I summed up some ideas for SAM's FPGA and X's XENA.
http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... _id=27379&forum=33#463638Cleanup for xena....
Xena ideas:
-3D render node (or adapter to slave node(s))
-DSP + digital sound out+in (delfina emulation, paula emulation, AAA audio, etc.) (*)
-second CPU controller (Cell/SPE/intel Atom + memory/legacyPPC)
-adapter to chip like xcore86 for i386 emulation
-GPS receiver
-EDGE/GPRS/3G receiver
-GSM base station
-WLAN receiver
-ADSL receiver
-ethernet router & firewall + port
-bluetooth receiver
-radio receiver
-HardPowerOff (to truly shut off ATX power)
-Oscilloscope (*)
-DataAcuistion (industry, home automation, car automation) (*)
-Retro ROM module reader
-PATA IDE controller
-SCSI controller
-Firewire controller/bus
-yet another USB port
-yet another RS232 port
-Zorro2 controller/bus
-A1200 clock port(s)
-Amiga/PC floppydrive controller (*)
-Bridge to Amiga 1200 "local bus" (original AmigaInc&Eyetech kludge idea)
-adaptor for original Amiga keyboards (for example for A500kb or as a version of Keyrah)
-keyboard switcher
-Car computer connections
-Home automation control bus
-MIDI Ports
-Amiga/Atari joystic ports (eight simultaneous digital joystics, etc.) (*)
-Playstation/Xbox Joystick ports
-PC joystick ports
-Parallel ports
-IR port
-Discolights controller
-video out -port (320x256)
-adapter to use indivision AGA, NatamiAGA, OCS,...
-Display Controllers (sevensegment, matrix LED display)
-MP4 encoder/decoder (or adapter to MPEG4 chip)
-video capture/digitizer
-multichannel digiTV receiver (and decryption, cable, terrestial and satellite) (*)
-iPad/iPhone adapter
-other future port/bus
The best ones (IMO) are marked with (*).
Edited by KimmoK on 2017/5/22 11:01:07
Edited by KimmoK on 2017/5/22 11:01:57