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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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@tlosm @Severin
You should be able to install the SDL version of E-UAE & then tell RunInUAE to use it.

As long as the new UAE executable is copied into the same folder as the existing AmiGfx version, then you can just use "Shared settings > E-UAE program..." to switch to it.

If the folder is different, then you will need to "reinstall" RunInUAE, at which point you can tell the installer where the new E-UAE folder is. But it's probably simpler to just copy the UAE executable to the existing folder (and then use the above method to change to it).

Edited by ChrisH on 2016/11/7 19:50:45
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Just can't stay away
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Is this new sdl version faster also on slow machine like the Sam440ep?
Where is possible to get this new version?

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Maybe he means this version?
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... on/computer/e-uae-sdl.lha

Although I don't see why it should be much faster or slower than the AmiGfx version that was included in the JIT beta of RunInUAE:
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... computer/e-uae-amigfx.lha

Edited by ChrisH on 2016/11/7 20:07:31
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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just for fun I would like to try it... I can follow your instructions and see if there is any real difference between the sdl and the p96 version..

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Please check it out: http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... flat&pid=0&forum=8#803715

Didn't feel like opening another uae thread.

I've recorded with my phone a minute of using settings from my guide (on that page) which uses the 43'' tv ability to switch from 16:9 to 4:3 and how it affects scanlines. Please be patient for the video because I can't simply record using an os tool an aspect ratio change forced by the tv. Another thing is that the room really isn't fit for recording a 43'' tv screen. What I hopped was I could capture just for a minute how nice it looks, especially the fonts (because the phone camera doesn't do justice to everything else like the quality of scanlines).

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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To reignite an earlier user observation on page 2.

Choppy / stuttering / buffering audio on SAM 460/AmigaOne 500 running in RunInUAE r8 beta 4 with AmiGFX E-UAE version. Wonder if way to increase the buffer...

Massively obvious in 9 Fingers, State of the Art, nothing I do stops this from happening, frame skip just makes it worse.

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Do not use AmiGFX version. Use the SDL version, it will prevent sound stuttering.

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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K-L, not got rid of it completely, but definitely an improvement. Thank you. I guess hacky demos are not the best candidate!

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Do not use AmiGFX version. Use the SDL version, it will prevent sound stuttering.

But RunInUAE which version use? the sdl or the AmiGFX version?

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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you can tell RunInUAE which UAE executable it should use. IIRC you can choose the executable from one of the menus. From Memory it should be "Shared Settings/EUAE executable"
Or have a look in ENVARC: for RunInUAE-Path..

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Just popping in

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from my sam 460 owning days i would recommend using the SDL version of E-UAE and installing this in your Amiga OS4.1 emulation folder replacing the existing AmiGFX version that comes with OS4.1 FE, RuninUAE r8 beta 4 will point to the correct folder anyway once installed.

where programs run either too quickly or not quickly enough or suffer from stuttering sound. I would also look at the switching JIT on or off and this will need to be done on a program by program basis, for example most A500 games run better with the JIT switched off whilst some games like Alien Breed 3dII run better with the JIT switched on.

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Thanks for the information. Where can I download an updated version of UAE that use the SDL instead of AmiGFX?

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I'm using the ones from Os4Depot..


and the GFX in case you need it need it


the X1000 versions are in the archive too..

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Home away from home
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Thanks for that info. If/when I find time to update/release a new RunInUAE,
it sounds like it would be a good idea to make it use the SDL version of E-UAE rather than the AmiGfx version?

Are there any downside to the SDL version that you noticed?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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There is absolutely no downsides with the SDL version, only advantages.

This is the one I've been using from the beginning.

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
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Just popping in

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I don't recommend using the SDL version to anyone not interested in the Picasso96 era of Amiga because of its limitations. What limitations? you can read about those in the guide which I posted links to both here and on AW. When you use SDL E-UAE you give up on a number of important flexibilities concerning aspect ratios, modern hdtvs and resolutions at least until those limitations are removed in the SDL ver. Since JIt I haven't had serious issues with the Amiga ver only maybe one specific game out of many or some Pinball ones which on the X1k work normally even without JIT.

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