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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: 1/26 18:05
From Russia
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@xenic Even, and if, that bug is a bit over-feared. To say truth the real affecting is web servers / nginx and all that "server side" stuff. And even , when let's say your openssl are affected, and you run let's say apache with that ssl and offer stuff on www, then , all you can is to dump memory and find out something, but for real use you should know what exactly you want to find. Memory are big, lot of blocks , all in mess.
Probably, sshd daemons can be somehow affected, but that all make no big worry for amigas for sure. All our server-side software much older than that, and have milions of bugs which no one want to explore and hack (i laugh a bit when find out lately news on aw.net, how piru find out some "bugs" in our network SW, while there is thousands of them of course, enough just to go through any security BZ from year 2000 , and half of them we have). In other words, imho if to worry about that much, we should care then to update all our server's sw , those old apaches, aamp, and whatever we have as all of this have bunch of hardcore security holes 101%. just no one want or will hack us :)