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Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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I can't get the games to play in full screen mode as I used to do before the new fresh installation of the AOS in my SAM460ex

When I right click on the RunInUAE to set the screen size and then select default, I am presented with a window about 640 x 512 in size on a white background.

My AmigaOS4.1 workbench screen is working fine. I'm using a 21" LCD Hi Def LG monitor.

My screen size in Prefs is using RADEON RV73: 1280 X 1024 AR, visible size 1,280 x 1,024.

How can I make the games in RunInUAE play in full-screen?

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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First of all you need an actual resolution, so RuninUAE can pick that up and use it.

If i read that correctly

My screen size in Prefs is using RADEON RV73: 1280 X 1024 AR, visible size 1,280 x 1,024.

you only have one screen size set?

If thats the case
1) Go to System:Devs/Monitors and right-click your monitor driver
2) Choose "Information"
3) Change to the "Icon" tab
See if there are lots of other screenmode resolutions commented out ()
Uncomment the 640x480 screenmode
4)Go to step 6)

If you have done that and it works for you you can also try to
5) Set DDCMode=All
6) Reboot

If the screenmode comes up in Screenmode prefs

Righ-click the RuninUAE window
Shared Settings/Set Default Screen Size to -- 640x480 (Slower, but always supported)


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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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Thank you. This is what worked for me.

Righ-click the RuninUAE window
Shared Settings/Set Default Screen Size to -- 640x480 (Slower, but always supported)

In any case, these were my settings under DEVS/Monitors Icon Tab. Please see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ed7vp05fecx0apc/DEVSMonitors?dl=0

Edited by AmigOS on 2014/11/11 20:56:47
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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@AmigOS Quote:
Righ-click the RuninUAE window
Shared Settings/Set Default Screen Size to -- 640x480 (Slower, but always supported)

If that "fixed" your problem, then it sounds like you do not have a 320x256 screenmode set-up. Your performance will not be as good.

1. Did you (re)install RunInUAE after installing AmigaOS4 ?
2. If yes, did you have RadeonHD drivers installed at that time?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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I installed all OS4.1 updates through 4.1.6. Then once I got Internet up and running again, I installed updates using Amiupdate.

Also Matthew of Amigakit installed all new Radeo drivers on the spot.

But you are right, I did get a message saying that screen mode 320 x 256 is missing. How can I fix this?

In fact, Prefs/ScreenModes does not even show an active tab for "Monitors."

Edited by AmigOS on 2014/11/12 22:43:15
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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I had forgotten, but for reasons I don't really understand (ask Hans), the Radeon HD drivers don't support pixel doubling, and therefore don't support 320x240 at full-screen.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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UAE JIT is now about as fast as it is going to be. What we *now* need is hardware-accelerated (composited) scaling of UAE's display, so it can be made full-screen without taxing the CPU... Unfortunately no-one has yet taken on that task.

On the X1000 this isn't really a problem, but it seems like the Sam460 isn't quite up to it (to my surprise).

You can try setting frame-skipping (on a per-game basis). This will likely get rid of the sound stuttering, at the expense of a not entirely smooth display.

Also, there may be .uaerc settings which might help (e.g. sound buffer size), but I don't have a Sam460 on which to experiment.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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Thank you.

But who can explain why the Monitors tab in Prefs/Screenmode is grayed out (not select-able)?

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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@AmigOS Quote:
But who can explain why the Monitors tab in Prefs/Screenmode is grayed out (not select-able)?

If "Detect settings automatically" is ticked, then you cannot manually edit the screenmodes... unless you directly edit the monitor tooltypes.

If you untick "Detect settings auto", edit the screenmodes, and then re-tick it, those manual screenmodes will be disabled (which seems daft to me but that's how it is). After saving the changes, you would then need to uncomment (unbracket) them in the monitor tooltypes. That allows having manual screenmodes in addition to auto-detecting what your monitor supports. Finally reboot for the changes to take effect.

P.S. Your screenshot shows the tooltypes for the "PCIGraphics" monitor. That does not seem right, as the the RadeonHD it should normally be called "Radeon" something or other (I think).

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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I don't know how to explain that of the PCIGraphics monitor. Like I said, the Radeon drivers were installed by Matthew of Amigakit at Amiwest.

I guess I will have to contact support at Amigakit and find out.

The thing is nevertheless, that my monitor seems to be working fine with good refreshing rate, full screen mode working, etc.

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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I have Pcigraphics too in Devs/Monitors
I have installed last HD Radeon drivers from Amistore.
I can't see "Detect settings automatically" in prefs/screenmode and monitor is grayed out too here.

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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But who can explain why the Monitors tab in Prefs/Screenmode is grayed out (not select-able)?

Most likely you (and others with this problem) don't have a monitor file in DEVS:Monitors/ for your graphics card. By that, I mean A "Radeon" or "Radeon <insert rest of name>" file that matches your primary graphics card. This file is generated by the AmigaOS installer based on which card you have inserted. However, if you upgrade your card later, then the name won't match any more.

If screenmode prefs doesn't find any monitor files matching your graphics cards, then that tab will be grayed out. Despite this, you'll still have a full set of screenmodes, because Picasso96 defaults to using DDC if it can't find a monitor file for your graphics card.

It would be nice if Screenmode prefs didn't do this, and automatically created a new file if you chose to customise the settings.


I have Pcigraphics too in Devs/Monitors

The PCIGraphics monitor is for loading a secondary graphics card. Yes, Picasso96's way of loading drivers/settings is rather peculiar. The first graphics card's settings are loaded by name; the second one is done via a PCIGraphics monitor (to match PCIGraphics.card).


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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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OK. IN my case the Radeon drivers were purchased from A-EON through Amigakit and updated by Matt (Amigakit) at Amiwest this year.

Matt told me that everything was up to date, with the exception of this latest update, which I will install as soon as A-EON send me a reminder of my login.

My card is Radeon RV73 and using screen size 1280 x 1024 ARG.

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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OK. IN my case the Radeon drivers were purchased from A-EON through Amigakit and updated by Matt (Amigakit) at Amiwest this year.

Nice, but the driver doesn't matter. What's in your DEVS:Monitors/ drawer?


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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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See, that's the part I don't understand under DEVS/Monitors I only have PCIGraphics. In spite of the fact that the Radeon drivers were installed in front of me.

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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The RadeonHD driver installer doesn't create a DEVS:Monitors/ file. You don't need it unless you want to create custom modes. Creating one won't help you with RunInUAE either, because Radeon HD cards simply don't support resolutions lower than 640x480 (I tried, including with scaling).

If you still want the monitor file, do the following:
- Create a copy of PCIGraphics in DEVS/Monitors
- Rename the copy to "Radeon"**
- Change the BOARDNAME tooltype from "PCIGraphics" to "Radeon"
- Change the CMPLENGTH tooltype to CMPLENGTH=6
- Save

NOTE: You may want to check the other tooltypes to make sure that the settings are right for your computer.

Personally, I recommend that you just leave things the way that they are. You're probably better off sticking to the default setting of using DDC.


** In your case you could call it "Radeon RV730" with CMPLENGTH=12, but using "Radeon" should work with all Radeon cards.

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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Thank you for your complete explanation. I agree with your recommendation of leaving things the way they are; why rearranging the furniture if it looks nice the way it is now

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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Do you have a 640x480 screenmode listed as *available* for Workbench? (*Don't* try to use it!)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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If you are talking about the setting sin RunInUAE, I do have selected 640x480 (slower but always supported), and WHDload and adf games are working fine.

If this is wrong, then what?

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Re: Can't get the games in RunInUAE to play in full screen mode - SAM460ex
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No, I mean if you go to Sys:Prefs/ScreenMode in AmigaOS4, does it list a 640x480 resolution?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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