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You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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The script I have installed for UTube clips no longer works, they keep changing it, can anyone point me to the latest version that works?

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: You Tube
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I don't think anyone has come up with a new script that works. I,too, would like to know about it if someone has come up with it. I am not qualified to know how to begin.

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Re: You Tube
Just popping in
Just popping in

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There's no reason to have new scripts, since the old ones work just fine... :)

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Re: You Tube
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I give it a go and annoy fab a bit by questions, and as he say all works fine (we test it right now on public muiowb for os4 and all works). So there is:

There (i.e. on fab's page) you will find out bunch of scripts. 3 of them related to youtube, but 2 of them can be used for us.

YouTube.js - done for download and/or to play videos in html5 mediplayer (which we not have, but for download its can be used). I.e. script 50% usable for us.

YouTube_EZDownload.js - pure downloader works fine and the same as on mos.

Now, how to use them.


1. settings/preferences/MIME types, add there:
MIME Type : video / *
Externsion: mp4
Action: External Viewer
Viewer: your_path_to_mplayer_vinary %l

Should looks like this:

Resized Image

2. windows/scripts : delete any crap you have wrongly done, and add there that YouTube.js. It will names as "Youtube HTML5 converter" and close window. There should't be 2 times the same script, or any crap like that. Everything should be clean and normal.

3. just in case restart muiowb, but thats not necessary: its enough if you will open new tab, but restart it and check if you have script in scripts, and mimetype like you do.

4. go on any youtube video. You will have under the video new stuff , which will looks like this:

Resized Image

The "download" area, is that area which we can use on os4 and so mplayer will runs on them (i.e. auto dl and auto play them). While another area "view without flash", are done for html5 mediaplayer which works only on mos version, and so no use for os4 version.

The numbers mean equivalence, and descriptions are in the "preferences" link (see it at right side). I.e. 17 - 3GP, 18 - MP4, 5 - FLV and so on.

So when you have problems, be sure that you choice right one. 18 one works and present almost all the time and it all works right now with public muiowb and latest script from fab.


Downloader only and works pretty fine. And looks even better. In general it looks like better to use that one : everything looks clean and understandable without cryptic numbers under the video. So, if you setup your MIME types correctly then when you will use that script, and press on window which script provide to download a mp4 video, you will have running mplayer which will auto-dl and play video for you. Thats how it looks like.

Resized Image

As i say, everything tested on muiowb1.9 and latest scripts. All works fine.

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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: You Tube
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for posting the info. Just this morning I tried to download a Youtube video using the script and it didn't work for me either. It has worked in the past. So I'll check your instructions to see if something has changed since I installed the scripts. (quite a long time ago)


Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4
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Re: You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I have done steps 1 to 3 and all are the same as shown but when I load YouTube the numbers shown below video do not appear as they used to. Chris H also set if for me to show actual resolutions instead of numbers, but now I get nothing!

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: You Tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Delete everything from scripts, quit from muiowb. then load it again, get new script from fab's site, put in in scripts. Again close muiowb, and start it again. then go to youtube.

Also just in case enable in prefs JS support. Maybe you have it disabled by some "luck" (by prefs i mean not prefs at top, but general prefs, and save them). if that didn't help, delete muiowb fully, and reinstall from scratch. If even that didn't help, then dunno.

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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: You Tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Partial OT, Just read on the other topic that you are near to restart the Odyssey porting, so a couple of questions

- Do you still with the old 1.17 or you have the permission from Fab to use the latest 1.20 source aswell ?

- Any news about the HTML5 video parts, finally it can be a shared part ?

- And the threading curl issue ? The problem was already investigated by our OS4 devs ?

BTW: I have some graphics and various new contribs for OWB, all done by Mason and me, plus i rewrote the entire documentation in HTML, don't remember if i already sent all material to you, but if not i will be happy to send you all once you restart the project

Can say i'm very happy about

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Re: You Tube
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- Do you still with the old 1.17 or you have the permission from Fab to use the latest 1.20 source aswell ?

Currently have 1.17, but fab says once he sort all out, he will give latest ones. Through, he start to use shared libraries as i can see, so if he will not give sources of them, that can be big problem.


- Any news about the HTML5 video parts, finally it can be a shared part ?

Nope, no news. I asked fab few times about, but without much luck.


And the threading curl issue ? The problem was already investigated by our OS4 devs ?

Nope, all in the state as i wrote in hyperion's topic. Steven ask for BZ, but i says its unclear where problem is and i need some more time to investigate it.

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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: You Tube
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Home away from home

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Ok thanks for the info

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Re: You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Delete everything from scripts, quit from muiowb. then load it again, get new script from fab's site, put in in scripts. Again close muiowb, and start it again. then go to youtube.

I have done this, now several times! I get YouTube page but no numbers below video what I used to get.

Also just in case enable in prefs JS support. Maybe you have it disabled by some "luck" (by prefs i mean not prefs at top, but general prefs, and save them). if that didn't help, delete muiowb fully, and reinstall from scratch. If even that didn't help, then dunno.

It was set to 'Default Setting' and have change to 'Enabled' but has made no difference. Don't want to totally delete MUIOWB as it's my default browser and worried about not getting it back working correctly!

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: You Tube
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Don't want to totally delete MUIOWB as it's my default browser and worried about not getting it back working correctly!

I just mean clean reinstall. I.e. totally delete everything related to your current muiowb now (including bookmarks, cache of images, and so on), hard reboot, then install it from scratch again (from os4depot version). Then add those 2 scripts as i describe and check them out.

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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Some YouTube videos are working but most aren't

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I am now using the YouTube_EZDownload.js and it works every time. Have multiple resolutions to choose from so is very good

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.
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Re: You Tube
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I cant get any version of the youtube.js script to work on Odyssey 1.16. I have followed the instructions to the letter. Adding or removing "" from l% does not help. I have even tried a complete reinstall of Odyssey with no luck.

Any thoughts?

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: You Tube
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Well, it seems you're a bit confused here.

Youtube.js won't have much use for incomplete Odyssey versions (i.e without HTML5 mediaplayer) such as the OS4 version. You could use the Youtube_EzDownload.js instead, though, it will show download links nicely. Youtube.js serves a different purpose, for Youtube links that are not available as HTML5 yet.

I understand you also tried to configured the context menus and/or mimetypes (which are totally unrelated to the userscripts). If you follow the instructions correctly (which are pretty much like Ibrowse config), it should work just fine. Just make sure you enter the proper mplayer/getvideo paths if you do so, of course.

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Re: You Tube
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Not sure what you mean. I have had this working on MUIOWB which adds options on YT vids and having setup the mime types launches the video in mplayer.

Does this approach not work in Odyssey 1.16?

The ezdownloader works ok though.

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Re: You Tube
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ok. This has not changed in Odyssey 1.16. Mimetypes and contextmenu actions are still configurable in the same way as before. So it shouldn't be a problem here.

Regarding youtube.js, if you use it only to display the links below the video, that's ok, but i can't guarantee the script supplied with 1.16 (or 1.23) still works when html5 media is not built in.

So what's your actual issue? The links below the video don't show, or clicking them doesn't trigger anything?

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Re: You Tube
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The links do not show at all.
I followed the instructions above and those on Epsilons blog.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: You Tube
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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thats weird, because I installed 1.16 version in it's own
drawer and it retained all the 1.9 settings even for
youtube, and here the links are showed and they work
like 1.9,
can you post a youtube page where the links are not shown

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