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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Not too shy to talk


Having a proper session down in AmigaLand - Transplant rocking on the A1200, and Super Star Blast going on my X5000.

You just need to get hold of Seek and Destroy now. There's an Amiga version for your A1200 and enhanced DOS version for emulation on your X5000.

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Re: Why not use the second core for chipset emulation?
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Not too shy to talk


Which brings me to the idea I posed in the title. On the PowerPC machines that have an extra core that isn't used, could it be feasible to use that core to run a chipset emulator? If it's never preempted, it should be easier to keep timing, albeit it has to emulate several different chips, but none of them run at clock speeds close to the core's real clock speed.

The question would be how much additional and useful software would be able to run directly in OS4 with such a solution. I sold my BPPC before OS4 was available for it so I've never been able to make a comparision between PPC hardware with the chipset and hardware without. I do know that WHDload is fundamentally incompatible with OS4, so the vast majority of games that require the chipset simply cant be run without resorting to UAE.

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Re: AmiStore purchases and downloads
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Not too shy to talk

You mean get users to sign a pre-authorization agreement on an Amistore website which then enables them to purchase from the Amistore with one click?**

Yes, I think that could be done.

I think that would be the optimal solution for most users and alternative payment options from within the Amistore app for users that want to use a different payment method.

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Re: AmiStore purchases and downloads
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Not too shy to talk


AFAIK, there's one big road-block in the way of achieving this: payment processor APIs require a working modern web browser. For security reasons credit card numbers need to be sent directly to the payment processor (PayPal, Stripe, etc.). That way only the payment processor needs to have a PCI DSS level security.

What if Amistore only transmitted non-sensitive data such as your username and a code for the product you wish to purchase, and your card details were saved in your account on the Amistore website. On the server side it would reference the product code and username and charge your card accordingly.

A continous payment agrement (CPA) provides the framework for the merchent to charge your card as and when for a non-predetermined amount

My question as someone who isn't a web developer is, can an automated payment be prompted from an external source in this way?

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Re: AmiStore purchases and downloads
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Not too shy to talk


I haven't suffered any bugs when using Amistore but I don't like the clunky payment system and the fact that Paypal charges aren't factored into prices displayed on Amistore.

I'd rather it if the server side could deal with card payments directly from within Amistore. Having to open a browser, or more likely get a link emailed so you can complete the payment using another device isn't the greatest experience. If Amigakit want to sell the A600GS to a wider audience they really need to focus getting a payment system more in line with users expectations based on the experience of app stores on other platforms.

Lastly, software not compatible with 68k systems needs to filtered out as standard so, if not outright excluded so as not to cause confusion and dissapointment.

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Re: RadeonRX.chip
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Not too shy to talk


Also I notice in my updater, I see I do not have W3D Nova Bridge Library installed.

Is this an application that will help the Radeon RX card, so far from what I can find about it, I could be wrong here, it is just a software library or driver to allow you to play classic games in 3d from what I gather?

Nova Bridge is a wrapper for software that requires Warp 3D to run. It's especially useful for RX cards since there is no RX Warp3D driver.

I guess it's usefulness on A1222+ will depend on whether or not Warp3D Nova software runs at acceptable frame rates.

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Re: Trying to decide between buying an X5000 and an A1222+
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Not too shy to talk


€20 cheaper and with better specifications.

https://amigastore.eu/en/981-sam-460le ... ured-complete-system.html

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Re: AmigaOne A122 Plus Motherboard Arrived Today
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Not too shy to talk

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Re: AmiTV 0.4 (CX2388X and Bt8x8)
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Not too shy to talk


It seems unlikely after all this time. Your best chance of a definitive answer would to try and contract by email.

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Re: OctaMEDPlayer from A-EON Technology (WIP)
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Not too shy to talk


It was in a reply to you in the A600GS thread over at Amigaworld.


Our developer tested the A600GS preloaded with A-EON's OctaMED v8 and a USB to Midi cable. it succesfully played through his MIDI equipment and he was able to edit the Midi generated tunes.

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Re: OctaMEDPlayer from A-EON Technology (WIP)
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Not too shy to talk


Dunno how they handle the midi on A600GS, but an USB MIDI interface would be the closest option.

Mathew confirmed USB to MIDI is already working.

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Re: Catweasel SID player
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He hasn't logged in for some time but there are other ways to contact him.

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Re: SketchBlock XMas Card Video 2023
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Not too shy to talk

Don't forget to click the like button on Youtube.

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Re: Advice for X1000 Video Card
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Not too shy to talk


I don't know where you're based but Ebuyer in the UK still have stock of R7 240 cards with GDDR5.
There may be other retailers with SI cards out there.

RX550 doesn't seem to hard to get hold. Higher end cards are out there but you pay a premium if it from well known brand, there cheaper cards from Chinese brands you've never heard of.

Do you still have the 4000 series card? You might probably need a working display to set the system up before swapping over to the RX. Since you already have an RX560 it might be worth testing with that before adding another card to yout collection.

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Re: AmigaOS 4 does not boot anymore after installing the RadeonHD V5 driver
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Not too shy to talk


; not >, and before MODULE, to disable a kickstart module.

I should feel ashamed for making such an error.

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Re: AmigaOS 4 does not boot anymore after installing the RadeonHD V5 driver
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Not too shy to talk


Put a > before radeonHD.chip in the kicklayout.

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Re: have you seen this?
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Not too shy to talk


The leaked source is for the first game in the series, simply known as Wipeout. The exisiting Amiga version is Wipeout 2097 which is the second game in the series.

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Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
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Not too shy to talk

I agree that limited hardware in the marketplace means every sale to an existing user does not grow our community.

Some Sam440 and low end AmigaOne or Pegasos systems will likely make their way to the second hand market providing a cheaper route for some new users who may condsider the current hardware to be too expensive.

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Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

If the devs can get Aladdin4D or Lightwave running (even if slowly running), I'd be more likely to consider it.

A-EON own Aladdin4D so there is at least hope that ther'll be an SPE version if they port it to OS4.

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Re: compositing engine technical talks
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Not too shy to talk

Then question arise why it didn't done for example on MorphOS, or they simply do use when need it necessary Radeon's hardware features without praising it like "engine" , and not provide 3d party users with such easy APIs ?

MorphOS has included it's own compositing engine called layers3D since 2.0, which was released a few months before OS4.1.

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