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: 1/26 18:05
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@johnfante Yeah, release notes are always problem with Enhancer, as most of time there is none. Even for us, betatesters, its released most of time with words "component X was updated", but what was updated, where, no one know, so betatesting there not play much role as well, as we don't know too what new happens and what to test exactly.
I saying that to Mattew few times, but nothing come up from it. Probably he just have no time to copy manually comments from repo updates authors do, or maybe most of programmers in aeon don't make release notes, dunno. But at least in case with ogles2 and warp3dnova, authors put release_notes to the documentation section for sure. Dunno how updater handle it, probabaly it install docs to system:documentation or how it called. But in case you didn't find where, you can just download .lha of them, and unpack yourself to see documentation dirs where all change_logs and placed.
In brief, warp3dnova was bugfixed quite well in compare with previous public version, but ogles2 was expanded/bugfixed/speeduped A LOT in compare with previous public version. For example try to play in Prototype over old olges2 and over new, you will notice pretty big fps boost (same for other games using ogles2/warp3dnova, somewhere speed boost is big, somewhere not so).