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Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
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I've seen many using Odyssey with bookmarks
but i can't put an image for the added link in bookmarks i only have the TAB but no image.
i can't figure out how to add an image for the newly created link.
Thanks for any help.

I put here a screenshot maybe it is useful

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Home away from home
Home away from home

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You can't.
The images are read in from the website you visit (*if* they provide one) automatically.

amigans.net f.e. has a white box with a boing ball in it

I can't make out which two sites you have in your list, imgur pic is soo bad quality, but somply visit some more sites, add them to bookmarks and you'll see that the pictures show up eventually...not sure if you have to quit and restart Odyssey

Resized Image

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for the reply.
surely I miss some steps
for example I added "amigans"
but keep giving me only the TAB without the image of "amigans"
I'll do other tests

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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This is a video of "kas1e" using Odyssey:

you see the TABs with icons
I would like to add the "icons to the TABs"

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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You might be refering to the thumbnails you see in Topsites..
I had to rename the topsites.db (so odyssey would generate a new .db) to get it working. That DB is based in the Conf folder of Odyssey.

(Click the link to see if this is what you mean)

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for your help.
here a screenshot of the video of "kas1e" this is what I would like to do:

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Check also in your settings. In Interface you have the abilities to add favicon for your speed links.


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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Ahh i see... nice...

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks now everything is perfect

Thanks for all the suggestions

I like to take care of the details now that everything works on 4.1
it is not a real car and there are limits
but I like it very much.


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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Didnt youtube work earlier with Odyssey but the video was slow and delayed? Now there isnt any video at all to play.

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Youtube lately (half of a year ago) change its site quite heavily, so older browsers fail even more.

What you can do now to have youtube working, together with accelerated video playback is:

1). get the latest beta of the odyssey: http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/aos4/ody ... odyssey_1.23r5_beta07.lha

2). Be sure you install/enable youtube scripts in "scripts" There 2 of them. Youtube FullScreen Fix and Youtube HTML5 Converted. But the first one (Youtube Fullscreen Fix), should be not one coming with an archive, but this one: https://morph.zone/downloads/YouTube_Fullscreen_Fix.zip.

That is a "fixed" version of the script, which redirects all youtube stuff to the mobile version (that the one which is works with Odyssey fine still).

Be double sure that in "Allowed sites" for both scripts you have https://m.youtube.com/* as well.

3). In URL Preferences you should have 2 entries:

for both of them should be set "Spoof As IPAD 13.2.3".

4). Now, once you go to youtube (and it automatically switches to a mobile version) and choose any video, you will have a big-slow video playing, but also when you will click on the video the first time, you will see on the right-down area of video that "rectangle" image. Then clicking on that image, will spawn you an accelerated video playback based on compositing => video will be fast, with good control.

See on that video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGE1Hm1LF1I&t=230s

Starting from 3:50 how it all should be on your side once you install correct scripts and have correct settings in URLS.

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Just popping in
Just popping in

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>2). Be sure you install/enable youtube scripts in "scripts" There 2 of them. Youtube FullScreen Fix and Youtube HTML5 Converted.

Where can that "Youtube HTML5 Converted" script be found? It was not in the Odyssey beta07 archive...

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The filename of "Youtube HTML5 Converter" is "Youtube.js" and it's in the archive for sure. Its just full name "Youtube HTML5 Converter" you can see when you add that script (and inside of the script of course as well)

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ok, thanks for the clarification! I have not used earlier scripts in Odyssey, so did not know they may have a different title...

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Re: Odyssey and Bookmarks
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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many thanks! It works very nice ! Excellent work!

Your video about soundblaster utilize CPU on AmigaOne X1000 only by 30-50%.
On Sam440ep-flex (733MHz, but with R9 270X ) utilizes CPU by 100% with some framedrops, but it is still playable with good sound.

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