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Re: eNewsReader feedback
Posted on: 2017/5/2 2:40
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Very impressive work!
I'll purchase it.
It works nicely opening the item into Odyssey. Might be nice to separate out the "News" gadget group into its own window, so it could coexist using less screen space as a narrow list next to Odyssey on the same screen. ie, act like a sidepanel to Odyssey.
Re: vpdf v amipdf
Posted on: 2017/2/5 17:11
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Quote: @JosDuchIt
Can onyone cnirm the AmiPDF enhancer software versonhas still the same template? Yes, those are the console options. (Not sure they all work, I've only tested a few). Tom
Re: vpdf v amipdf
Posted on: 2017/2/3 15:45
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Quote: VPDF Plus - ability to rotate pages - able to read the PDF bank statements that you can't read with AmiPDF.
Note: Both of these are now working (fonts now ok for my bank) with the newest version of AmiPDF delivered in the AEON Enhancement Pack.
Re: Trouble with YAM 2.9p and SimpleMail
Posted on: 2016/2/14 22:16
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@whose Quote: a generic "error initializing TLSv1/SSLv3 session with server "pop3.strato.de" of...". It is using port 995, as described in strato´s server configuration help. The same problem started for my pop3 mail from my Norwegian based server just about a month ago - this is a X1000 with AOS 4.1 FE. The Yam developers have fixed this with updated SSL code in Yam 2.10, but it is not released as a stable version yet. Looking at their website, some work has been done on 2.10 over the last year(s), and it looks like more has started this month. Turning off SSL for mail receiving did work for getting pop3 download to work again. The alternative is to take a chance and you can download and use the 2.10 (unstable) "nightly build" download, which I have done. As of the Feb 5th build, you can do a drop-in replacement of the Yam executable. However, as changes accumulate, you are at risk of being unable to go back to 2.9p1 later if it begins to need debugging for serious problems. Note: the nightly build download has an expiration on it (a few weeks?), so you cannot grab one and continue using it without going to a new nightly build when it expires. I could find no new announcements about Yam since last July. I just made a donation along with a request for the release of a new patch for 2.91 with the fixed SSL code. FYI. tom
Re: Does HeartBleed affect Amigas?
Posted on: 2014/4/16 2:03
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@abalaban Quote: Maybe you have activated the Odyssey option to ignore SSL errors? Nope that's not it. It seems that the "revoke" feature of SSL Certificates is not widely liked by browser writers - for performance reasons and also lack of confidence in its effectiveness. I saw a claim the Chrome just turns it off by default. I guess no one expected something like HeartBleed and there was foot-dragging. Tom
Re: Does HeartBleed affect Amigas?
Posted on: 2014/4/14 0:53
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There is also the issue that in the likely/unlikely (take you pick) event that some one or organization has been able to obtain the server's private key in the two years a server has been vulnerable, it will probably be very easy for them to create very effective mimic sites or man-in-the-middle attacks. So, the general recommendation of security experts seems to be that the vulnerable server certificates be "revoked" as well as new ones installed. Is there any way to configure Odyssey to do some sort of checking for cert revocation? As a test, try site https://revoked.grc.com, which has a revoked certificate, but the revocation is not noticed in Odyssey. TimberWolf, on the other hand, does catch this. Tom
Edited by tbreeden on 2014/4/14 14:27:47
Re: Source code of Timberwolf ?
Posted on: 2013/8/18 2:31
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Quote: samo79 wrote: ... in 365 days they never found 5 minutes just to say atleast a few words for us ?
see this topicDon't go off the deep end. It does not help to exaggerate, especially when you were in on that discussion as of late Jan 2013. Tom
Re: Can WB-launched progs get Shell command path?
Posted on: 2012/8/20 22:08
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When WB is loaded it inherits the current path set of the shell that started it. It also is possible to assign the "normal" shell path to a running Workbench later on with the "NEWPATH" option of LOADWB
from Help LOADWB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWPATH
Update the Workbench command search path to use the settings of the shell the LoadWB program runs in. Workbench uses the search path (maintained through the shell "Path" command) to find programs whose names do not include a directory name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If that is any help.
Re: X1000 pre-order part 2
Posted on: 2012/4/2 3:06
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I just received mine last week. I think I was one of the last to get in under the wire with my First Contact order.
Go to their web site and send them a "ticket" about it, and they will respond right away.
Re: Using Flood()
Posted on: 2012/1/7 14:29
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Maybe you can do it with Areas.
I had trouble with Flood on AOS4 and I finally gave up and used AreaEllipse to draw a filled ellipse/circle.
I have not tried AreaFill on an arbitrarily shaped area, but it might be worth trying that.
Re: SAM alignment??
Posted on: 2011/12/20 22:12
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Quote: alfkil wrote: @derfs
Thanks for the input! So floats have to be 8 byte aligned, no...?
It seems though, that this could not possibly be related to a crash on a fmr instruction, so I guess I am back at the old drawing board...
Unlikely, but there is another problem with the fmr instruction on the Sam versus that on the earlier PPCs: A number of the FP instructions exist in both a "recording" form and a non-recording form, based on the Rc bit (bit 31) in the instruction coding. eg, fmr has a 0 in bit 31 fmr. has a 1 in bit 31 (the dot after the fmr is the usual assembler representation of the recording form) If FP "recording", then bits 0..3 of the FPCSR are copied into the CR1 field of the Condition Register at the end of the instruction. Unfortunately, the 440ep SOCs do not support the recording form of FP instructions (though they do support, or course, the similar recording form of the Fixed Point instructions). As of PowerISA V2.02, the group or recording FP instrus has been separated out into a different "category" in the instruction set, so it is kosher for an embedded processor which supports FP not to support them. I don't think they were used much, by my Modula-2 compiler was generating "fmr." in some places and I had to change that when my Sam arrived to get programs that used it not to crash. Tom
Solved: The links in "Recent OS4 Files" from OS4Depot.net still don't work
Posted on: 2011/10/27 15:15
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Working now. That was quick!
The links in "Recent OS4 Files" from OS4Depot.net still don't work (fixed)
Posted on: 2011/10/26 21:17
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The links in "Recent OS4 Files" from OS4Depot.net still don't work.
There was some mention in July about a new update that might fix that. Is that still possibility?
I guess it is the "&" problem still, since it does work if that is replaced by just "&".
If not fixable, it would be better just to list the entry names but not have them links. The OS4Depot.net link itself just above them is good.
The UtilityBase links, not so much.
Edited by SLayeRDK on 2011/10/27 17:10:35
Re: startup-sequence can't get past IPrefs
Posted on: 2011/10/7 14:49
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Quote: Next time just add "set echo on" to the top of the startup-sequence and everything it does is echoed to the boot cli window (the boot pic is closed/hidden automatically with this option). Ah. I didn't know that. In fact, putting this in causes the problem to disappear! Further investigation shows that adding even just one "ECHO XXX" statement will do the same. May be something to do with a delayed window open for the bootup CLI? Somehow, that gui.prefs has something that gets into a deadlock if the window has not opened. Tom
Re: startup-sequence can't get past IPrefs
Posted on: 2011/10/5 18:20
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Thanks. It was not the UBOOT date though.
Ended up renaming all the *.prefs files in SYS:Env-Archive/sys/ to *.prefsX. Boot was ok with all these prefs files removed.
Began renaming them back one by one, with a re-boot to test each one.
Apparently, there was some problem with gui.prefs, since only its restoration made the problem recur.
Funny that the Prefs program accepted that file with no problem, and I did not see anything in the displayed choices that seemed odd.
A completely new gui.prefs from scratch seems to boot fine now. Most of the settings are the same, but I have not checked every one yet.
startup-sequence can't get past IPrefs
Posted on: 2011/10/5 15:25
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Working fine up to now, when all of a sudden, booting my Sam440 flex, OS4.1 Upd3 hangs up with the boot image displayed.
If I do a early boot menu boot-without-the-startup file, it goes into the bootup shell fine, and if I then type an "execute startup-sequence" from that shell, it all seems to work, and I end up with my system just as it should be and everything working fine! USB, Network, ScreenMode, etc.
Inserting "ECHO >> file" statements into startup-sequence indicates that it gets to the IPrefs command but no further.
Anyone seen this symptom? It seems similar to other reports, but I have not seen one that works so well doing the startup-sequence after the boot to shell.
Seems like it must be a timing thing, but I'm not sure what to do next. Any suggestions?
Re: Internal version number of OS4.1.1?
Posted on: 2011/9/11 15:10
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Quote: on windows you have a one liner,not an ugly mess. Oh yeah? Have you ever struggled with determining what the state of the installed .NET framework is? .
Modula-2 Compiler updated
Posted on: 2011/4/29 2:02
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I've uploaded a new release of the PPC native code Modula-2 compiler to OS4Depot: at AgletM2PPCNot yet greatly extended from the last release, but more stable and with updates for the latest public AOS SDK, plus a first try at using Annotate's ARexx interface to integrate with the M2IDE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- release Apr 5, 2011 - Fixes some compiler code generation errors. - Supports Annotate as an associated editor in M2IDE. - Updates some Amiga library interfaces to SDK 53.20. - Fixes bugs in REAL I/O in ISO support library. - Extends Aglet support modules: > AmigaTimer adds "waituntil" and "entropy" features. > PipeIO is more efficient and adds a timeout feature. > OsRun is a little more filled out. > SimpleGraphics can be used for a type of double buffered animation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You can check out the accompanying documentation at Aglet Modula-2 Documentation (PDF)It's pretty "Amigaized", and IMHO more fun to develop with than GNU c. I'll follow up with a developer "fun-thing" shortly. Tom
Re: FAT32 improvements needed
Posted on: 2010/10/10 22:18
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@ZeroG Quote: ZeroG wrote: @tbreeden Try to mount it with the NOAMIGAAATTR option enabled.
Couldn't figure out how to do this. Added a tooltype "Control=NOAMIGAAATTR" to L:CrossDosFileSystem's icon. Also did a mountinfo on "USB0:", which was the device the Sansa was mounting on. And then added a "Control = NOAMIGAAATTR" to the resulting USB0 mountfile, which I put into Devs:DosDrivers/ However, after a cold reboot and plugging in the Sansa, it seemed to then avoid mounting as USB0:, but instead mounted as "USB0.0:" I tried putting a comment into one of the files in USB0.0:, disconnect reboot, replug the Sansa, and the comment was still there - so I don't think I succeeded in enforcing NOAMIGAAATTR. Suggestions or requests? Thanks, Tom
Re: FAT32 improvements needed
Posted on: 2010/10/10 22:07
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@ZeroG Quote: ZeroG wrote: @tbreeden please send me the data USBInspector shows for your mp3 player.
Under Functionality, Mass Storage shows ms ifac 1 (SCSI::BULK_ONLY) with Information Type: Interface Product: SanDisk Sansa Fuze Vendor: SanDisk Serial no.: 0301EE170139B6A80000000000000000 Version: a5.dc Class: Mass Storage SubClass: 6 Driver: MassStorage Device Task Under Topology ohci.usbhcd unit 1 Hub SanDisk Sansa Fuze with Information Type: Function Product no.: 0x74c3 Vendor no.: 0x0781 Serial no.: 0301EE170139B6A80000000000000000 Version: a5.dc Class: Multiclass Subclass: 0 Mode: Interface