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Re: Remote Desktop towards Win10?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Not sure if there is a version that works with win10.

(I wish we had teamviewer)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ReWarp project
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Not too shy to talk

Just thinking out loud...
Aim is not to take use of another CPU core in PowerUP style... but just to improve legacy PPC SW compatibility instead.


- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
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Not too shy to talk


"I guess a PC is needed for the xc compiler ?"

Last time I checked, yes.

I think there was some study on how to use cloud/x86 node to compile...

(possibly cheap intel tablet or "sick" could also do the compiling, most likely dosbox is not enough)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I summed up some ideas for SAM's FPGA and X's XENA.
http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... _id=27379&forum=33#463638

Cleanup for xena....

Xena ideas:
-3D render node (or adapter to slave node(s))
-DSP + digital sound out+in (delfina emulation, paula emulation, AAA audio, etc.) (*)
-second CPU controller (Cell/SPE/intel Atom + memory/legacyPPC)
-adapter to chip like xcore86 for i386 emulation
-GPS receiver
-EDGE/GPRS/3G receiver
-GSM base station
-WLAN receiver
-ADSL receiver
-ethernet router & firewall + port
-bluetooth receiver
-radio receiver
-HardPowerOff (to truly shut off ATX power)
-Oscilloscope (*)
-DataAcuistion (industry, home automation, car automation) (*)
-Retro ROM module reader
-PATA IDE controller
-SCSI controller
-Firewire controller/bus
-yet another USB port
-yet another RS232 port
-Zorro2 controller/bus
-A1200 clock port(s)
-Amiga/PC floppydrive controller (*)
-Bridge to Amiga 1200 "local bus" (original AmigaInc&Eyetech kludge idea)
-adaptor for original Amiga keyboards (for example for A500kb or as a version of Keyrah)
-keyboard switcher
-Car computer connections
-Home automation control bus
-MIDI Ports
-Amiga/Atari joystic ports (eight simultaneous digital joystics, etc.) (*)
-Playstation/Xbox Joystick ports
-PC joystick ports
-Parallel ports
-IR port
-Discolights controller
-video out -port (320x256)
-adapter to use indivision AGA, NatamiAGA, OCS,...
-Display Controllers (sevensegment, matrix LED display)
-MP4 encoder/decoder (or adapter to MPEG4 chip)
-video capture/digitizer
-multichannel digiTV receiver (and decryption, cable, terrestial and satellite) (*)
-iPad/iPhone adapter
-other future port/bus

The best ones (IMO) are marked with (*).

Edited by KimmoK on 2017/5/22 11:01:07
Edited by KimmoK on 2017/5/22 11:01:57
- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Timberwolf is now open source
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

about HW requirements...
When using quad core 1.33Ghz Intel BayTrail device, observed some things...

The performance is ok for firefox and chrome etc.
The performance is ok also for LibreOffice.
The performance is bad with Open Office.

IIRC, LibreOffice is being slowly ported to AOS4, so it should be ok to use on some 1.2Ghz device, especially with some help of other cores. Good that open office was not chosen.

When using web browsers I think java / java script JIT makes relatively slow intel chip perform ok. But timberwolf should be good to use at least on x5000 caliber HW, even without JIT.

For speedy experience, most likely CinnamonWriter etc. more "original" Amiga implementations are very welcome.

Sorry for about (almost) offtopic post.

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Wings Battlefield
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

>...web server has to be implemented...

I wonder if it would be possible to have Amigan web service that offers hosting for network gaming and some general API for WAN game builders.

For productivity ... if someone buys Alladdin9 from a-eon/AmiStore, it could be bundled with screamernet kind of service to assist bendroom movie renderers.
(perhaps not sane idea vs locally available CPU resources)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Warp3D SI : Tests thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I guess quake2 does more by the CPU than quake3. So quake2 might depend more on the CPU & bus.

And I imagine cow3D is far simpler for a CPU and quake gets more benefit from larger caches and faster memory.

I do not dare to suggests you to swap cards with SAM and x1000 + run same bench to see more .... ;)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Warp3D SI : Tests thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I think on paper x1000 and x5000 should have same video bus speed.

X5000 + Cow3D is 1.5x faster than Cow3D on x1000.
X5000 MIPS rating is 1.5x higher than x1000. (per core)

So, to me it is because of the CPU. (unless the second core is used, but I think it can not be, as Cow3D + Warp3D are "legacy" SW...)

SAM460 results are superb good in cow3D, as it has 1/2 of the video bus speed and 2/3 of the performance of the PA6T core, but still it manages to perform 4/5 of x1000 speed.

(at the same time SAM460 reach about 1/2 of x5000 speed, more than MIPS would "hint")

Now I realized that it could be that the SW is just better optimized for the core of a SAM460 by the compiler.

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Warp3D SI : Tests thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

So, in Cow3D
Sam460+HD7750 146fps (PCIe v2 x4)
X1000 +HD7750 175fps (PCIe v1 x16)
x5000 +HD7750 278fps (PCIe v2 x8)


xkernel on X5000 or vanilla exec with debug?

Edited by KimmoK on 2015/6/17 11:52:52
Edited by KimmoK on 2015/6/17 12:16:55
- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I wonder if ragemem is (hand) optimized for PA6T?
To my understanding we do not yet have gcc that can do PA6T optimizations.

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


>7454 1400 MHZ = 4194 MIPS ?

= 3 MIPS/Mhz while it should reach 2,3 MIPS/Mhz ??

PA6T 1800 Mhz = 3082 MIPS

= 1,7MIPS/Mhz while it should reach 2,2MIPS/Mhz

So the test code or compiler perhaps are not the same in those tests???

(( I think 7454 should have same core & MIPS/Mhz as these http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/s ... _summary.jsp?code=MPC7448 ))

VideoRAM speeds depend greatly on what methode is used.
http://www.hdrlab.org.nz/benchmark/gf ... 2d/OS/AmigaOS/Result/1551
So it seems x1000 can reach 1400MB/s currently.

Edited by KimmoK on 2015/6/9 8:22:12
Edited by KimmoK on 2015/6/9 8:23:13
- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Went through the thread but did not spot x1000 results.
Someone with better eyes.... please?

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Warp3D SI : The fastest card
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Does anyone have "X1000 with RadeonHD 7770" to test cow3d?

So far it seems:
Sam460cr: 120FPS
X5000: 230FPS
X1000: ???FPS

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Still interested in Huno's games ?
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Not too shy to talk



"If Huno want's to take a break and/or do something else with his time, then he should do so"

See if he can help with Gallium3D work???

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Amiga PPC emulation
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

My x64 PPC would run at the speed of nintendo wii (without 3D), so I doubt in real use it could beat my 666Mhz PPC+M9 when running AOS4. And SAM440 is (IMO) too slow for nice AOS4 experience.

So I think PPC emulated AOS4 system is sane only after every potential user has faster HW than my 3.8Ghz FX4300 and compositing + 3D ahould be run HW accelerated (not easy?).

And in the end ... would I rather boot up (1minute) my 90W x86 when my 5...25W real PPC is as fast or faster ...

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Lack of progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


"to get the X5000 shipped right now"

/me drooling.

(focus is on x5000 "right now", not that it ships "right now" I assume)

I keep my hopes up of being able to afford high end HW again, one day. (once my A4000 cost me 2 month worth of income, 060 one month, CV64-3D+scandoubler almost as much, now with family, it's harder to afford ... (even though I earn 2x as much))

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: ACube
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Not too shy to talk


"trying to finalize another one"
e5500 based low end miggy?

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: great job
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

My findings: (found my previous post...)

I made test with DVD::RIP and generated 360p+64kbitMP3audio videos (950kbit stream, .avi container) out of DVDs, using mpeg4 codec and ffmpeg. (full movie to about 700MB file)

Those play 100% speed on my 667Mhz PPC440 (with mplayer), using 70% of the CPU. And IMHO, the quality is good enough for my eyes & ears.

I think I have found my default video format. (just need to check that it plays ok also via usb port of a TV (testedOK) and my photoframe (not tested yet), on default android2.2 phone player those did not play, need to get another player there)

(for kids movies without superb graphics I used some 240p resolution and also that looks good and CPU usage is around 50%, this I plan to use for VHS preservation. One day I must see what 060/50 can play.)

(at the same time PPC440 has trouble playing mpeg2 DVDs from disk or from HDD. Full resolution DVD .vod file from HDD takes 100% of CPU and does a little frame skipping. Mplayer manages to keep sound+video in sync anyway. Perhaps mpeg2 "decoder" for AOS4 is terribly outdated???)

UPDATE: to be more clear about DVD playback. Directly from DVD the result is not usable. From HDD situation is better but frame skip happens. I need to get now more up-to-date player and recheck mplayer settings as I think I recently got more video+audio outsync than before (with vod files).

Edited by KimmoK on 2014/6/16 10:38:08
- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Hello Boys -- I'm Baaaackk!!!!!!
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Not too shy to talk



I use my SAM440ep-mini at 1920x1080x16+compositing mainly.

(I consider downgrading the LCD to use 32b+compositing as currently the VRAM seems to run out a bit too fast. Also 3D acceleration seems to behave oddly in my default config. Often 3D speed is boosted when WB is set to far lower resolution & VRAM gets freed.)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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Re: Which graphic tablet?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I use Wacom tablet with serial port interface.
(I imagine these can be found from local trashbin)

- Kimmo
"PowerPC Operating Systems can use a microkernel architecture with all it�s advantages yet without the cost of slow context switches." - N. Blachford
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