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Re: ReWarp project
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Warp3DPPC redirects to Warp3D
Wazp3D does not redirect. You rename it to Warp3D in place of the HW renderer.

Then Warp3DPPC in affect redirects to Wazp3D (and then stuff works, albeit slow).

I know, that what i wrote as well in previous post :) But i try to rephrase it:

Even on x5000 with waZp3d and your rewarp3dppc everything slow (which strange, as 2ghz cpu should be enough for just pure software rendering of those simple demos). Through, visually, with wazp3d everything looks correct, just slow like hell :)

Instead, when i use your rewarp3dppc + original warp3d most things wrong viually (even with PatchAll environment): Sulaco and ByNigh still missing effects. For example in Sulaco, at begining i see only words "ENCORE" while there should be some tasty effect in background. MadWizard's demos have wrong colors, 2d pictures at backgorund offten with black triangles, etc.

Will you in interest if i will make list of pure WOS and WOS+Warp3D apps, with decription over each of them with note what didn't works and what bugs it have ?

For me sounds strange why with waZp3d it all so slow. I mean, sure, waZp3d is software rendering, but 2-3 fps on 2ghz cpu ? With software rendering those simple 10 years old demos on 2 ghz cpu should just fly, even in software redenring.

Something wrong or in waZp3d, or in rewarp3DPPC, or in rewarp itself.

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Re: ReWarp project
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But what resolution do you use Wazp3D?

you know doubling height and width of images equals 4 times as many pixels, 4 times as many pixels to render.

It might be rendering into VRAM, that be pretty slow, better to render into RAM, and copy the result into VRAM.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: ReWarp project
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The artifact problem is current Warp3D compatibility with V4 where all the stuff you tested ran at in the WarpOS days. Not Wazp3D not ReWarp and not warp3dppc.

The slowness of Wazp3D I cannot comment on.

So for the moment I AM interested in a list of WarpOS programs that don't run, but not programs which run on WarpOS+Warp3D.

The patchall environment only helps for the Radeon R100/R200 cards probably.

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Re: ReWarp project
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So for the moment I AM interested in a list of WarpOS programs that don't run, but not programs which run on WarpOS+Warp3D.

Ok, will do. You may try froggerng.wos from the link above for tests. By some reassons it give 2-3 fps for few frames of any video, and then stops completely.

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Re: ReWarp project
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hi kas1e,
amp have issue too with rewarp. i think video players issue come because probably this programs was using picasso pip. if i remeber good pip are not supported in hardware on the new gpu.

about othe programs slower, can be there is awinquakewos who did the same issue probably dennis have to fix something... more programs we test better he can fix

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: ReWarp project
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I wonder what are these difference between Wazp3D, the old Warp3D4 and Warp3D5 under OS4 .. how about collect some more info for Daytona ?(current mantainer)
He may later back-port them to Warp3D5 ... what do you think ?

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Re: ReWarp project
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>Warp3D v5/v4

The differences are that when a new functions exists in v5 then the old one is no more implemented so no more v4 compatible
There is no official list of missing stuffs only problems that appears with old progs made for v4 (68k & warp ppc)
PatchWarp3d list (& fix) most of those problems : those fixes are now included in Rewarp
my post #42 talk about 2 other problems
Crisot said that fog got a problem too..

Alain Thellier

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Re: ReWarp project
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amp have issue too with rewarp. i think video players issue come because probably this programs was using picasso pip.

Nah, i tried just 320x240 video , and it give the same 2-3 fps. On 2ghz cpu, with software rendering (i.e. even if PIP don't works), it should give 100 fps, or 200, or dunno how much.

On my a1200 with bvision and ppc on 233mhz, i can got for about 20fps with 640x480 video with FroggerNG, and it wasn't PIP, just software rendering. So having 2-3 fps on 2ghz cpu, with video with less resolution kind of unpossible.


about othe programs slower, can be there is awinquakewos who did the same issue

So its not only froggerng.wos, it also amp and awinquakewos give such slownes => something in rewarp then.

Can we help somehow to debug why some pure wos apps works so slow ?

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Re: ReWarp project
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can be something relative timebase calculation inside the program.
but im pretty sure fixable., because in past i have this slow performances on warpmame and how it run really good and fast.

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: ReWarp project
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Then it's a problem with timer.dervice, in AmigaOS4.x Hyperion chose to use PC clock for timer.device ticks, if the game or program is not coded 100% correct the timing will fail.

As PC clock has higher predication then Amiga500 clock, there are probably more ticks, per same unit of time.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: ReWarp project
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A program with an internal soft 3d engine like QuakeWOS is actually quite fast. Maybe something can be done regarding wazp3d settings.

I'm planning to replace one by one the different Warp3D functions with wazp3d functions to see what works and what doesn't. If I find the time. In the mean time more and more gets ported to OS4 native so I'm not sure about effort versus benefit.

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Re: ReWarp project
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A program with an internal soft 3d engine like QuakeWOS is actually quite fast. Maybe something can be done regarding wazp3d settings.

But FroggerNG.wos and AMP didn't use warp3d at all, and they very slow. They pure warpos ones.

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Re: ReWarp project
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Payback doesn't work. Worked better with old warpos emu.

But thanks Wipeout works nicely now.

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Re: ReWarp project
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What machine?

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Re: ReWarp project
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Just thinking out loud...
Aim is not to take use of another CPU core in PowerUP style... but just to improve legacy PPC SW compatibility instead.


- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ReWarp project
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@KimmoK Quote:
Just thinking out loud...
Aim is ... to improve legacy PPC SW compatibility instead.[?]


not to take use of another CPU core in PowerUP style

"PowerUP style" was (essentially) to halt 68k CPU while PPC CPU did some work (and vice versa). This would not make ANY sense on a multi-core CPU!

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: ReWarp project
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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umm yes and no, if one of the core was used for 68k emulation
but in this case we are in smp range and we know smp isnt available on amigaos.

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: ReWarp project
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Sam 440ep Flex + Radeon 9250

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