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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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Thank you very much for this good vidéo


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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You're welcome :)
But I have another question, if you're in window mode, is there a keyboard shortcut to switch to full screen?
I know it from other emulators with ALT & Enter, but it doesn't work here.
I think it would be very practical

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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F11 for fullscreen is typical as well
As well as Window+F, or ALT+F.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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On SDL2 under OS4 we mostly uses ALT+Enter

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
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I have been testing their latest build (1.62.3r3, 14. Januar 2024) for about 2 days, thanks for giving me access to it. On the positive news your port is running good not perfect but good

The sound output has really improved and it seems that overall Snes9x has gotten a bit faster. As with previous versions, I had to play with the settings a bit to find the best dust settings for me.

Current problems:

- VideoHack resolutions are not saved and always fall back to 640x480.

- Overclocking CPU snes9x exactly the same

- Keyboard configuration not working properly

I was able to assign some keys, but they were not all recognized. I would like to move over (w,a,s,d)

Could you perhaps add the option that the user can also decide if they want to have GUI sounds. It's great, but would let the user decide if they want to hear the sounds or not.

Otherwise this is probably the best port we have on AmigaOs4.1

I will also leave you a short video of the executability.....

As @McFly has also recognized, it is not possible to switch from window mode to full screen without using the GUI. I tried it with ALT+F/ALT+Enter/Amiga+F/Amiga+Enter/F11 or are we just using the wrong key combination ?

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/1/16 18:07:15
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/1/16 18:10:45
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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As @McFly has also recognized, it is not possible to switch from window mode to full screen without using the GUI. I tried it with ALT+F/ALT+Enter/Amiga+F/Amiga+Enter/F11 or are we just using the wrong key combination ?

Automatic switch between window/fullscreen mode (and viceversa) are not yet implemented i believe

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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Iin the sdl2 version this should be easy to do.

I am trying to make my own version of the older snes9x version but more for older machines.
I've managed to get the cpu consumption down quite nicely (I'm using QEMU emulation and a graphics card without any sm502 acceleration). Mainly thanks to @Javier who provides his versions of the programs with the source code he has improved and it is a good learning experience - many thanks !!!!.

This is not meant to be a competition for @HunoPPC and @Olle's versions - but a simple version for QEMU users.
there the video: https://streamable.com/xk0m9k

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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This is not meant to be a competition for @HunoPPC and @Olle's versions - but a simple version for QEMU users.

I watched your video, it is impressive 12-27% CPU load in window and 95% in full screen. It looked very smooth in your video. Compared to the last version of HunoPPC, if you use the shell, it's about 60-70% in window and 100% in fullscreen. With GUI, your version will probably be a little slower too.

Many feel that SDL runs poorly and slowly, but apparently it runs a little better when optimized. Glad they are working on it too

Of course it won't be very user friendly without the GUI, so I ask them if you can use their version with the HunoPPC GUI?

If you need help with testing, you have my e-mail

I am very grateful to all involved for this great Snes9x port.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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This version is intended to be extremely simple and fast.
There will be no GUI. It will boot up and wait for the rom.
A box to run without tinkering with settings when you want to play something quickly.
Mostly you play one game, so you don't need an online backup of all the roms on disk.
You simply place the rom you want to play in the location of your choice and run it.
There shouldn't be any settings. You launch and play. It needs to be fast and run just as fast on QEMU.

Here's a sketch of what it will currently look like. Full-screen switching as you can see works.


It works on Linux, it works on AOS4, it should work on Morphos too.
Once I've cleaned up the debug and fixed a few things , I'll send it to you for testing.

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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Here's a sketch of what it will currently look like. Full-screen switching as you can see works

I saw that they added drag and drop too I like it...

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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Yes ... work in progress ... new benchmark test


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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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Nice performance progressing and not bad the d&d! ... and logo are nice too

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@HunoPPC @All

HunoPPC has made a new version of Snes9x available to some testers. Thanks again for the new version 1.62.3 release 3 which I have already tested. The new version including GUI contains many improvements. The sound output has improved once again. Thanks

- saving GUI settings now works

- Switching from window to full screen was added

- Sound effects can now be enabled and disabled in the GUI

- new video outputs added (I personally really like EPX and it doesn't look so pixelated in full screen)

These are just a few things that I noticed straight away, since it's not my port HunoPPC should publish the release notes themselves, but I think they will do that when everything is ready.

There are also a few problems that I noticed...

Snes9x can be switched to full screen with "Left Alt + Enter" and the FPS frames go down in the window/full screen. If you set the full screen in the GUI, Snes9x works very well and you have a good gaming experience. If you then switch to the Madus window it works without any problems, but when you go back to the full screen the FPS frames break.

I made a short video of the functionality, which also shows the problems.

I can't judge how it works on real machines with 3D acceleration.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
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I know you've already shown many great videos here, but I'll add my own. It is different from yours because it shows the differences between the games in the original version and the games in the MSU1 version.

For the first 6 minutes I tell you what MSU1 is, so you can scroll through it, although there are English subtitles (AI-generated, so not perfect). I'm still presenting games.

Edited by mufa on 2024/1/22 10:57:56
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thank you very much for the great video and for the explanation of what MSU1 does.

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
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Hi, I think I know what is happening in the software rendering version, for full screen mode I will recover the desktop resolution so with the new version I recover the resolution requested in the emulator, slower but tell me I have sent a test version.


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Congratulations for this magnificent video which highlights the new MSU1 functionality of Snes9x for AmigaOS4. personally I can't do without it anymore and am rediscovering a lot of games thanks to this great option.
Thank you very much

AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Home away from home
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Great video!

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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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HunoPPC wrote:@Maijestro

Hi, I think I know what is happening in the software rendering version, for full screen mode I will recover the desktop resolution so with the new version I recover the resolution requested in the emulator, slower but tell me I have sent a test version.

The new version from January 21, 2023 now works perfectly with software rendering window/fullscreen over "Linke ALT + Enter". The speed is exactly the same as when I select the full screen via the Snes9x GUI. Thank you very much Great work....


Thanks for your great video Snes9x including GUI is really a great job that we can all now enjoy under AmigaOs4.1.

I also tried the MSU1 support and it was a nice experience. But the Romes will become very large.

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/1/22 15:14:39
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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@HunoPPC thank you very much for the great version !!! good job !!!

@mufa Dzięki za świetne film !!! (Thanks for a great video)

My thoughts. I think this is the best snes emulation on AOS4

I'm trying to make a more amiga version and simple version snes9x.
Some configuration via tooltypes, booting from rom etc.

If someone would like to test it on a real machine I would be very grateful - I only use QEMU.
Please contact me by PM via the forum

Here a presentation of how it currently works. (thanks @Maijestro for helping me get my apple to record sound)

demo:-> https://streamable.com/4fsmhv

howto: -> https://streamable.com/f6ih62

Thank you very much for your help.

Edited by smarkusg on 2024/1/23 21:31:49
Edited by smarkusg on 2024/1/23 22:52:18
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