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Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I'm happy to share this news that i have more than enough money this summer to buy the most powerful, most flexible A1-X1000 machine i have ever had with an Amiga system..

I am going to have at least 8GB DDR2 memory and 2 harddrives in my machine. Hopefully both might be
at 500GB. That's more than enough. The rest should
be depended on what setup A-EON will come up with.

If the CPU itself runs at 2Ghz, then that is just perfect.
Otherwise, 1.6Ghz will also do quite nicely...

I get money this summer, and will have more than 20.000 NOK. For this Amiga computer, i will use 15.000 NOK, converted to Euro and buy this system, added with
more memory and harddrives, as well as a Blu-Ray
drive as an optical drive in the tower of the machine..

I'm looking forward to it, and it doesn't matter to me what CPU it is as long as it's multi-core enable, fast, powerful and a bit cheaper, as well as available to get and expand in the future, weither that is PPC, x86 or anything else. What is important is that the OS supports it...

I want to clear something up. It's possible i can be wrong about something related to the AmigaOS roadmap, as a lot can change or even be added that was not originally planned. I would say that we all are somewhat right and

Try to understand that i have NEVER said that AmigaOS4
will support x86, and that X1000 will bring Java along.
I tried to say that we MIGHT see some Java-support
in AmigaOS 4.2, but things like Java and SMP will most
likely span a lot of updates. I think it's fair to say we can expect many versions of AmigaOS4 still, before turning over to AmigaOS5...

AmigaOS5 might, if i am going to look into even Hyperion Entertainment's head, be a fully 64-bit SMP OS, finally able to compete with the state-of-the-art OSes out there, and be able to run on several platforms than
just PowerPC. Again, only time will tell...

But for now we should not worry. We will now with the X1000, SAM460 and updated versions of AmigaOS4, get the very best from the PPC platform, never seen the light of day in AmigaOS. We are into a great change here, and this is just the new beginning of something much better for the Amiga. The Amiga is about to be reborn again. The Amiga is ready to fight back for real,
and the best thing is that i will be able to be there too!

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Is there any support for a Bluray drive?

We don't even know how much memory the 4 DDR2 RAM slots can hold and work with, do we? Or if that can be configured or if they will tell us how much of each thing it will have?

I hope I can afford to buy an A1000 someday too. Not sure when or if I will be able to, I'll have a baby soon and may not be able to buy much of anything not baby things for a while.

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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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No, no support for it as far as i know, but i don't know what HD-possibilities there will appear later when supporting the more advanced hardwares on the X1000...

I just thought it could be an idea to include it, just to be safe, or at least go with a normal DVD-player..

However, watch this space. I will keep an eye on this..

I guess you are right about that 4GB DDR2 is enough.
I probably would think that too. Will also check on this..

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I checked in my country, Komplett.no that there are at least up to 8GB of DDR2 memory, but in various speed. The fastest bus speed the DDR2 supports is 1066Mhz...

It's true that it's not known yet how DDR2 memory will be handled in the X1000-spesific version of AmigaOS 4.1..

It will be interesting to learn the facts when they are ready to be revealed.

PS: i'm happy to hear you are going to be a father of a baby. That's wonderful news! I hope you may afford an X1000. If not, then the SAM460ex won't be that bad either.

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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for the moment, you can start by buying the poster of the X1000
poster pre-order

A3040/25 AmigaOS 3.2.2 | A1260BPPC AmigaOS 3.2.2/4.0
Sam440ep AmigaOS 4.1.FE | PegasosII/G3 AmigaOS 4.1.FE/MorphOS 3.17
MacMini1.5 MorphOS 3.17

Long Live Amiga
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Funny It's not the poster i need, but the computer

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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If I can afford anything, I'll either buy an X1000 or I won't buy any Amiga board. I'm interested in certain things that are on or I believe are on the X1000, that are not in the Sam boards. Not as much the Xcore, and I wait until we know what the CPU is to get excited about that, but there's other characteristics that interest me very much if I'm right about them. If I can't afford X1000, I'll be happy with my AmigaOne XE until it dies.

I didn't say anything about 4GB DDR2 slots. There are four slots, each is a DDR2 slot. We know nothing about how much RAM will fit in any one slot or what if any limit on the total RAM amount.

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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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me too my friend, me too... but i believe, it's too early to make specific plans.
time will tell.


In the beginning was CAOS... (Classic Amiga O S)
...and then it came Α O S 4

A3040/25 AmigaOS 3.2.2 | A1260BPPC AmigaOS 3.2.2/4.0
Sam440ep AmigaOS 4.1.FE | PegasosII/G3 AmigaOS 4.1.FE/MorphOS 3.17
MacMini1.5 MorphOS 3.17

Long Live Amiga
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I plan to buy a Sam460, and probably an X1000 also. On each system I would use an 80 GB hard drive, maybe no CD drive at all and at least 1 GB of RAM. Of course, since the X1000 comes somewhat pre-built, I'll just choose whatever the minimum offering is.
I don't think I can part with my existing OS4 Amiga systems though. I guess I'll just let them multiply like Slayer does.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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@Helgis Quote:
I am going to have at least 8GB DDR2 memory

Errr, unless OS4 suddenly becomes 64-bit (which I think is very unlikely), it will be unable to use more than 4GB. In fact, no AmigaOS can use more than about 3.0 to 3.5GB (I forget the exact figure).

and 2 harddrives in my machine. Hopefully both might be at 500GB.

Why not just buy 1 harddrive of at least 1000GB? Less space, less heat, less energy wasted, quieter, *cheaper*, etc :)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Yes, it's true what you say about the availability of memory, but the 4 slots will do very nicely...

It's important that when buying a new Amiga system, it has to be cost-effective to suit your account..

If you can't afford the X1000 for the moment, the SAM460 will be very good, i think, and it should probably be possible to make some kind of a Xena PCI-e card
add-on for SAM460ex at a later date, if there are
plans for that. I wouldn't worry to much about that..

Have fun as you best can with the Amiga and enjoy what you do. I think that's fair enough to say.

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Again, AmigaOS 4 line will NOT be a fully 64-bit SMP OS.
I said that is likely to be the plan when moving over to
AmigaOS 5 line, which Hyperion have the rights to
develop when the AmigaOS 4 line has everything
that is needed to move over to AmigaOS 5..

It's very important to understand this correctly..

About the memory. It's uncertain how much A-EON recommend us to have of memory in the A1-X1000,
but somewhere between 4 and 8GB is what i believe
would be suggested, and perhaps AmigaOS 4.1 will
be able to handle more memory capacity..

I probably thought it would be better to have 2 separate harddrives in the machine, to prevent system failure.

But there are several ways to do that. You could like your suggestion have an internal 1TB SATA2 harddrive with several useful partitions, then an external 500GB or
1TB optical SATA2 harddrive. Perhaps a small one
with USB2-connection? Will keep an eye on that, too..

I agree that it's important to have less heat and such problems in the machine, keeping it as cool as possible..

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Gonna Buy the most powerful A1-X1000 ;)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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True, absolutely true. I guess we might know more the following weeks...

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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