@Rob @nbache
Thank you so much for your suggestions Rob and Niels.
I dublicated the old monitor driver in Ramdisk and named it RadeonHD with
CMPLENGHT adjusted.

When I double click it I get this error

I am fairy new to AmigaOS, so how would I know that this monitor is
assigned or trying to assign to the 7750?
At least it shows up in my screenmode prefs.

But unfortunately while the 7750 is regonized as a VGA controller, it doesn't actually get "mounted" as
a graphics board.
There is only graphics board 0/1, the 9250

I also tried renaming the ATI Radeon driver 'Radeon9250' and now when I reboot the 9250 uses the RadeonHD
monitor driver :P
I have a dvd drive with OS4 by hand so if something goes wrong I can always boot off the disc and revert any
changes I made,
so go nuts with your suggestions!
Curiously, looking in my OS4 FE disc there are three seperate driver monitors for the permedia, radeon and
3dfx voodoo.
The Radeon and Voodoo monitor drivers have identical settings and are identical in size, so why would there
be a need for two seemingly identical monitor
drivers? perhaps there's more than that meets the eye?
Perhaps a Radeon HD user could PM me their monitor driver or would that not allowed here since it could be
considered part of a commercial product?
I don't think that the issue lies with the PEX8111 adapter.
PCI cards without any bridge chip and bridge chips themselves resides in "PCI bus 0" (according to uboot's
PCI scan command)
AGP & 66Mhz cards resides in bus 1
Any card behind a bridge chip resides in bus 2 and higher,
My 7750 resides in bus 2. (PEX8111 is in bus 0)
I also have this multi I/O card with a Sil3112 sata, NEC USB and firewire chips connected with a bridge chip
which resides in bus 3 and it works flawlessly,
typing this with a usb keyboard connected to that card.
I can also rearrange the cards IRL so that the 7750 is in bus 3 and the multi I/O card is in bus 2,
which makes no difference, Multi I/O is fine and 7750 bails out at the OS4 loading splash screen or is
asleep when I boot with AGP.