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Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Can anyone remember what the name of the picture viewer written using Hollywood? I tried searching OS4depot.net without success.

I seem to remember it did picture thumbnails, and such a program could be very handy on OS4.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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lookhere ?

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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This was made using Hollywood, maybe its what your after?


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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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AmigaScrapbook was made with Hollywood, and kind of sounds like what you are talking about.

http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... viewer/amigascrapbook.lha

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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@Allanon & Lio
Thanks, yes it was LookHere that I was looking for. Sadly it does not seem to work - I get the error "Cannot open font Helvetica.font size 11!"

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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There exists an OS4 thumbnail creator from the outhor of Picshow:


Nice app and hope it helps.

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Strange... do you have the folder <fonts> in the program directory?

If yes, and you have helvetica on your system <fonts:> try removing the fonts folder in the program directory.
If no try copying the helvetica font coming with the program in the system <fonts:>.

Let me know if works, maybe there is a nasty bug hiding somewhere ;)

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Yes, the Fonts folders was in the executable's folder (which was in RAM:). Yes the game's fonts already exist in an OS4.1 installation (but with different file sizes).

I tried various tricks with the Fonts: assignment, including assigning it exclusively to the provided Fonts folder. But I was NOT prepared to overwrite OS4's fonts with fonts of unknown origin.

P.S. Are you the program's author?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
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Just popping in

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Yes, I am.
I've tested it under OS4.1 on SAM, OS3.1 with WinUAE and AROS and it works fine, what system do you have?

The fonts included cames from the OS3.1, anyway the program search the fonts in its executable folder then in the fonts: assignments so you don't have to overwrite your fonts.

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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OS4.1 on my Sam440 (see my signature at bottom of post!).

I tried copying it to a HD partition (instead of RAM) but got the same problem . Here's the last bit that Snoopy sees before the error requester:

00114 : LookHere : FAIL = Lock("LookHere.prefs",SHARED) [129uS]
00115 : LookHere : o.k. = Lock("Languages/English.Language",SHARED) [129uS]
00116 : LookHere : o.k. = Open("Languages/English.Language",OLD) = [0x16D2FA50] [157uS]
00117 : LookHere : o.k. = GetFilePosition(0x16D2FA50) = 0 [55uS]
00118 : LookHere : o.k. = ChangeFilePosition(0x16D2FA50,0,OFFSET_END) [68uS]
00119 : LookHere : o.k. = GetFilePosition(0x16D2FA50) = 2577 [40uS]
00120 : LookHere : o.k. = ChangeFilePosition(0x16D2FA50,0,OFFSET_BEGINNING) [41uS]
00121 : LookHere : o.k. = GetFilePosition(0x16D2FA50) = 0 [118uS]
00122 : LookHere : o.k. = ChangeFilePosition(0x16D2FA50,2577,OFFSET_BEGINNING) [76uS]
00123 : LookHere : o.k. = GetFilePosition(0x16D2FA50) = 2577 [49uS]
00124 : LookHere : o.k. = ChangeFilePosition(0x16D2FA50,0,OFFSET_BEGINNING) [44uS]
00125 : LookHere : CurrentDir("<untracked>")
00126 : LookHere : CurrentDir("RAM_Disk:LookHere")
00127 : LookHere : FAIL = Open("RAM_Disk:LookHere/Helvetica.font",OLD) = [0x00000000] [163uS]
00128 : LookHere : o.k. = Open("RAM_Disk:LookHere/Fonts/Helvetica.font",OLD) = [0x16D2FA30] [174uS]
00129 : LookHere : o.k. = Open("RAM_Disk:LookHere/Fonts/Helvetica.font",OLD) = [0x16D2FA30] [170uS]

00130 : LookHere : CurrentDir("LookHere")
00131 : LookHere : o.k. = Lock("SYS:Prefs/Presets/Requester",SHARED) [221uS]
00132 : LookHere : CurrentDir("SYS:Prefs/Presets/Requester")
00133 : LookHere : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [36uS]
00134 : LookHere : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("dos.library",0) [8uS]
00135 : LookHere : o.k. = Lock("Error",SHARED) [121uS]
00136 : LookHere : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [21uS]
00137 : ENV : FAIL = Lock("ENVARC:classes/datatypes",SHARED) [97uS]
00138 : LookHere : FAIL = GetVar("classes/datatypes/picture/DitherHiColour",0x46D5F1AC,10,0x00000000) [682uS]
00139 : LookHere : CurrentDir("LookHere")

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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OK, you won't believe this, but I got a crash (maybe or not related to LookHere error or Snoopy), so I had to do a hard reset, and now the EXACT SAME copy of LookHere (unextracted from archive to RAM) now works!

As I haven't a clue why this would be, I am imagining it will stop working again at some point.

edit: Hmmm, LookHere seems quite buggy. Yes, the Viewer works fine, and the Thumbnails view does work. But after viewing one picture (opened from Thumbnails) it seems to lock-up (Exit button does nothing), so I have to click on the window's close button, which means the prefs file is not saved/updated. I think it'd also be great for the option toggle FX inside the Thumbnails viewer, as it is incredibly slow full screen.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I'll report this issue in the Hollywood ML, maybe Andreas (the HW maker) can help with this strange behaviuor.

Anyway, when you click on a thumb and the image is displayed fullscreen you have to press the right mouse button to return to the thumb view, or does not work?

In the next release I'll include some tool types to customize LookHere, including effects to be used :)

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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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OK, sorry, it wasn't a bug then. I tried pressing escape key, etc, but not the RMB to exit. I wrongly assumed that with none of the (top row) buttons working it had crashed. Perhaps this highlights an area where the GUI can be improved for new users...

The problem reappeared :( . Here is the EXACT error message, which may help you locate the problem:
Cannot open font Helvetica.font with size 11!
File: ScuiLib_7(018).hws (current line: 2084 - In function: SetFont)

My current suspicion is that running some software before it may cause the problem, but I don't yet know what.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Picture viewer written using Hollywood?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thank you ChrisH, I'll try to fix these problems as soon as possible :)

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