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Re: new RunInUAE beta - with CD32 emulation
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Thanks for the update, I will soon test it with some games I have which I used in OS3.9 with AsimCDFS emulation option.

I will be glad if it will work. Never checked earlier but does it work with CDTV CD? or need an implementation ?


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Re: AmigaOS4 contextmenu command
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Thanks! Yesterday I've tried to find it in the documentation directory but I haven't thought it could be in the commodities directory (I looked in others like system).

I will check it. Thanks again.


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AmigaOS4 contextmenu command
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Hallo everyone,

Well, I don't know if this forum is the good one but I have a question about the commands used in the contextmenu.

What are the command begining with PM_Invoke... ? Is this Python ? I imagine that we can use also Dos and ARexx commands. And were to find a guide of those PM_Invoke commands ?



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Re: sfs 1.286 blockid
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Unfortunately the OS4.X doesn't come with recovery tools for SFS file system. I suggest you to go on the site of http://strohmayer.org where you can find 68K/PPC SFS recovery tools. Maybe it could help. But be careful. If I remember well it's possible that third party libs will be required.


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Amiblitz 3.5 prerelease
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Hallo everyone,

For people who is interested, a version 3.5 prerelease of Amiblitz is available on sourceforge.net at the following address : http://sourceforge.net/projects/amiblitz3/files/.

I encourage you to make a backup (or rename) your actual version and install the prerelease.

As soon as I will be home I'm gonna doing it also.


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Ooo4Kids on all Amiga NG ?
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Hallo everyone,

As you maybe know, Ooo4Kids (OpenOffice.org for Kids) is planned to be ported for the X-1000. My question : even if I will buy surely the X-1000, does anyone know if Ooo4kids will or should work on other Amiga NG (A1, microA1, Sam, etc.) ?

I've downloaded the PC version and the actual version is the 0.95x. It seems a good compromise : lighter than OpenOffice but full functional. Compatible with Ooo files format and MS Office. It includes (always talking about PC version) a writer, drawing tool, presentation and a spreadsheet (no data base). It's about 80MB "only"... hmm... .


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Re: Software Survey
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1) Which 3 Image Editing applications do you consider to be the best?
>If allowed : PPaint, PerfectPaint, LoPaint and FXPaint.

2) Which 3 Animation Editing applications do you consider to be the best?
>PersonalPaint (the only one I used)

3) Which 3 Presentation/Slideshow Editing applications do you consider to be the best?

4) Which 3 Word Processing applications do you consider to be the best?
>Abiword (Amicygnix), Wordworth 7 and Excellence! 3.1

5) Which 3 Spreadsheet applications do you consider to be the best?
>DataM II (on Aminet), Maxiplan III (my first spreadsheet), TurboCalc 5 and Gnumeric (Amicygnix)

6) Which Desktop Publishing applications do you consider to be the best?
>PageStream New versions have bugs.

7) Which 3 Audio Editing applications do you consider to be the best?
>Octamed SoundStudio 3, AmiSoundED

9) Which 3 Audio Playback applications do you consider to be the best?
>AmigAMP, Tunenet and SimplePlay

10) Which 3 Internet applications could you not live without? eg. FTP, Chat, WWW, Torrent, FireShare, News...
>AmiTradeCenter, Yam, and browsers (OWB, NetSurf, AwebII)

11) Which are your 3 favourite development tools for Amiga? Please state what category of development it falls under eg. GuiBuilder, IDE..
>AMOS Professional, BlitzBasic2/AmiBlitz3, CubicIDE

12) Which 3 3D applications do you consider to be the best?

13) Which are your 3 favourite games on the Amiga that have been released/ported post-2000?
>Wesnoth, Might and Magic II (engine for using PC version) and all HunoPPC Ported Games

14) Which 3 Network applications do you consider to be the best? eg. Samba, Remote Control another Computer.
>dunno, none installed

15) Which 3 database applications do you consider to be the best?

16) What do you spend MOST of your time doing on your Amiga? Select ONE answer only.
>b) Playing games /Emulators
>c) Browsing the internet and/or downloading software
>e) Creating art or 3D

Sorry, but only giving 3 examples/question is a little to short :)


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Re: ASL File Requester enhancements
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Well I don't have any idea how it works but isn't possible to make a third-party software which could be a ASL replacement ? Or the limitations are due to the AOS libraries ?


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Re: How to port games to AmigaOS 4.1?
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I'm also interesting to port some games or programs, of course not to big at the begining. But what's hard is to find a language with a complete and updated guide.

At home I have a small programm I made with AMOS Professionnal but runs only on classic Amiga and my idea is to port it on AOS4. Well, don't expect a Masterpiece because it was done in late '90 and graphics still missing and another game was made by my brother who was an Amigan.

As it was written some threads ago, a C/++ book dedicated to Amiga platform would surely help. I've seen that a site is made extra for it but haven't understood if it was only for coders who could bring ideas/tips or also for "usual" user who is interested to learn programming.

Amiblitz3 is one of this language. I mean it is based on BlitzBasic 2 and the documentation reports to its commands but some of them won't work with OS4 (thank Wanderer for the info). And I know there is a "new Amiblitz guide" but still plenty of lacks, but useful anyway (will soon give an eye on it). I already hear you... "C++ is better; Amiblitz3 only coded in 68K, not native OS4...", yes maybe, but for me is more understable than C/++ and also a challenge : Many years ago I promised myself that a day I will learn it very well.... but time's missing

Anyway thanks to all people who want to help us in developping/porting something on our machine !


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I don't know were you are from, but here in my town in Switzerland I also asked if it's possible to order RAM, but all shops I asked, I was told it's hard to have it for only 1 piece.

So, then you're lucky.


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I don't know enough for speaking about what's faster or better to use (like you I think there isn't so much difference), BUT : As every time a new technology is born (particularly in the RAM domain), the "outdated" products disappeared from the shops. In only some month it became hard to find some compatible RAM (SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, etc.). Today we still can find DDR2 but in some month ?

AND, I don't know if you remember but not all models of RAM were compatible with the A1 (at it's time). So what about SAM or X1000 ? Will they support all models ?


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Re: 4GB not enough for Amiga games!
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I know, it's too small... I also have many games and a lot of them since the OS4 prerelease was out. Do you remember, there were also some in the contributions drawer.

I think a 40 GB or better 60 GB harddisk only for the games would be good also, it's always less than the partition for PC games !

Don't forget all ports of HunoPPC who brought us nice games ! the WHDLoad patched games, those who are taking from PC CD and need only a simple rewritten engine in order to make them work on the Amiga NG and without forgetting all Emualtors !

Yes, we are lucky ! And imagine if you say to your friends : "Hey, I can run a PC game on my Amiga NG!"... even if they are a little outdated (a simple detail).


Edited by unimon on 2010/4/26 12:22:47
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Re: Problem with Nightly builds of YAM
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I'm sorry for yam, because to me it works fine... until my HD an checksum error had... grrr... I have to check if I made the update form 2.6 dev or final release.

I'm not home, so not sure : for Amiupdate, if I remember well, was vers. 1.1.18 which causes problem when it was updated with 1.1.19 or .20.

What I did : I installed one of the first version (I think it was 1.0.xxx, or something like that) and after launching it checked for update and intalled the latest one. In order not to have any conflicts problem, I deleted the complete drawer before installing it again.

If I remember well, I got the same problem when it updated from 1.1.15 or 1.0.15... don't remember how many dots or 0 there were


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Recover tools for FFS, SFS, JXFS, etc.
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Hallo everyone,

Some minutes ago I saw the thread about undelete option for jfxs file system and this is the reason of this thread :

Well, on our OS4.x we can choose several file format for the harddisks. The big problem is that the integrated recover tools can be fully used only with the FFS formatted partition.

For the SFS, we have/can download the SFS tools on the site http://strohmayer.org and install them on the Amiga and that's sound good... until you need to recover/repair the harddisk... why ? because SFS tools required some libraries which aren't delivered with the update disc and then SFS tools doesn't find the required libs if you boot frome the CD-ROM.

Yesterday, I used my AmigaOne and it works fine till I switched it off. Later I wanted to use it again and... nothing !!! The harddisk got suddenly a checksum error. Then I booted with the update 4.1.1 and wanted to check the HD... it froze !!! Well, this is the only option I used because if you try with "salvage" option your datas could be lost... Believe me, I already had this bad experience, fortunately I made a backup of almost all my gigas of softs.

So, is there anyone who knows if the adapted recover tools will be implemented with future AOS version ?


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Re: Problem with Nightly builds of YAM
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Well, I had the same problem with yam 2.7 dev which load GR immediately when trying to load mails (at boot or manually).

I solved (if I can say it so) the problem. It is the same as AmiUpdate had : depending over which version it is copied.

Yesterday, I checked on my harddisk for the version 2.6 of Yam and unpacked the latest 2.7 dev (april 2010) version over the 2.6 drawer (after having mad a copy of it, we never know...). Now it works fine, no more GR. Before any comment : yes, I first tried to copy the latest dev version over the existing 2.7 and it called GrimReaper.

So, give a try, maybe it will works.


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PerfectPaint text effects problem solved
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Hi everyone,

In the latest version of PerfectPaint, there was a small problem with the text effects when you created a text : you selected an effect but another below was marked...

Well, yesterday I noticed that this problem is generated when one uses a screen resolution up to 1024x768. My workbench screen is 1152x864. When I selected the same resolution and also tried 1280x1024 for PerfectPaint, this problem desappeared.

So if someone still use PerfectPaint, try it and check if it's the same for you.


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Re: Cinnamon Writer 0.69 IV released
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I've downloaded it and install it :

2 things (after some minutes of use):

1st: always same problem with printing : I can't ! The problem comes from ghostscript. Could you make a printing option without having to use GS ?

2nd: why a temporary file with the name of the font is saved in RAM ? What it's used for ?

Otherwise, thanks for this new version. It is faster and also the pull-down menu of the fonts choice and size.


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Graphic board and Pixel Shader
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Hallo everyone,

Some days ago I bought a game for the PC : Simon the Sorcerer (4 or 5) and on the Box it was written that it need a graphic board with at least pixel shader 2 support.

Well, I order a new card (Ati Radeon HD3650 for the PC but will test it in my A1... ) with support of Pixel Shader 4.

My question : is it possible to use this feature (if really useful) for the new Amiga softwares/games ? I don't know what it is used for, but probably for enhanced graphics. I'm wondering because more and more games required it.



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Re: Sanso MP3 Player - strange behaviour
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@both of you

Thanks. I will try it as soon as I will add new mp3.


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Sanso MP3 Player - strange behaviour
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Hi All,

Well, I bought 2-3 weeks ago a Sandisk MP3 player (Sanso) and tried to connect it on my A1.

It has been easyly found and used by the OS4.1.1. The problem I encountered is that during the copy every file has been copied and I could see them in the directories, but when I wanted to read them from the MP3 Player only some of them could be read.

Does something happend during the copy (no copy error message appeared) ?

In order to let it working good again, I have to connect on the PC, delete all files and recopy them.



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