact they've been selling them for quite a while...


Rev 1D3 Amiga 1200, Apollo 1240 (40Mhz '040, 64MB RAM), Indivision MKII, Fast ATA MK V, Rapid Road USB, PCMCIA WIFI & OS 3.9.
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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It is actually going to be called The Commodore Phoenix(as in rises from the Ashes). It has been sold by Cybernet for quite a while now, but it has been predominantly targeted at industries where they would consider desk space a premium. At least you can't call it vapour. It is what it is. It's convenient to get a hold of.

Phoenix is the flagship model. Commodore are going to announce another lower-specced computer in a keyboard shortly. It will be more the size of a C64, without a DVD slot. It will have netbook-like specs, and the guts, will be re-used in netbooks and tablets.

I firmly believe this Commodore company has a chance at making a break-through into the mass market where others haven't, by pushing it's niche of computer-in-a-keyboard products. If you start flogging these on the shopping network...lookout.

In answer to your question. I have built a rapport with the Commodore owner, and am now, apparently, officially on the Commodore advisory board. I don't get paid anything the opinions I express on the forums are definitely my own.

I have been pushing for Amiga Forever and AROS for the x86 system, even though that might not pan out if AROS compatibility doesn't make it in time for launch. I have also pushed for some sort of deal with A-Eon/Hyperion, but I am yet to hear anything about that. If you want such a deal to take place, between two such iconic brands as I do, I would send e-mails to Commodore and Hyperion/A-Eon. A rising tide raises all ships.

BTW: The website is getting a make-over now, and a bigger one after launch.

Ok. Going back to my happy place now.
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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I wonder how long it will be before people are taking them apart and putting them in tower cases

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Re: New C64 style PC from CommodoreUSA ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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AmigaOne X1000 betatester
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