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AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Over the last few months, a *lot* of work has been done quietly in the background by the AmigaDeveloper.com Team. I am very grateful for their hard work and also the great work by the beta test and translation team who diligently every week assist in ensuring the software meets good standards.

The Team now numbers 21 developers and work on both the OS4 and OS3 version of the Enhancer has resulted in a more than 500 additional commits to the source code repository. Many applications, classes and libraries have been updated and there are some exciting new additions to the Enhancer Software.

Resized Image

OpenGL ES 2.0 library has now been extended to include Stencil buffer support for use with the new Warp3D Nova v1.27. This will no doubt be welcomed by 3D games developers who want to port OpenGL ES 2.0 games across to AmigaOS.

TuneNet has been updated now to add localisation language support. This was much requested and I hope it will please the many users that contacted me for it. It now also features an Arexx interface so it can be controlled by a Rexx script or command.

MultiViewer v2, Ringhio Notifications and X-Dock have had a lot of tweaks and changes over the last few months to meet user requests and suggestions.

We are encouraged and pleased that users are so passionate about the Enhancer Software project and the enthusiastic feedback we have received over the last few months. It is a really a positive motivational factor to help us continue investing in new software development.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just can't stay away
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Kudos to everyone involved. It's great to see action on the OS4 side
And the Enhancer Software package also entered the ACube online shop (in the software section). One more piece in the puzzle

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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It's truly a team effort and thanks also to our friends at ACube for their support. Great to see it listed!

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just can't stay away
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Are the updates available for users who already own the Enhancer package?

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Of course, there will be free updates, these are in preparation now, please watch this space.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Great !

Will this include the new Radeon HD driver with fixes for Radeon HD taht were not working with 2.15 ?

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Yes, the new RadeonHD driver is included.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Home away from home
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Good to hear!

@Elwood Quote:
the Enhancer Software package also entered the ACube online shop

Although I am a bit puzzled as to why ACube are (were?) still selling their Sam460CR with a RadeonHD 5450 graphics card, as that doesn't support Warp3D Nova (nor RadeonHD driver v2.x) as far as I know...

Anyway, this is going off-topic :)

EDIT: Apparently the 5450 is supported by 2.x drivers. Just not Nova.

Edited by ChrisH on 2016/7/27 15:49:27
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Do not really understand.
New updates for the system, only is it included in the pay package? Not a free upgrade Hyperion?
I have OS4.1 classic, I know that I can not use Nova or OpenGL, but could buy Tabor, if it is reasonably priced.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Don't worry, I wouldn't want to speak for them of course, however, I would speculate that Hyperion will, resource permitting, continue to update their classes, gadgets and libraries etc in future as they have done in the past. It is best to look out for any announcements on their website and/or blog for official news.

The majority of the applications/utilities in the Enhancer Software are built on fresh new classes, gadgets and libraries so these need regular future investment and development to provide the functionality that we require going forward. Wherever possible, these are also ported for OS3 so it is important to get a common code base.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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The RadeonHD 5450 is supported fully by the RadeonHD v2 driver. We certainly would want to talk to any coders out there that want to use the new Warp3D Nova DDK to develop a 3D driver for the 5450.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I understand, thanks for replying.
OpenGL, alias "the reclaimed", finally is coming.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Guys probably you dont know one thing
amigaOS is the only one PowerPc OS who have a working SI GLES2 3D ... On Linux PowerPC the RadeonSi is not working and i think will need time for have to be fixed.
After many years we can say we have something working that others dont have thanks to Aeon and Amigakit investments

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Hi, I asked wether, and what version of the enhancer package would work on my system, byt I didn't get a reply.
I wonder if you could reply on here?

I have an Amigaonne A1G3 8oomhz with IBM PowerPC 750FX, 512mb fast ram, Radeon 9250 graphics card.

Thanks for any help, and sorry if this is abit off topic.

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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The Enhancer Software Standard contains a lot of new software for a wide range of 4.1 systems.

The majority of the components in the Enhancer Software will work with any system which has 4.1 Update 6 or Final Edition. So you will be able to use the new versions of MultiEdit, MultiViewer, Exchanger, ClipViewer, RequestChooser, InfoWindow Tool, Ringhio Notifications, TuneNet, SFS2, AmiDVD, PartitionWizard, X-Dock, new Format tool, all the new classes, gadgets and datatypes.

With your system, the only parts which will not work are the RadeonHD driver, CANDI and Warp3D Nova.

Please check out: http://wiki.amiga.org/enhancersoftware for more information

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Home away from home
Home away from home

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@tlosm Quote:
amigaOS is the only one PowerPc OS who have a working SI GLES2 3D ... On Linux PowerPC the RadeonSi is not working

I guess you must be sure about that, but I find it slightly surprising when AmigaKit/AEon says this about the "UBuntu Remix DVD for AmigaONE X1000":
Not only is Ubuntu now easy to setup and use on the AmigaONE X1000, the custom Linux Kernel includes full 3D hardware support for series 4xxx, 5xxx and 6xxx RadeonHD graphics cards

http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/c ... info.php?products_id=1176

I guess it depends on what you class as "full 3d hardware support"...

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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Some more really good news today, the following developments were completed:

Warp3D Nova v1.28
OpenGL ES 2.0 library v1.4

The new additions are Mip Mapping to complement the recent Stencil buffer support!

Another large step forward for 3D on AmigaOS.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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He said Southern Islands (7xxx) cards which are not listed as having "full 3d hardware support" in your quote.

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Even with reduced features, would be great working in the Classic OS4 Radeon,(to squeeze the maximum and all that)

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
Quite a regular
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The minimum vintage card to support Nova (and its Shaders) would have to have the Radeon R300 chipset, the R250 is simply too old.

Now if anyone wants to help get a driver done for R300, contact me - I will do everything that I can to help.

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