Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2007/10/25 10:21 Last Login
: 2022/6/11 0:35
From Gothenburg / Sweden
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Thats amistart, best windows alike startbar i used. Even under os4. But since os4 got composition effects (transparency) i stopped using it. Dont work good together with that so one had to go.
Darius Brewka got ill in a if i remember right accident (car?) so theres no updating for it otherwise i would still use it. Good coder and really helpfull and he made alot of stuff i needed in it. Havent heard much after the accident.
Anyway, if you feel you dont like it, just disable it. I think its under wbstartup or something like that. Havent run emulator on my windows machine for long time. But i really need to setup an amikit installation one day :) I only have an own setup from my a4000 that i copied over to my laptop. Works but i never update it so amikit would be better.