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Re: Trying to reach A-eon
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Without looking I bet they are using v1 of Recaptcha which expired in March.

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

K-L, not got rid of it completely, but definitely an improvement. Thank you. I guess hacky demos are not the best candidate!

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 4 (PPC JIT v1.0.0)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


To reignite an earlier user observation on page 2.

Choppy / stuttering / buffering audio on SAM 460/AmigaOne 500 running in RunInUAE r8 beta 4 with AmiGFX E-UAE version. Wonder if way to increase the buffer...

Massively obvious in 9 Fingers, State of the Art, nothing I do stops this from happening, frame skip just makes it worse.

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Re: First Warp3D Nova game released
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Can I please ask what Radeon HD graphics card you have in your SAM460 to enable Warp3D Nova? So that I may try and buy one or better - anything that fits inside the SAM460.

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Re: Sam 440ep Flex / radeon questions
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi Max,

How am I meant to even download latest Uboot for SAM 460.. the link doesn't work..

https://acube-systemsbiz.serversicuro. ... -sam460-amigaone-500.html

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Re: Codebench version control
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks Rigo.

I must hold my hands up, I completely forgot about the dedicated forum.

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Codebench version control
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Is it possible to configure Codebench to work with GitHub?

Other recommendations welcome.

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Re: Amiupdate problem
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

On a similiar vein the codebench beta server seems to be missing too.

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Re: MUI 4.0 keeps on expiring
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@tboeckel, I am not complaining, I am putting out something is wrong with the way things are setup for me this end, and I do not know how to resolve.

All I know is that today it warns me, "1 day left to expire" and that the nightly build on muidev. de is dated 09/03/16 therefore surely it shouldn't be running out so soon. Don't they normally expire after 30 days?

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MUI 4.0 keeps on expiring
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Got yet another warning today, MUI set to expire in 2 days, sadily there isn't another nightly build available yet, so when it expires I have to default back to OWB in order to get muidev.de

I seem to be stuck with nightly builds; last time I tried to hop back on the Release train the damn expiration notice still came back.

For some time now my battery clock has been broken, I use YoctoFacts to sync to an online clock everytime I boot, sometimes it fails to get the most current time - no internet connection or other reason.

All I can thing is that one of the many files in the distribution has a nonsense datestamp and I just need to 'Touch' the file to bring it forward.


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Re: Amiga developers and coders only
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks for the latest AISS release, I see a bunch of other new icons I requested and some I have not but will definitely find a use for!

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Re: Shorten or Compress a String/URL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks all, objective achieved, yes I went the POST route, updated my PHP script to $_POST instead of $_GET, plus the Hollywood code below, if its any use to anyone else, go ahead and modify.

OpenConnection(1, "example.com", 80)

Local trans = SendData(1, "POST http://www.example.com/script.php HTTP/1.0\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\nContent-Length: " .. 6 + 10 + StrLen(var1$) + StrLen(var2$) .. "\n\nvar1=" ..var1$ .. "&var2=" .. var2$)

Local gotline$, count, done
gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)
While gotline$ <> "Content-Type: text/html"
gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)
gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)
gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)

gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)

While gotline$ <> ""
/* loop through lines */
gotline$, count, done = ReceiveData(1, #RECEIVELINE)


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Re: Shorten or Compress a String/URL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I will go the POST route via SendData() I don't see why that shouldn't work that way - although I haven't done this before so here goes.

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Re: Shorten or Compress a String/URL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I think I need an example code snippet if you please.

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Shorten or Compress a String/URL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


If I have a long string which exceeds 8190 characters (the Apache default) that I would like to pass as a URL the HTTP server quite rightly complains.

What approach can I take to shorten or compress the string?

You should know that I am using Hollywood, I tried BaseStr64(), but that in fact made the string even longer much to my amusement.

I could split the data into several chunks and call the PHP multiple times, but that could be a re-write when I am sure there is another way.

Edited by djrikki on 2015/11/4 21:49:42
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Re: error validating amigaos 4.1?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

K thanks. Nvm I've got to the bottom of it (sort of). nmbd which is part of the Samba distribution kept firing up a process continually trying to connect to something. I just went into Internet->Servers and made the netbios-ns Inactive.
Seen it before, can't remind the proper solution.

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Re: error validating amigaos 4.1?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My HD light is flashing like crazy today, with the amount of reboots I have to do during coding and DSIs, both partitions are SFS2. How long should it take to validate a 1TB drive? Its been going about 4 hours solid now. I assume its validating anyway the light is constantly on, Workbench seems fine, Odyssey running fine, however Codebench is very sluggishly.

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Re: Reaction (Screen Menus) and MUI (Context menues)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks guys for the clarity.

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Reaction (Screen Menus) and MUI (Context menues)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Please can anyone remember what the maxmimum level that both these of kinds of menus can currently go to in AmigaOS 4.1 FE?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK available for download
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks zzd10h, didn't know there was one included in Codebench.

Never mine the one in the distribution, I've gone and developed my own AutoDocViewer from scratch anyway.

Resized Image

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