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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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Wow pretty snappy can say!
Could you maybe add sort of FPS showing tooltype, it may be usefull for compare performance... fell free to send me for test on real low-end miggy

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
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In general, always the FSP test is in snes9x, not in reality.
can show unbelievable things

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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It's great to be able to watch your videos with sound

To Snes9x:

I also like your version very much, but as I can see your version only scales to 4:3 when used in full screen.

You could also add video mode (EPX) like HunoPPC did for full screen when fully scaled/stretched.

When running Snes9x the window on the workbench is quite small 800x600 will display smoothly with Snes9x and would be a nice standard size. Maybe we can do that via the tooltypes as well?

Otherwise it's pretty cool that you can start the roms directly with Snes9x via double click and without GUI And yes it seems to run really smoothly, I would also like to test your version.

To summarize, Snes9x in the current version of HunoPPC is really very very good, the Javier gui has also been updated the last few days, but still contains a few bugs. The GUI of HunoPPC is quite large on the WB at a resolution of 1600x900 and takes up a lot of space.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
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New release on my site and on OS4Depot

http://hunoppc.amiga-projects.net/con ... amicom-emulator-snes9x-ng


*MSU1 supported
*OPTICAL supported
*MOUSE supported
*JOYPADS supported

Enjoy!!! good games on your Amiga

*06/02/24 1.62.3 release 3
- Added modifications of prefs KEYBOARD on native GUI now!!
- Added on engine, new converter of keys intuition events to keys SDL2 events for new function of keyboard prefs
- Added recognition of duplicates in modified keys
- Added 2 new image for recognition, one for OK (green) and one for NOK (red)
- Rewinding cool option working now on game , use GUI for activate and add number of Mo for rewind dans on game press F12 for a moment to operate rewinding, IMPORTANT!! this hack is very big for your CPU, on X5000 90% of usage with 60FPS
- Fixed Vsync, now working with -vsync and for disable using -novsync (thanks to Kas1e)
- Fixed limiter of fps without Vsync
- Fixed loading Rom offset "Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En,Es,Sv)
- Fixed loading Wild Guns, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition with a good IRQ cycles and DMA delay
- Fixed LowMapRom and HiMapRom on memmap functions
- Optimized DSP2 for AmigaOS4
- Fixed small audio Crackling
- Fixed Speedup audio DSP1 and DSP2
- Tipo fixed on locale (thanks Javier)
- Tipo fixed on SuperFX Mhz-> to ->%
- Fixed Run game selected with RETURN now!!
- Fixed quit GUI with ESCAPE
- Added cool sounds effects on native GUI (mario voice and yoshi voice)
- Added option -interpolationmethod for Sound Interpolation Method, Gaussian=0 / Linear=1 / Cubic=2 (default) / Sinc=3
- Remove Key Q for quit Snes9X
- Added new filters:
* 2xBR
* 2xBR-lv1
* Scanlines 25%
* Dot Matrix
- Fixed draw time with FPS count
- Fixed HACKVIDEO config write
- Fixed INTERPOLATION config write
- Fixed OVERCLOCKCPU config write
- Added button for sounds effects on GUI
- New all catalogs
- Sound now is Threaded
- Fixed timing for all games with Vsync
- Fixed Joypad2, now working with the GUI launcher
- Added new hack option "-disablespritelimit" disable max sprite tiles rendered per line. Default = 34, Unlimited ~= 128
- Fixed Mute now working!!
- On game FULLSCREEN/WINDOW mode now working with = L_ALT + RETURN
- Added new option -emulatedmachine for a virtuel machine, activate a correct software rendering on internal engine (disable: vsync, FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP)
- Fixed commandline for all filters
- fixed commandline for support optical games: mouse, superscope, justifier and macsrifle.
- GUI is now V1.0.7
- Added to GUI news options: sound thread and Emulated machine (for QEMU and WinUAE machines)
- Fixed Vsync disable if you use emulated machine or rwinding options (thank to Javier)
- Added new images for inputs : Keyboard, joypad, mouse, superscope, justifier and macsrifle
- Now superscope working with a mouse Amiga
- fixed disabled prefs Buttons of joypad if you use other input
- Center the cursor on screen
- Support all optical games with cursor and mouse for shooting (move working, now i working on the buttons) IMPORTANT: Correctly choose the type of weapon suitable for the game otherwise it may not work correctly, MOUSE ONLY!!!
- Added new folder "Roms-Optical" for copy your games Guns or Optical (Konami Justifier, superscope, mouse and a special MacsRiffle)
- Fixed -nooverscan and center a screen on 320x240 mode (window and fullscreen)
- Fixed on mode -nooverscan and 320x240 centered screen with L_ALT + RETURN
- Fixed Justifier1 AimOffscreen Trigger button, now working with the center button of mouse
- Added 2 KEYS on KEYBOARD with optical mode:
* KEY HOME : "Superscope Pause"
* KEY END : "Superscope AimOffscreen"
- Fixed mode -emulatedmachine on all renderer
- Fixed if you use optical games with with L_ALT + RETURN disable a pointer on window mode
- Added 3 new images availablecover3dMSU1.png, availablecover3dOPTICAL.png and availablecover3dSUPERFX.png for not available previews
- GUI checking now all datas dependency for interface on launching and push requester if you have an error
- Fixed disable vsync on GUI with -emulatedmachine -nooverscan and -rewinding options
-Fix fps limiter on PAL mode


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Tested new version !

Thank you for the continued work on it, now i can setup my own keys in the GUI which is very cool!

But as always i found some bits which you may want to improve :)

1). Something wrong with the sound in ChaonEngine: it's sometimes too late, and sometimes just missed. I set the full screen video mode, and video hack in 1920x1080. Then, when i play, the sound happens not immediately to the action, but after a few milliseconds. Maybe i should change something additionaly instead of how it by default ? And in whole it sounds all like MONO with 1-2 channels.. But maybe it just issue with SNES's version of ChaosEngine ?

2). The showing of FPS actually a bit bad looking. Instead of just showing FPS, it had another additional and unnecessary big line of text with this "freescale CPU E5550 blblabbal 60/60", which, have no needs to be there, as i only want to show FPS. Or maybe there is the way to disable that line already, and only keep show FPS instead ?

3). I think the whole gui logic of window/screenmode/videohack a bit unlogical and chaotic. What i mean, it can be a little bit simpler , like : you do have to choose at bottom window, or fullscreen, and when you choose fullscreen, it can just show list of screenmodes, which you choose and that all. No needs to have window/fullscreen, and then additional "video hack" option. This "video hack" imho should activate when you select "Fullscreen" and it bring you list of available video modes on your card and that all (like in old WarpSness for example).

4). Not the problem per se: but imho, archvie is too big because of those unnecessary "Cover3D".

5). Javiers's GUI is better structured and looks cleaner and more tasty : maybe use this one instead of your old one ? Your current one is too big and can't be resized, while Javier's one can and looks more cleaner (while have same logic issue with videohack/fullscreen, etc). His gui is also faster to operate with.

6). Can you explain plz all the needs for this "All roms" , "Fresnh Roms" "Roms-Universal" and so on ? I mean, why there needs to even have that, why just not simple "roms" directory as always everywhere and everything can be in. User can choose on his own what roms he want, no needs for unnecesary additional directories as well as unnecessary option in your gui for this.

7). Is it possible to disable (or make it optionaly) this fade in out effect when i do iconify ? It takes additional time (it happens with both , your and Javiers GUI).

But in whole it's very usable now ! At least with ability to set keys, saving states with shift+num like on old warpsness, using compositing with any video mode, resized window and Javier's GUI it looks really nice, so i can ditch warpsness with it's white borders !:) Currently, i only have issues with sounds in chaos engine to understand why it sounds like MONO, and some sounds sometimes misses. But maybe it's SNES version of game just done like this ?

Thanks again!

Is anyone aware if there any MSU1 patch for Snes's version of ChaosEngine ?

Edited by kas1e on 2024/2/7 7:43:10
Edited by kas1e on 2024/2/7 7:46:59
Edited by kas1e on 2024/2/7 7:58:20
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Answer (1): You simply have a slowdown due to the too high resolution used, you zoom a surface of 320x240 to 1920x1080, this slows down the DMA transfers, lower your resolution to 1024x768 to test and I think it should work better.

Answer (2): the sound is stereo, I can confirm this to you

Answer (3): it can actually be improved, I will remove the processor name in a future update and add an additional option for that

Answer (4): sorry but I don't have time to waste on an additional routine with a list of resolutions, personally I don't use the video hack because I play in native rendering and I find that it's quite correct.

Answer (5): Sorry again but it's a personal choice, I find that the interface must be delivered complete for novices and I consider that delivering something half complete is a job poorly done, my perfectionist side coming out

Answer (6): If you don't like my interface (and I don't blame you at all), use Javier's (in fact that's why there is a contribution), the speed. .. I'm not in a hurry to have 3 seconds ready, the interface is developed for me initially as well as the emulator, I'm just sharing my work with the community

Answer (7): Same, I did all this for myself at the start, I like to group the same types of roms in one click instead of digging through hundreds of roms before narrowing down my choice, sorry but I will not remove these options

Answer (8): I will eventually add this option in a future update

Answer (final):
I don't really know the sound differences of this game between the Amiga and Snes version, being an emulation nothing is perfect in terms of DSP but I think it must be like that, to do with users of the original version.

I'm glad that you like my work overall and I wish you good hours of gaming on your AmigaNG

I would like to thank again all the users who reported the problems and missing options to me, we currently have the most advanced version of the moment with HARDWARE rendering, MSU1 support, a lot of rendering effects, REWINDING, support for optical gun games, full SuperFX support and a lot of options to refine as much as possible.
Thanks also to you and Amiga Rulez

AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I would also like to thank you once again for the great work on Snes9x and all those who have contributed to it.

Snes9x has developed very well in a very short time and in my opinion there is currently nothing comparable under AmigaOs4.1.

I also find their GUI a bit too powerful, I already mentioned that I use a resolution of 1600x900 on my computer, but that's no big deal as there is an alternative with the Javier GUI

Fade-in, fade-out effect, it's great that they're playing with it a bit, but yeah, I agree with @kas1e, it just slows down usage a bit.

The different roms folders are also redundant for me, I only use roms universal.

But that doesn't really give me the right to criticize anything, because they also added some things for emulation that allow it to be used on non-native hardware.

Conclusion: Good work HunoPPC/Javier and all other.....

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thank you very much for this update!

I now have Super Castlevania IV running with perfect scanlines in window
with a resolution of 1024x896(Super Nintendo NTSC output resolution x 4).

Sound works fine now, heard some minor glitches in the previous R8 release.

Super Castlevania IV is pretty intensive on the music/sfx side
so if you want to have a go to test rom, Super Castlevania IV is a good one.


Edit: Sorry to break the good news with some bad.
After playing some games for a while and exit a game with ESC I get a
total freeze on Workbench and mouse pointer.
Tested a few times with hard reboots, always the same.

Run only the GUI for about 2hrs while browsing and streaming videos
without any crash. So I "suspect" there is a memory leak in Snes9x itself.

Same behaviour as AmiCraft had before the latest release, could play it
for a long time then the X5000 froze suddenly. Confirmed with a RAM/CPU
util and Amicraft in window mode.

Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:12:08
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:13:51
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:18:13
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:20:02
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:20:55
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/8 21:23:36
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/9 2:36:21
Edited by khayoz on 2024/2/10 21:08:54
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Since some people don't really like the GUI of SNES9x, I tried to see if I could change something visually.
So I experimented a little ;)
This is what it looks like for me now:
Resized Image

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Since some people don't really like the GUI of SNES9x, I tried to see if I could change something visually.
So I experimented a little ;)
This is what it looks like for me now:
Resized Image

My favorite is Version 2 I like very much

Does it still have the fade in and fade out effect?

Currently I am very happy with the Javier GUI, but I would also like to test your GUI how it behaves below FullHD resolutions which I use due to the fact that I have to use my 4K TV as a monitor, everything else would be too small for me to be decently readable

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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The T column is really too wide, shortening would give a real benefit in term of space.
A resize gadget may be added aswell

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
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Or maybe already .... time to deal with Dgen emulator - SEGA ...

Dgen os os4depot is ~12 years old ?

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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Javier's GUI already good and tasty enough, and Huno says he want to have he's GUI as it, so .. or we use Huno's one, or Javier's one :)


Or maybe already .... time to deal with Dgen emulator - SEGA ...

Yeah, a love to see 2 more properly ported emulators for us : SEGA and ZX Spectrum ones with same set of things : tasty GUI (as Javier's one for SNES), compositing support (so mean rescaling of all sorts in window and full-screen mode) and those filter effects.

Also will be very tasty to have proper N64 emulator, which is fast and co, and properly ported too (the one we didn't have as i aware). Love to play Banjo-Kazooie and Zelda with N64.

Just those emulators need to be the same small, fast, and tasty, without full-blown lot of unnecessary png images, unnecessary effects where not need it, and additional images all over the places :)

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Or maybe already .... time to deal with Dgen emulator - SEGA ...

Dgen os os4depot is ~12 years old ?

The version on Os4Depot still works very well, I have done a few tests. However, this version is based on SDL1 and has problems with the CPU G4.

Have you tried the Dgen GUI, it allows you to use Windows x3 which gives a reasonable output. Of course it is not very practical that you have to search for everything until you get a reasonable result with Dgen.

I would be interested in an SDL2 version as this will not cause any problems with the CPU G4. Is there a possibility that we can use the x2 and x3 window and that a path to the rom can be selected at startup? I don't want to have to start everything from the shell.

Here is a quick comparison of how it works with the old SDL1 version of Os4Depot including the GUI:

Edit:I will remove the video later so as not to clog up the forum.

Edit1:Perhaps your SDL2 version of Dgen is also compatible with the Dg GUI - that would of course be perfect. I should test it......

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/11 14:46:46
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Also will be very tasty to have proper N64 emulator, which is fast and co, and properly ported too (the one we didn't have as i aware). Love to play Banjo-Kazooie and Zelda with N64.

An N64 would be really cool, I've also tried FPSE (Playstation Emulator) and it runs very well even in software rendering.

I'm not sure about N64, but it will probably only run decently 3D accelerated. There are some SDL2 developments that are very interesting.


MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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I just for checking recompiled Dgen . I didn't do anything with it - it works right away. Dgen is "endian safe"
If the window is too small you can stretch it as it suits you. You can also use -X -Y.
This is the SDL1 port.

N64 emulation would definitely be cool for AOS4. I hope someone will do it.
I generally don't like GUIs in such programs either. I also don't like scaling and blurring.
In emulators I like how they are 1:1 with all their drawbacks.

To sum up.
Everyone likes something different and that's fine
Dgen is open source everyone can adapt it as they like.
It would be nice if later these changes were still made available.
I myself for experiment Dgen will adapt it for myself, but I have a specific taste....

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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GenesisPlus from MorphOS maybe?
Based on GenesisPlus GX and source code availible on main page:


Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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@Maijestro, smarkusg
If I remember right i port SDL2 version of latest DGEN sometime ago, and it were awfully slow and crashy in compare with version we have on os4depot (if i remember correctly, of course).

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I don't know anything about the SDL2 version. I can recompile this version I have on sdl2 via sdl12-compat and check.
But I only know if it's worth it. SDL2 runs slower on weaker machines.

I will let you know

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If I remember right i port SDL2 version of latest DGEN sometime ago, and it were awfully slow and crashy in compare with version we have on os4depot (if i remember correctly, of course).

smarkusg has already recompiled DGEN with sdl-compat as I assume in version 1.33.

The new version is pretty cool you can just drag the window to any size and change the size. Also a few filters and scaling functions are included.

I don't think a GUI is really necessary for this cute little thing, if maybe drag and drop is added or a short window selection where you just select the roms.


Thanks for the test version.

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/11 16:44:51
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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