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Re: What is the current situation with printing in OS4 on real hardware?
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This is what I use:

"SYS:Utilities/Ghostscript/gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=NewPDFName.pdf -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE PSFileName"

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Re: NovaBridge compatibility thread
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Not too shy to talk

There seems to be a bit of a problem with NovaBridge working with WarpView at 4k resolution (3840x2160).
(Pictures are cut off roughly halfway across the screen.)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress: r5 RC2
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Not too shy to talk


Thank you so much for that video!
I found the solution at about the 2:20 mark. (I hadn't added those scripts in Windows/Scripts.)
Now it works!
Thanks, again, for all your work.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress: r5 beta07
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Not too shy to talk


I can confirm that compositing is working on my system.
However, there doesn't seem to be any improvement to the slow video displaying on Youtube. (Using the most recent Odessy browser, the new scripts, spoofing as IPad, everything restarted, etc.)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress: r5 beta07
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On Radeon HD which you have all should be fine.

What about with Radeon RX?

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Re: Help with New Video/Graphics Card (Radeon RX550)
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Here's to hoping that AEON can acquire the graphics.library from Hyperion or create their own replacement.

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Re: Help with New Video/Graphics Card (Radeon RX550)
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for filling me in about that limitation.
I'm really sorry to hear that it may not be fixed. I've just recently started using a 4k display, and it looks really good (especially with Mason's 256x256 icon set). But with that limited video memory, opening a second screen practically drains it all.

Thanks for that additional information about Han's work with the NovaBridge.
Looking forward to your video about what NovaBridge can do.

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Help with New Video/Graphics Card (Radeon RX550)
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Not too shy to talk

I recently bought a new graphics card (Yeston Radeon RX550, 2GB/4GB Memory GDDR5).

It seems to work pretty well with my SAM460, but I've got a couple questions:

1) My system doesn't seem to recognize much of the video memory. Is there a setting that I need to change?

2) I can't use Warp3D software anymore. I get this message: "Error creating context. Reason:Warp3D Error: No suitable drive found." I've had the latest Enhancer software installed for a while, but do I need to update or change something now that I've got this new graphics card?

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Not too shy to talk


That fixed it. Good suggestion. Thanks!

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Okay, I've done a clean install of 4.1 final, followed by updates 1 and 2. Now I've been slowly trying to add things back from my previous install.

After adding the newest ZitaFTP by Hans, I'm again getting the same problem as before my clean install. (The network dies after a minute or two of using the Odessy web browser.) If I do not run ZitaFTP at system start-up, the network seems to be fine.

I really don't think that ZitaFTP is to blame, however, since the network also fails if I use other programs (such as WET).

The network seems to be very fragile since installing update 2.

(My machine is a SAM460.)

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Re: PageStream 5 (PPC) Working with Latest OS4.1 Update
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Not too shy to talk

I completely agree with Trixie's comments. If you already own it, you can use it a bit now. If you don't, there's no sense in wasting your money on a buggy alpha version of a program with no customer support, and likely no fixes in the future. It's just the sad situation that Deron has created (or, at least, has not shown any interest in fixing).

I really wish he would allow someone else to take over the Amiga version. We could use a powerful DTP app on OS4.

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PageStream 5 (PPC) Working with Latest OS4.1 Update
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Not too shy to talk

I was having some problems after installing Update 2 for OS4.1 final, so I did a fresh system install, applied Update 1 and Update 2, and now my system seems quite stable.

But I was amazed when I tried PageStream 5.0 (which had always crashed and frozen the system on start-up), and now it works! The GrimReaper still appears, but hit Continue and it is possible to use PageStream 5.0 (at least better than before).

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Re: Screenmodes Gone after System Reinstall
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That did it!

Thank you so much!

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Screenmodes Gone after System Reinstall
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Not too shy to talk

In order to have a clean installation for the newly released Update 2 for OS4.1 final, I formatted my SYS partition, reinstalled OS4.1 final, then update 1, and then update 2. Everything seemed to go well, but now I cannot change my screen to 1920x1080 (the option is just not there).

System information:
SAM460, Radeon HD 7700 (I already reinstalled the latest RadeonHD drivers).

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Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I installed the update on my SAM460. Everything seems to work well except for this one thing:
If I let the system boot up normally, all network connections are lost (I'm guessing that DEVS:NetInterfaces is failing) after about a minute. I can get the network to work again only if I do a hard reset (even a soft reset doesn't help), but then it's gone again in about a minute.

Things that I've tried:
*If I hold down SHIFT during system boot, the network works as it should and continues working without fail. (This is the only thing that seems to work so far.)

*I've tried removing all Enhancer software from my WBStartup, but the network still fails after about a minute.

*I've tried skipping S:User-Startup, but the network still fails.

Is anyone else having problems like this?
Does anyone have any other ideas to try?

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Re: New English-language Amiga Magazine
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Not too shy to talk


I guess I'm glad that I'm not the only one frustrated with the situation of being unable to run the PPC version of PageStream 5 on Amiga OS4.
(But I was really hoping that some other users had figured out a way to do it.)

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Re: New English-language Amiga Magazine
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Not too shy to talk

(This is kind of off-topic, but is related to an article they published.)

On the Amiga-Addict website, there is an article about PageStream. It claims that PageStream 5.0 works with only "occasional problems."

http://www.amiga-addict.com/wp-conten ... zine-Article-Sample01.jpg

I can't get PageStream 5.0 to run on my OS4.x setup at all. Is there some trick to get it to work?

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Re: Shaderjoy 1.4
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Not too shy to talk

How hard would it be to convert some of those cool shaders into screensavers?

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Re: AbandonMI2 - Another Abandon Icon Set for AmigaOS4
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Not too shy to talk


Thanks for the gorgeous set of large icons!

(The detail you put into them is awesome!)

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Re: Help Getting Warp3D Working
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Not too shy to talk


Thanks for the help!
(I forgot about that Warp3D SI driver.)

Now everything works as it should.

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