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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Try with IOS argument this seems to work here also with higher resolutions. But i have not tested a lot Videos.

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Re: X1000: Sapphire RadeonHD 7950 Dual-X 3GB
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I don't know the current status, but when choosing the HD driver you have to take into account that the warm start is probably no longer possible with the V5.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
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Just popping in

Thank for answer.
And yes, quicker cold start would probably be okay too.
But unfortunately the Early Startup Menu doesn't work so also anymore.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
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Just popping in

At the risk of making myself unpopular or annoying, can we hope that the soft reset will work sometime again? For me, it is a defenetive part of the AmigaOS.

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Re: NVMe device driver
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Okay, thank you. Then i'll look further where the problem here with snoopy is.

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Re: NVMe device driver
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Just popping in

Could someone please try whether Snoopy with you
still running with NVMe device driver installed?
I don't feel like opening the computer again to test it ;)


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Re: NVMe device driver
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Just popping in

Hope he works also on RX driver, which seems to have the same issue here on X1000 and RX550.

Edited by TearsOfMe on 2023/4/14 13:45:12
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Re: NVMe device driver
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Just popping in

RadeonHD 3.7

HD Card in Slot 1
PCIe NVMe Card in Slot 2

according to Nemo manual.

With RX Card.
PCIe NVMe Card in Slot 1
RX 550 Card in Slot2

RX in Slot 1 and NVMe in Slot 2 not work.

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Re: NVMe device driver
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Just popping in

My NVMe is arrived. So here my impressions from installation on the X1000:
There were a few problems here.
At first it only worked with the HD graphics card, with the RX the computer stopped when
booting. Then I moved the RX from the top slot to the next and the nvme to the top slot
and then it boots. Load Kickstart from ssd and then load the Workbench from the nvme
does not work here. The partition shows in the boot menu and had a higher priority but does not
boot from it. Only if you select it yourself it boots the Workbench from the NVMe.
Testet with FFS and SFS. Strange.

P.S.: And now that I had the HD in again with which the soft reset still works, I'm reminded
even more that it's really stupid without one :(

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DZ3vI ... sXsPWYr/view?usp=drivesdk

Edited by TearsOfMe on 2023/4/1 17:44:13
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Re: NVMe device driver
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Just popping in


I have ordered a NVMe and PCI-E card and already entered the device into the kicklayout in advance.
Without the NVMe is installed, the device seems to stop booting. Would be nice to add something that it
continues to boot without NVME. I had to boot from CD to change the kicklayout back.
Or at least write a warning in the readme.

Unless it is only a problem for me?

Thank you for the device. Is there an address for donations?

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Here are my timedemo results on an X1000 with Radeon RX550 on 1920x1080 fullscreen.

Doom3 AOS4 joystick: No joystick found, please! connect your joystick.
terminal support disabled
pid: 170
2048 MB System Memory
guessing video ram ( use +set sys_videoRam to force ) ..
256 MB Video Memory
doom using generic code for SIMD processing
Using 8 color bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display
OpenGL vendor: ptitSeb
OpenGL renderer: GL4ES wrapper
OpenGL version: 2.1 gl4es wrapper 1.1.5

]set r_renderer "arb2"
]timedemo demo1 usecache
2148 frames rendered in 126.8 seconds = 16.9 fps

]set r_renderer "glgs"
using GLSL AmigaOS4 renderSystem
]timedemo demo1 usecache
2148 frames rendered in 84.9 seconds = 25.3 fps

]set r_renderer "arb"
using ARB AmigaOS4 renderSystem
]timedemo demo1 usecache
2148 frames rendered in 39.1 seconds = 55.0 fps

Runs great so far no crashes :)


Are the savegames of this version compatible with possibly upcoming newer versions?

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Re: Amiga X5040 ByTech Backlite USB Keyboard Issue
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Just popping in

Someone wrote that the USB stack of OS4 is very strict.
So also with the power consumption of the connected devices itself
on strictly adheres to the specification.
If the device draws too much current the stack probably switches it off.
for safety's sake.
Hope my statements are correct so far, I have heard that once
to have.
And no idea if that might be the case here. Maybe wotrh a try with a powered HUB.

Edited by TearsOfMe on 2023/1/12 11:59:05
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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in


So I have now tryed the ISO from the Install CD on the CFCard which is plugged into the old IDE port. As expected, it does not work after all.

This error message appears.
Unknown files system on disk /pxp@0,e000000/pci@11/pci@14,1/ide0.0

So I had in the past only written the amigaboot.of and the Kickstart things to the CFCard in the IDE Port, which is set up with FFS.
(Because my Sata and CFCard port was defective and therfore not able to find an amigaboot.of on SSD/HD. Only on the CD and IDE Port i was able to boot then.

So also no ISO boot from the port. At least with an iso on a cfcard in an ide2cf adapter here.

EDIT: In cfe it is possible to display the dir with -fs=iso but amigaboot fails.

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Just tested it but can't get a reproducible Result so far.

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Okay, all fine now.
Seems there is a problem with an Programm that starts with my wbstartup.
When i remove all programms it works.
So not a problem of Dheewm3 at all :).

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Thanks for the update.
Works great and is like kas1e wrote faster.

At all one more question: When the game has finished, can you
continue to work in the system?
I have to restart the computer, it freezes completely.
But that was already the case with the previous updates.
This is on an X1000.

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in

As i remember i tryed this ISO on the card solution not. Only amigaboot.of and the Kickstart files in a ffs partition. Sata1 has not work for me, dont now anymore why.
Sorry, all so long ago.

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

I recorded a video with my Smartphone from the timedemo1.
AmigaOneX1000 with RX550. doom3 update4.
Use kas1e usecache and the config from the archive in Fullscreen.

Usecache seems to raise fps a little bit up to 15.1fps.
Is it useable in game or only timedemo?

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Played it today for 3 hours straight without crashing. Here on X1000 with an RX550 timedemo gives 13.1 FPS with ARB2. Update4.

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Re: Official release date of Doom3 for AmigaOS4
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Just popping in

Thanks for the info.
Seems there are more and more 040 in the wild ;) Cool.

Edited by TearsOfMe on 2022/10/23 18:31:47
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