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AmiKit XE updated on all platforms!
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AmiKit, the high-end Amiga experience package, has been updated on all platforms.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. --Ján

WEBSITE: www.amikit.amiga.sk
CHANGELOG: bit.ly/amikitx-changelog


- AmiKit turns your computer into a powerful Amiga desktop. It includes 400+ apps and retro games.
- We've done all the hard work for you. Everything is pre-instaled and pre-configured & ready to use out of the box
- AmiKit runs super fast on your Windows, Mac, Linux or Raspberry Pi thanks to WinUAE/Amiberry emulator
- Enjoy your beloved Amiga computer in a modern retro power suit!

NOTE: For AmiKit to work you do need original Amiga Operating System files (Amiga Forever is recommended​).

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
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Uh. I am sorry to hear that.

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AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
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New AmiKit XE 11.6.1 update for Windows/Mac/Linux can use AmigaOS 3.2 now!
The Raspberry Pi edition of AmiKit will also get a similar update soon.

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Please be advised that you still need an earlier AmigaOS version (like Amiga Forever, OS3.9, etc.) to install AmiKit first. Then you can install AmigaOS 3.2 on top of it.


- AmiKit turns your computer into a powerful Amiga desktop. It includes 400+ apps and retro games.
- We've done all the hard work for you. Everything is pre-instaled and pre-configured & ready to use out of the box
- AmiKit runs super fast on your Windows, Mac, Linux or Raspberry Pi thanks to WinUAE/Amiberry emulator
- Enjoy your beloved Amiga computer again, now in a modern retro power suit!

IMPORTANT NOTE: For AmiKit to work you do need original Amiga Operating System files (Amiga Forever is recommended​).


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AmiKit XE 11.7.0 for Raspberry Pi 4/400
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The well-known high-end Amiga emulation package has just been updated! www.amikit.amiga.sk/raspberry

The Sweet Autumn Update is increasing performance and security as well as delivering a bunch of program updates.
It also includes 3 songs in memory of Paul van der Valk. Enjoy!

For detailed changelog please check bit.ly/amikitx-changelog

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AmiKit XE for Raspberry has recently been reviewed
in Amiga Addict magazine #6: www.amiga-addict.com

Edited by AmiKit on 2021/10/9 12:25:03
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Re: DevPack 1.11
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Philipp tried to contact you via email and PM too. Since we have no response from you I rather removed your software from the package.

Once again, sorry about the incident. It was our bad.

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Re: DevPack 1.1
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Quite a regular

Sorry about that. We really contacted everyone. I’ll check with the creators of the DevPack and they will get in touch with you ASAP (if they haven’t done that yet). Meanwhile, in private message, please let me know your real name and the software name. I can remove it from the DevPack instantly if you wish.

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Re: DevPack 1.1
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The software packages are included with the authors’ permissions. Thank you for your concern.

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DevPack 1.11
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Development Package 1.1 for AmigaOS / AmiKit released!

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It's a set of programming languages and tools for your developer needs. Now available as LZX or HDF.


Edited by AmiKit on 2021/7/31 8:37:43
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Re: AmiKit XE for Raspberry Pi 4/400 released!
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Thank you for your support! Hope you like it.

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AmiKit XE for Raspberry Pi 4/400 released!
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For more info click www.amikit.amiga.sk

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Free download of AmiKit X. Merry Christmas!
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The legendary Amiga emulation pack for Windows/Mac/Linux - AmiKit X from 2017 - is now available as "Pay what you want" download!

The year of 2020 was tough. Let's make it a bit nicer together. Merry Christmas!
--Jan, the author

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Grab your copy from AmiKit website at www.amikit.amiga.sk Or get in touch via Facebook or Twitter.

Edited by AmiKit on 2020/12/26 12:45:55
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Re: Free AmiKit update for all WinUAE & Vampire users released
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Updating of winuae.exe from within AmigaOS is possible (amazing!) but as far as I know there's no way to locate its path. So the update scripts blindly tries the most common paths like C:/Program Files (x86)/AmiKit XE/WinUAE/ etc. The new script is trying more paths :)

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Re: Free AmiKit update for all WinUAE & Vampire users released
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Meanwhile I released a maintenance update for WinUAE users and thus bumping the AmiKit XE version to 11.4.1. Cheers!

CHANGELOG: bit.ly/amikitx-changelog

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Re: Free AmiKit update for all WinUAE & Vampire users released
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Funny that AmiKit news received zero comments on this server for years. Suddenly there are many. I am not sure what’s worse 😅

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Free AmiKit update for all WinUAE & Vampire users released
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AmiKit 11.4.0: Today's update brings a new action-platform game and a very cool old-skool module player too! If you like them, donate to their authors and support their efforts, please.

AmiKit based on WinUAE now includes new OSX visual theme in MorpheuZ. Oh, and we did something we thought it's impossible - we've managed to update winuae.exe purely from AmigaOS! We're still amazed 🙂

As always, we've also updated some software on the way and squashed some bugs too. Thank you for your feedback!
To update your AmiKit, simply boot it and the LiveUpdate window will pop up automatically.

Note for Vampire users: full TCP/IP stack (not demo) is recommended to download the update.

COMPLETE CHANGELOG: http://bit.ly/amikitx-changelog

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AmiKit XE 11.2 - free gaming update
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Today's update brings a number of legendary games to your AmiKit! One of them is premiering on Amiga, actually. It's an action role-playing hack and slash game called 👹Diablo (shareware). Yes, that's right! And you can play it in a window on your Workbench too!

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The same with 🌅Dune II - you can play it in a window thanks to OpenDUNE port which enhances the original version as well (note that you need the original games files).

We've also included a DOS emulator called DOSBox with several shareware games pre-installed like 🕌Prince of Persia 1 & 2, 💥Wolfenstein3D and 🍄SuperMario. Nice, right?

If you have kids, they will love 🦄Elfie the Unicorn! We've also included a special easy peasy version for them.

The update also contains a handful of important software updates and fixes. Enjoy!


It's a breeze - the update is free for all XE users. Simply boot your AmiKit XE and the new update will appear automatically. If you don't have AmiKit XE yet, check out our website for what you missed If you have older AmiKit X, there are special upgrade options for you!


For details and complete changelog please visit www.amikit.amiga.sk



AmiKit turns your PC or Mac into powerful Amiga. AmiKit is a polished collection of 420 pre-installed AmigaOS3.x apps and retro games.

We've done all the hard work for you. Everything is pre-configured and well designed. Actually, it shows just how far ahead of its time the Amiga software design really was!

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New AmiKit XE 11.1 released as a free update for all XE users!
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Quite a regular

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[click to enlarge]

Besides various improvements and fixes, the new live update brings powerful OS4 IconEditor to 68k platform thanks to Paul E. Bloedel. Now the OS3.x users can finally create and edit PNG icons with ease.

Thanks to MUIMapparium you can explore world, create way points, tracks and routes too. Programmed by ALB42.

With ModExplorer, created by Joerg Renkert, get ready to explore the world of music modules and SID songs. There are 125.000 of them available!

Like Pacman? Besides Deluxe Pacman there's now a Hollywood clone running on the Workbench screen. Enjoy!

For more details check: complete changelog.



It's a polished collection of hundreds of pre-configured AmigaOS3.x programs running on Windows, Mac and Linux.

WEBSITE: www.amikit.amiga.sk


The update is free for all XE users. Merry Christmas!

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New AmiKit XE released!
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Quite a regular

💙We're proud to present new AmiKit XE 11, the high-end Amiga emulation package for Windows, Mac and Linux! Now also available on bootable Crystal USB flash disk drive!

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🤪After 6 months of intensive work, with your great support, we have been able release a new major version of AmiKit for you.


🌀Do you remember the good old blue Amiga Workbench 1.2 from 1986? You can revive your childhood memories with our new Modern Retro theme preset!

⚡New AmiKit XE includes 20 new features, 29 new programs & plugins, 6 new games, 4 new demos, and 22 software updates.

💥New MorpheuZ now offers 3 complete visual presets for you to choose from. Plus 8 different desktop elements themes and 7 different startup-backdrop themes.

😎And much more. Check all details in changelog.

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💚Special upgrade options are available for existing AmiKit X customers, of course. New AmiKit XE is here only thanks YOU!

Website: www.amikit.amiga.sk
Social: facebook.com/AmiKit
Quick Guide: bit.ly/AmiKit-QuickGuide

P.S. Oh, and we've refreshed Flower Pot too! 👍

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Re: AmiKit X 10.5.3 released
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Quite a regular

Now there's a countdown timer: www.amikit.amiga.sk ;)

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AmiKit X 10.5.3 released
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Quite a regular

We've just released AmiKit X 10.5.3 Live Update!

And we've refreshed AmiKit 8 and 9 too.

But the real storm is still coming... www.amikit.amiga.sk

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