My post actually describes TWO different (and I suppose not related to each other) crashes:
1. I have installed Chris' BMP.datatype which uses a shared object named nsbmp.sobj. The version which can be found in OS4Depot does NOT work with OS4.1 Update 1 anymore - so if TuneNet tries to load a skin with BMPs (i.e. the SONY skin) TuneNet crashes.
Chris did a newer version of the SObj in the meantime (part of Netsurf 3) which works o.k. with OS4.1 update 1 - so the solution already exists ...

2. Having Chris XMP plugin in the plugins drawer you can start TuneNet, play music, switch skins etc. - it works as expected. If you QUIT TuneNet (I mean really QUIT - not only iconify) and start it AGAIN it crashes.
The plugin worked fine with the 8x.xx version of TuneNet.