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Re: Nova Bridge - where?
Just popping in
Just popping in

I suggered this same problem some months back, finally got an x1000 working and my account from way back let me look but not buy. i created a second account and eventually fumbled around enough to buy radeon driver and novabridge. kindof worked brify, going through uodates maybe mangles the driver, i nk longer get any screen after uboot. None of the amistore or aeon contacts got any response that I ever saw. I cannot get uboot update to make sure I have newest, when i follow puic instructions for uboot setup i am definitely missing something, some prescribed commands do not seem to exist and do not work. I havent found anyone to respond with help.

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
Just popping in
Just popping in

And now I got far enough to break things again. :)

AmiStore is horrible, but I eventually managed to buy and install Ehancer Core, then Enhancer 2.2. I also bought but did not yet install Radeon Drivewr v5 and NovaBridge, and also Ranger.

Lots of partial downloads that stopped and got weird on retrying. Better to stop and start over than to retry. But eventually got a full download for each.

The two Enhancer packages installed and rebooted OK.

Then I got smart and ran updater from Enhancer. Now, at CFE when I do my MENU_0_COMMAND as usual, the progress bar gets to Loading Finished, and that's it. I suspect something bad happened with graphics driver or something. Anyone smarter than me have any ideas? I'm not sure how to recover from this to then go and install RadeonHD v5, if that is the correct thing to do now, or what else to do.

I have not ye3t figured out any magical encantation to boot from CDROM or to dir the CDROM.

setenv -p MENU_5_COMMAND "setenv amigaboot_quiet Y ; boot -fs=amigafs atapi0.0:amigabootfs"
and without the -fs at all, tryign -fs=iso9660 since I can't find a list of possibilities to -fs other than amigafs

Error DRQ should be 0

dir atapi0.0: (with and without -fs=amigafs)
Could not get directory listing: Unsupported Function

But at least it still turns on...

Edited by billt on 2023/12/9 3:55:18
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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
Just popping in
Just popping in

I still get the incalid command: menu error from CFE, and still have to type MENU_0_COMMAND manually to boot up. What is the menu in CFE, and do I need to do anything to add it?


Page 4 says to:
CFE> setenv -p STARTUP menu

It seems that is the menu thing being complained about, but I can't find anything about how to define that so it works...

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in

I've got further now, moved the motherboard back into the rack case the optical drive is in. With optical drive, it can see one of the two hard drives, and I've fumbled my way through booting to workbench.

I haven't figured out why it doesn't see the second hard drive, I've tried various combinations of SATA ports and checked all cables.

Following instructions at https://amigaone.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/x1000_cfe.pdf
I am trying to set STARTUP and MENU_n_LABEL and MENU_n_COMMAND things. It seems some may still be set from previous owner, I'm not sure. Now it shows some of my attemted changes from printenv, which are MENU_0_COMMAND and MENU_1_COMMAND and their their LABEL partners.

It doesn't seem to like setenv -p STARTUP menu when power on the serial output says menu is an invalid command.

I don't know if this firmware is up to date.

I can boot to OS4.1 workbench with
boot -fs=amigafs ide0.1:amigaboot.of, but I have to do this in CFE every time.

[HELO][DRAM]SDRAM: ECC off, Non-ECC DIMM used on channel 0.
SDRAM: ECC off, Non-ECC DIMM used on channel 1.
PCI bus 1 slot 0/0: ATI Technologies product 0x9498 (VGA display)
PCI bus 1 slot 0/1: ATI Technologies product 0xaa38 (multimedia subclass 0x03)
PCI bus 3 slot 0/0: ATI Technologies product 0x6811 (VGA display)
PCI bus 3 slot 0/1: ATI Technologies product 0xaab0 (multimedia subclass 0x03)
PCI bus 5 slot 18/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4380 (IDE mass storage, interface 0x8f)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4387 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/1: ATI Technologies product 0x4388 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/2: ATI Technologies product 0x4389 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/3: ATI Technologies product 0x438a (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/4: ATI Technologies product 0x438b (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/5: ATI Technologies product 0x4386 (USB serial bus, interface 0x20)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4385 (SMBus serial bus, rev 0x14)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/1: ATI Technologies product 0x438c (IDE mass storage, interface 0x83)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/2: ATI Technologies product 0x4383 (multimedia subclass 0x03)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/3: ATI Technologies product 0x438d (ISA bridge)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/4: ATI Technologies product 0x4384 (PCI bridge)
PCI bus 6 slot 6/0: Realtek Semiconductor 8139 10/100 Ethernet (ethernet network, rev 0x10)
Initializing Devices.
GPIOLV10 Jumper: Not fitted (default VGA console)
GPIOLV11 Jumper: Not fitted (default ?)
PHY: mb, addr 0x00, vendor 03f1 device 15 (1)
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Disable SB600 legacy decode
VGA (1/0/0): ISA memory space mapped to f8000000000
Initializing VGA.
Found 800x600x32 mode: 0x0103 (259)
Current VBE mode is now: 0x0103 (259)
Mode Attribs: 00BB [Graphics] [LinearFrameBuffer]
Resolution: 800 x 600
BitsPerPixel: 8
BytesPerScan: 0x0340
PhysBasePtr: 0x90000000
Enabling ATI frame buffer byte-swap
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Enable SB600 legacy decode
VGA initialization successful.
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Disable SB600 legacy decode
VGA (3/0/0): ISA memory space mapped to f8000000000
Initializing VGA.
Found 800x600x32 mode: 0x0103 (259)
Current VBE mode is now: 0x0103 (259)
Mode Attribs: 00BB [Graphics] [LinearFrameBuffer]
Resolution: 800 x 600
BitsPerPixel: 8
BytesPerScan: 0x0340
PhysBasePtr: 0xB0000000
Enabling ATI frame buffer byte-swap
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Enable SB600 legacy decode
VGA initialization successful.
ATAPI unit 0: Optical Drive, "TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-222AB"
SATA unit 1: Disk, "WDC WD10EARS-00MVWB0", Capacity:931GB (lba48)
PCIIDE: 2 controllers found
Initializing USB.
PCI bus 5 slot 19/5: EHCI USB controller found at C0209800
USB bus 0 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/0: OHCI USB controller found at C0206000
USB bus 1 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/1: OHCI USB controller found at C0208000
USB bus 2 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/2: OHCI USB controller found at C0207000
USB bus 3 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/3: OHCI USB controller found at C0205000
USB bus 4 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/4: OHCI USB controller found at C0204000
USB bus 5 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
CPU type 0x900102: 500MHz
Total memory: 0x200000000 bytes (8192MB)

Total memory used by CFE: 0x7FD27F00 - 0x80000000 (2982144)
Initialized Data: 0x7FDE0E00 - 0x7FDF8B10 (97552)
BSS Area: 0x7FDF8B10 - 0x7FDFF000 (25840)
Local Heap: 0x7FDFF000 - 0x7FFFF000 (2097152)
Stack Area: 0x7FFFF000 - 0x80000000 (4096)
Text (code) segment: 0x7FD27F00 - 0x7FDD4A00 (707328)
Relocation Factor: I:7FE27F00 - D:7FE27F00
[OFW ][UI ]port 0:1/1 released (full speed)

USB: New device connected to bus 1 hub 1 port 1 (full speed)

USB bus 1 device 2: vendor 046D product C52B class 03: Human-Interface Device

USBHID: Keyboard Configured.

Invalid command: "menu"
Available commands: altcpu, arp, autoboot, batch, boot, copydisk, cpu, d, dflush, dir, dramcfg, e, f, flash, go, help, ifconfig, int, load, loop, mccfg, mcdll, memcmp, memorytest, pci, ping, printenv, r, ramdisk, randmemtest, reserve, reset, save, set, setenv, show, sleep, spi, test, testdram, unsetenv, usb, vga, w

[CFE ]CFE> show devices
Device Name Description
------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
uart0 NS16550 UART at 0xFCFF03F8
pcconsole0 PC Console (USB/VESA)
eeprom0 Microchip 24LC128 EEPROM on SMBus channel 0 dev 0x57
eth0 PA Semi Ethernet (ge3) at 0xE00A3000 (02-00-E0-0A-30-00)
flash0.os SPI flash at FFE00000 offset 00000000 size 1024KB
flash0.boot SPI flash at FFE00000 offset 00100000 size 1024KB
therm0 TI TMP423 Thermal Sensor on SMBus channel 0 dev 0x4C
cf0 CompactFlash ATA disk unit 0 at 0xF0000000
atapi0.0 PCI IDE disk unit 0 at I/O 0000 (PCI:E0590000)
ide0.1 PCI IDE disk unit 1 at I/O 0000 (PCI:E0590000)
eth1 RTL8139 Ethernet at 0xC0320000 (20-e0-4d-0b-bf-6a)
usbdisk0 USB Disk unit 0
usbdisk1 USB Disk unit 1
*** command status = 0
CFE> printenv
Variable Name Value
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
ETH0_HWADDR 00:50:C2:20:DA:11
os4_commandline DEBUGLEVEL=5 SERIAL
speed set pmu -astate=A4
bootargs root=/dev/sdb1
MENU_4_COMMAND setenv bootargs "root=/dev/sdb1 quiet ro splash" ; boot -elf -noints -fatfs cf0:vmlinux-3.10.15-ubuntu
MENU_4_LABEL Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
MENU_3_COMMAND setenv bootargs "root=/dev/sdb1 quiet ro splash" ; boot -elf -noints -fatfs cf0:vmlinux-3.10.15-ubuntu
MENU_3_LABEL Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
MENU_2_COMMAND setenv os4_bootdevice "auto" ; boot -fs=amigafs ide0.0:amigaboot.of
MENU_0_LABEL Boot Option 0
MENU_0_COMMAND setenv amigaboot_quiet Y ; boot -fs=amigafs ide0.0:amigaboot.of
MENU_1_LABEL Boot Option 1
MENU_1_COMMAND setenv amigaboot_quiet Y ; boot -fs=amigafs ide1.0:amigaboot.of
BOOT_CONSOLE pcconsole0
*** command status = 0

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
Just popping in
Just popping in

OK, after quite a long time, I am trying again to get my x1000 running. Now, I finally again get the X1000 logo on screen, and I get serial output from CFE.
I tried setting boot menu items, and now CFE goes along but stops at USB New device connected, as seen in the serial log below. As I had previously got to the CFE prompt and been able to do setenv things, I am not sure if my setenv things are wrong and the problem, or if they would not do that and something else is odd. I understand just now that x1000 was weird with SATA drives, I currently have two sata hard drives and no optical drive, which is currently in a different case.
show devices command did not show any ide drives. It did show two USB drives, I dont' understand that as no USB drives present that I know of. Only USB thing is a combo wireless keyboard/mouse (trackpad) Only PCIe is AMD Radeon card. Two memory sticks, but I don't know capacity on them.
I did put in a new battery earlier today.
I did try the CMOS clear jumper, that doesn't seem to make any difference at the moment.

[HELO][DRAM]SDRAM: ECC off, Non-ECC DIMM used on channel 0.
SDRAM: ECC off, Non-ECC DIMM used on channel 1.

CFE version PAS-2.0.30 for NEMO (64bit,MP,BE,PPC)
Build Date: Tue Jul 5 16:09:15 BST 2011 (andrew@hercules)
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2005-2008 PA Semi, Inc.
Portions Copyright (C) 2010 Hyperion Entertainment CVBA

Initializing Arena.
Initializing PCI. []
PCI bus 0 slot 16/0: PCIe: port 0 could not be activated
PCI bus 0 slot 17/1: PCIe: port 5 could not be activated
PCI bus 0 slot 17/2: PCIe: port 6 could not be activated
PCI bus 0 slot 17/3: PCIe: port 7 could not be activated
SB600 revision A21 in Intel P4 mode
PCI bus 3 slot 0/0: ATI Technologies product 0x9498 (VGA display)
PCI bus 3 slot 0/1: ATI Technologies product 0xaa38 (multimedia subclass 0x03)
PCI bus 5 slot 18/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4380 (IDE mass storage, interface 0x8f)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4387 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/1: ATI Technologies product 0x4388 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/2: ATI Technologies product 0x4389 (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/3: ATI Technologies product 0x438a (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/4: ATI Technologies product 0x438b (USB serial bus, interface 0x10)
PCI bus 5 slot 19/5: ATI Technologies product 0x4386 (USB serial bus, interface 0x20)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/0: ATI Technologies product 0x4385 (SMBus serial bus, rev 0x14)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/1: ATI Technologies product 0x438c (IDE mass storage, interface 0x83)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/2: ATI Technologies product 0x4383 (multimedia subclass 0x03)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/3: ATI Technologies product 0x438d (ISA bridge)
PCI bus 5 slot 20/4: ATI Technologies product 0x4384 (PCI bridge)
Initializing Devices.
GPIOLV10 Jumper: Not fitted (default VGA console)
GPIOLV11 Jumper: Not fitted (default ?)
PHY: mb, addr 0x00, vendor 03f1 device 15 (1)
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Disable SB600 legacy decode
VGA (3/0/0): ISA memory space mapped to f8000000000
Initializing VGA.
Found 800x600x32 mode: 0x0103 (259)
Current VBE mode is now: 0x0103 (259)
Mode Attribs: 00BB [Graphics] [LinearFrameBuffer]
Resolution: 800 x 600
BitsPerPixel: 8
BytesPerScan: 0x0340
PhysBasePtr: 0x90000000
Enabling ATI frame buffer byte-swap
GFX: PCIe Slot
GFX: Enable SB600 legacy decode
VGA initialization successful.
PCIIDE: 0 controllers found
Initializing USB.
PCI bus 5 slot 19/5: EHCI USB controller found at A0209800
USB bus 0 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/0: OHCI USB controller found at A0207000
USB bus 1 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/1: OHCI USB controller found at A0206000
USB bus 2 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/2: OHCI USB controller found at A0208000
USB bus 3 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/3: OHCI USB controller found at A0205000
USB bus 4 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
PCI bus 5 slot 19/4: OHCI USB controller found at A0204000
USB bus 5 device 1: vendor 0000 product 0000 class 09: USB Hub
CPU type 0x900102: 500MHz
Total memory: 0x100000000 bytes (4096MB)

Total memory used by CFE: 0x7FD27F00 - 0x80000000 (2982144)
Initialized Data: 0x7FDE0E00 - 0x7FDF8B10 (97552)
BSS Area: 0x7FDF8B10 - 0x7FDFF000 (25840)
Local Heap: 0x7FDFF000 - 0x7FFFF000 (2097152)
Stack Area: 0x7FFFF000 - 0x80000000 (4096)
Text (code) segment: 0x7FD27F00 - 0x7FDD4A00 (707328)
Relocation Factor: I:7FE27F00 - D:7FE27F00
[OFW ][UI ]port 0:1/1 released (full speed)

USB: New device connected to bus 1 hub 1 port 1 (full speed)

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Re: Articia S Data Book
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Just popping in


Didn't they leave their FTP wide open at one point?

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
Just popping in
Just popping in

It does much the same in the original case and power supply. But I may have misread some LEDs earlier, it's hard to see clearly as they are so bright, and I cannot get a good picture like ddni showed in his video, it's just a big bright blur on my cellphone.

Serial output I get hex 00 FF and nothing else.

If I power on now, I get two LEDs - 2 and 3.

If I wait some time between, then I might get 3 LEDs on - 3, 4, 5, at least for a moment before it changes to two on 2 and 3.

The 3, 4, 5 I think I previously misread as 2, 3, 4...

P.S. Even on those earlier attempts that did show a boot logo, I never did see any menu or prompt or anything, only the logo, if this means anything. I haven't seen that for several attempts now. :/

Edited by billt on 2023/1/7 3:38:22
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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
Just popping in
Just popping in

When I get the boot logo, then the 3 on LEDs are led2, led3, led4, so both CPU core power fault and CPU power good. Does that make sense?

When it doesn't seem to do anything at all, I have on LED2 and LED3.

I am using a Corsair RM850X power supply, which is brand-new, not pulled from something else. A Power Supply tester does show it is good.

I will try with original case power supply as well this weekend.

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in

And after that initial boot, I had a second boot that showed logo but got into a loop like someone else described somewhere. I checked my battery and it's 3 volts, not dead like the other person's description I saw and solved with new battery that had power in it. And now, I get nothing visible at all, screen does not indicate has any signal.

The serial cable is still in original case, tonight I'll get that out and find a USB-serial thing to use with it and see if that says anything.

I get 2 LEDs now, I believe there were 3 when I was getting the firmware x1000 logo. I saw 3 last time and then it went to two, I'll have to look what those mean as well. A bit less excited than I was when I saw the logo, but still optimistic for this thing...

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in

I have USB into the indicated keyboard USB connector on nemo motherboard, but am not sure how well things are working at moment.

I do get display on hdmi monitor, which is good sign. Git the x1000 logo, now I see some device info such as ATI framebuffer enable, IDE things, memory used by CFE and USB things, like text in a DOS sort of thing.

Here it stops.

The USB is from a KVM and has both keyboard and mouse in same port, but is the one indicated for keyboard.

So, I'm happy it's alive-ish, as I had to remove and replace a PCIe slot that was broken when I received this thing. But isn't obviously usable yet.

I did get 2 hdds with this system, and perhaps I connect to wrong one at the moment, I don't have enough sata cables to go around, and don't want to scavenge from original case. (using a rackmount case)

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Re: x1000 documentation and other x1000 related questions
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Just popping in

Are there preferred memory slots to fill in special order? I have 2 sticks, I think are 2GB each.

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Re: Switch between many amigaos4 machines
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Just popping in

your 4-port web link looks like it had displayports in the pictures, not hdmis

maybe these help with that one


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Re: Switch between many amigaos4 machines
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Just popping in


This is the KVM i have


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Re: Switch between many amigaos4 machines
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Just popping in

Similar question that brings Classics into the mix, is there such a thing that would get USB keyboard and mouse from a single cable, such as the keyboard and mouse are in a USB hub, that then gets both classic Amiga keyboard and mouse out of that? I'd love to have my 4000T on my KVM as well, but haven't figured this part out yet.

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Re: Switch between many amigaos4 machines
Just popping in
Just popping in

Have you tried anything like these:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08D ... _asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071 ... _asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

My KVM has a small handheld remote, and buttons on the front, so I'm not concerned about fancy key detection switching. I haven't used any of these, but have my eye on them to try at some point. I need to get my machines rebuilt and running again, planning for Peg2, A1XE, X1000 and microA1 if I can get the CPU replaced, I got that one cheap due to a broken CPU.

Is there such a thing as a dummy ps2 dongle for the PEG2, I'd generally use the USB keyboard but it doesn't tseem to boot without a ps2 keyboard plugged in, and I don't want to have to deal with that. (Is the XE the same way?)

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Re: A1XE 7448 benchmark suggestions
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Just popping in

I'd be interested in one of those adapters! For a Mac CPU module??

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Re: First user's report of new Intel HD Audio (Azalia) driver by geennaam
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Just popping in

Maybe a weird question... Has anyone tried this driver with Qemu-sam460 emulation?

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Re: Stack USB 3.0 for OS4 at Pianeta Amiga 2012
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Just popping in


Does the stack itself have enough in it now, that someone can make a working host controller driver, and then hub or device drivers for USB3 Superspeed? Or is current USB Stack not yet sufficient/complete to do 3.0 Superspeed drivers?

Also, any chance that those who can, have been looking at adding USB 3.1/3.2 or even 4 speeds into the stack since the last SDK udpate in 2015?

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Re: Stack USB 3.0 for OS4 at Pianeta Amiga 2012
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Just popping in

I don't remember ever hearing anything about that. The OS4 SDK has a few clues, but are inconsistent in ways.

Documentation/AutoDocs/usbsys.doc: USB_SPEED_SUPER for a SuperSpeed Function (4800 Mb/s).

But in the Documentation/AutoDocs/usbhcd.doc file (Host Controller stuff), the USB_SPEED_SUPER is left out:

USBA_DeviceSpeed (ULONG)
This tag is used for specifying the speed of the
USB Function to add. This defines how the
hardware driver should actually be communicating
with the Function.
ti_Data is a ULONG holding a speed indicator:
USB_SPEED_LOW for a LowSpeed Function (1.5 Mb/s).
USB_SPEED_FULL for a FullSpeed Function (12 Mb/s).
USB_SPEED_HIGH for a HighSpeed Function (480 Mb/s).

If not specified the HCD *must* default to
USB_SPEED_LOW for the added Function.
If specified, but an unknown value is supplied, the
attachment must be failed. In this case
USBERR_UNSUPPORTED should be returned in the
USBA_ErrorCode tag if supplied and supported.


USBA_DeviceSpeed (ULONG *)
The HCD must store the speed of the USB controller in the ULONG
pointed to by ti_Data. The speed is specified using one of the
USB_SPEED_xxx constants from usb/system.h.
Since USBA_DeviceSpeed usage was not added until v2 of the USB
stack, the USB stack will fall back to expect USB_SPEED_FULL speed
(i.e. 12MBit/s) for the HCD if it does not respond to this tag.
USB2+ capable HCDs are required to support this tag, or they will
only see USB1 device attachments.

In Include/include_h/usb/system.h it DOES define the USB_SPEED_SUPER value. So, maybe USB3 is supported, or perhaps it was never completed. Has any PCIe card ever actually been announced as working and supported? I never saw anything after that 2012 thing either... :/

/* For supplying USB Device speed to USB(HC)AddFunctionA()
ti_Data is a USB_SPEED_xxx value.
If not specified the default speed used *must* be USB_SPEED_LOW.
Also used for querying HCD root bus speed using USBHCGetAttrsA() */
#define USBA_DeviceSpeed (TAG_USER+4)

#define USB_SPEED_LOW (0L) /* 1.5 Mbit/s */
#define USB_SPEED_FULL (1L) /* 12 Mbit/s */
#define USB_SPEED_HIGH (2L) /* 480 Mbit/s */
#define USB_SPEED_SUPER (3L) /* 4800 Mbit/s */

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Re: python3.8 AmigaOS4 in development
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Just popping in


I'd really like to see a modern native wxWidgets port. I think there was an old 2.6 version, but I'm not sure how complete it was. There is something for it in AmiCygnix as well, but then we go through X11. wxPython would be cool.

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