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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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I don't suppose there's two "same" CPUs with different L2 cache size and running OS4? Example: 750FX and 750GX. It should be important here.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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New version uploaded:

There should be no crash on startup on some machines (use SDL2 with pthreads instead of native threads, to be deal later in SDL2), as well as added "version" as samo79 suggest. Version string looks like this

ram:> version DOSBox
DOSBox r4293 (20.11.2019), build date (22.1.2020)

That will stay like this because date of svn code and of build date are different of course.

Plz check that one now, if all will be well then os4depot time.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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I still have problems to show fps in quake1: I have quake v1.01 (original version) and just seems that version have issues to show fps. I.e. "timedemo demo1" runs, but runs on usuall speed, and when ends, no FPS showed for me , it just starts second level. I read in google some ppls have those issues with some quake1 versions (looks like).

Probabaly some patches need it..

EDIT: oh yeah, that was it. Patched to 1.06 verios and fps there.

So on x5000/020 have 17 fps by default. With x5000/050 it probabaly around 21-22. On morphzone zukow made a jit version for morphos, and on his G5 which is 2.3ghz he have 22FPS. So if x5000/020 give 17fps with 2ghz cpu, then safely to assume that x5000/040 with 2.2 will give around 20-22 as well.

EDIT2: Managed to get 18fps on my x5k in q1 when removing all crap i load when system starts.

Edited by kas1e on 2020/1/22 12:11:08
Edited by kas1e on 2020/1/22 12:22:51
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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Can't reproduce your issue with non-centering window. I have set scallers to none, set fullscreen to true, and fullscreen size to 1920x1080, and when i run dos-box its in center, as well as when run games in some 320x240 it also in center.

Maybe some specific mode cause that ? Or maybe some other settings has been changed in your config?

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Seems now to work okay on my maschine. Thank you.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Ok that new version works as expected, no crash anymore
I did some benchmark with pcpbench using this new release compared to the first beta 1 you release before, no change visible

0.6 with normal core and 2.6 using dynamic again

Only noted now a small minor issue
When you iconify DOSBox (with a game running), the name of the iconified icon will use the entire path of where DOSBox is installed

For example i started a game, i iconified it and under the iconified icon i have this:


Instead of just "DOSBox"

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Only noted now a small minor issue
When you iconify DOSBox (with a game running), the name of the iconified icon will use the entire path of where DOSBox is installed

That if you run it not from directory where dosbox are, but from somewhere else. Its SDL2 handle that part, and its just "dosbox" when you run it from the place where it placed.

If you didn't then full path is used (probabaly because you use runinuae).

Need to ask Capehill to deal with it. I remember there were some issues about and he fix them (but maybe only in SDL1 version?)

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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If you didn't then full path is used (probabaly because you use runinuae).

Infact, if i start them using RunInDOSBox it pick the full path ..

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Thanks for your updates. Can anyone get Red Alert to run? Try as I may I cannot. I have it installed and CD mounted but it just hangs on executing RA. I have C&C installed and working fine.


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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Can't reproduce your issue with non-centering window. I have set scallers to none, set fullscreen to true, and fullscreen size to 1920x1080, and when i run dos-box its in center, as well as when run games in some 320x240 it also in center.

Maybe some specific mode cause that ? Or maybe some other settings has been changed in your config?

The problem is the fullresolution option. I set "fullresolution = original". Effect screen 640x480 with non-centered lo-res screen. However, when I set "fullresolution = 640x480", the lo-res screen is already centered.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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EDIT: oh yeah, that was it. Patched to 1.06 verios and fps there.

So on x5000/020 have 17 fps by default. With x5000/050 it probabaly around 21-22. On morphzone zukow made a jit version for morphos, and on his G5 which is 2.3ghz he have 22FPS. So if x5000/020 give 17fps with 2ghz cpu, then safely to assume that x5000/040 with 2.2 will give around 20-22 as well.

EDIT2: Managed to get 18fps on my x5k in q1 when removing all crap i load when system starts.

I noticed that cycles=auto gives better results than cycles = max. On X1000 cycles=auto, I have 11.6 fps on Quake and the CPU time in timedemo is in the range 87% - 95%. In the case of cycles = max, I have 70% - 85% CPU usage and 9.7fps result.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Sorry, I'm withdrawing from the last coment. There are no major differences between cycles max and auto. I was wrong because I accidentally launched the previous -O3 compilation, and this one is always faster and consumes more CPU power onQuake timedemo, compared to the last version.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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I think it all just the same, be it with -O3 or -O2, or it cycles max or auto. Speed always different, especially after 5-10 runs. It may sometime show you 10 fps, sometimes 11.5, sometimes 9.5. For me, on x5k it can be sometimes 18.2, sometimes 17.4, sometimes 17.7 in quake1 (and CPU loading looks the same always, be it -O2 or -O3).

I also can't make a RedAlert to work at the moment. Installation went fine, but the running of an actual game stuck.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Thanks, I thought it was just me. Apparently the install doesn't like the setting dynamic but I set to normal, installed and all went fine, changed back to dynamic still no luck. Copied over and install from PC which works on DOSBOX there but again no change. Love your work.


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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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For me RedAlert's installer works with both normal and dynamic cores, but running fail the same for both dynamic and normal cores :)

Was succefully tested The Settler 2 and TombRaider : speed very good with dynamic core, but TombRaider may fail from time to time to runs with dynamic core, but when you are, then it works fine.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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I put latest archive on os4depot, its in upload query. But as there was another version uploaded by Corto (which now included in my archive for sake of) it probably will send him remind if he ok with replace.

I also send him a mail about, but have no reply.

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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yesterday i parched doxbox svn with the diff on linux ppc. result no issue with the diff but when i try to select the core=dynamic doxbox reply me it swithced to auto because the option core was not available.
Did you make more implementation on the AOS sources extra diff for make it work??


X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
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Code for JIT PPC is not into dosbox repository yet

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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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i know, i had use the same core patch used from kas1e for his aos version

X5000/40 16GB
RasperryPi 1-2-3-4-(5)
A500 Mini.
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Re: Latest DOSBOX : with PPC dynamic recompiler and stuff , right there!
Home away from home
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I only replace aos4 special case to avoid malloc(), which should be used for linux.

Just follow thread from begining, there was some other things to do to make patch work (some settings need to be changed in config.h after you create it by configure)

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