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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
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ok then ... btw i've noticed that the diskcache.library sets the Device cache to

Device caches : 4x1024 (4096 bytes) [CPB]

Is this configurable somewhere?

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just can't stay away
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Framiga wrote:

ok then ... btw i've noticed that the diskcache.library sets the Device cache to

Device caches : 4x1024 (4096 bytes) [CPB]

Is this configurable somewhere?
If diskcache.library is installed the internal caches are not used by the AmigaOS4 version of SFS. Currently diskcache.library can't be configured.
If you want to use the slower SFS caches instead, which can be configured with tools like SetCache, comment out diskcache.library in your kicklayout.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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First of all, thank you all for your replies

Classic Amigas are probably too slow for using software 3D.

Yes. Any classic Amiga is too slow for this.

The demo version includes a m68k binary. Isn't that the case for the full version?

Ah, yes. I forgot about that. I guess (if you also consider the mandatory SW 3D rendering) it won't be as fast as the WOS version but this game is not very demanding.

All of them use Warp3D, which currently is limited to Voodoo cards on classic Amigas,

Does this mean that there are no 3D drivers for C/BVision cards?
In MorphOS, there are no 3D drivers for these card either, but if you copy the AOS3 Warp3D system files to your MOS partition, HW 3D games will work as they should. Can this be done in OS4?



Certainly Wipeout works,
That would be the only additional game you could run if I'd release a version of powerpc.library for the current kernels, and on classic Amigas only if you have a Prometheus or Medator and a Voodoo graphics card.

Bad luck, then. I have a BVision. :-/


ssolie wrote:
I asked this because PFS is unbeatable speed-wise.

It has been beat. Forget about it and use the native Amiga OS 4.0 version of SFS instead.

In classic AmigaOS, PFS beats SFS quite easily, but i guess the OS4 native SFS is much faster.


Chris wrote:

WarpOS emulation was introduced in OS4 Update 2 or 3 for AmigaOne. It was "un-introduced" in OS4 Final.

I copied the OS4 Update 4 version of the emulation across, and have had no problems with it in OS4 July Update (which should be more-or-less the same as the Classic release version)

Certainly Wipeout works, and Earth 2140 does too, perfectly. Payback has a few problems with the sound giving up, although I've just tested it and it seems fine (with NallePUH).

Joerg will tell you it doesn't work, but this is my experience. The problem is you can't legally get hold of the WarpOS emulator. It might be worth registering your O4 on the Hyperion website (if you haven't already) and seeing if you get access to the AmigaOne OS4 updates. If so, you can download Update4 then and get it from there.

That is the question! I haven't bought it yet, so i can't check it myself.
Could someone who has register his OS4 for classic inform me if he/she has access to the AmigaOne OS4 updates? This is really important for me. Thanks.

Edited by Amigamancer on 2007/12/22 21:00:20
Edited by Amigamancer on 2007/12/22 21:01:50
Edited by Amigamancer on 2007/12/22 21:03:09
Edited by Amigamancer on 2007/12/22 21:04:02
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The demo version includes a m68k binary. Isn't that the case for the full version?

Ah, yes. I forgot about that. I guess (if you also consider the mandatory SW 3D rendering) it won't be as fast as the WOS version but this game is not very demanding.
The difference between m68k code running with the JIT (Petunia) and WarpOS PPC code isn't very large. If hardware 3D can be used, for example with a Voodoo gfx card, there is probably next to no speed difference in such a game.

Some WarpOS software, for example fxPAINT, was even much slower than using the m68k version one some setups.
(I added special workarounds for such software in some versions of powerpc.library, but they could make some other WarpOS software crash instead.)

All of them use Warp3D, which currently is limited to Voodoo cards on classic Amigas,

Does this mean that there are no 3D drivers for C/BVision cards?
Not on the classic Amiga OS4 CD. I don't know when, or if at all, an AmigaOS4 Warp3D driver for Permedia2 will be released.

In MorphOS, there are no 3D drivers for these card either, but if you copy the AOS3 Warp3D system files to your MOS partition, HW 3D games will work as they should. Can this be done in OS4?
No idea if that works, but if it does you can't run AmigaOS4 Warp3D (and MiniGL which is based on Warp3D) software that way since they need the newer, PPC native AmigaOS4 versions of Warp3D.library and it's HWDrivers.

Could someone who has register his OS4 for classic inform me if he/she has access to the AmigaOne OS4 updates? This is really important for me. Thanks.
Even if you could download the AmigaOne Update4 version of powerpc.library it can't work with current kernels, nor on classic Amigas, no matter what others tell you. Just because it doesn't always crash immediately for everyone doesn't mean it's working ...
I implemented it and know why it can't work, the others don't.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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In MorphOS, there are no 3D drivers for these card either, but if you copy the AOS3 Warp3D system files to your MOS partition, HW 3D games will work as they should. Can this be done in OS4?

Don't know, but there is a Warp3DPPC.library that needed to be retained to get Wipeout to work. This is OS4 native but was removed from later OS releases, so I'm not sure what exactly it does.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Chris wrote:

Don't know, but there is a Warp3DPPC.library that needed to be retained to get Wipeout to work. This is OS4 native but was removed from later OS releases, so I'm not sure what exactly it does.
It's not OS4 native, and not required for OS4 native software nor for m68k software.

It's just a stub library using the functions in the OS4 Warp3D.library as replacement for the WarpOS Warp3DPPC.library 4.x which can't be used together with the AmigaOS4 Warp3D.library, it was only required for WarpOS Warp3D software.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Amigamancer wrote:

Yes. Any classic Amiga is too slow for this.

Actually, Shogo and Heretic II ran quite okay with software rendering if you don't go for high resolutions.

Does this mean that there are no 3D drivers for C/BVision cards?

Permedia 2 support will come in an update.

Seriously, if you do want to contact me write me a mail. You're more likely to get a reply then.
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
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Edit: double-post

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
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@ Rogue

Does this mean that there are no 3D drivers for C/BVision cards?

Permedia 2 support will come in an update.

That's great! Do you plan to re-introduce WOS/PUP emulation in the near future?

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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That's great! Do you plan to re-introduce WOS/PUP emulation in the near future?

No. These will be native Warp3D drivers. WarpUp support is not planned.

Seriously, if you do want to contact me write me a mail. You're more likely to get a reply then.
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I think you misanderstood me. (Or vise-versa) I'm reffering to the emulation of the WarpOS and PowerUP systems. This has nothing to do with Warp3D.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I think you misanderstood me. (Or vise-versa) I'm reffering to the emulation of the WarpOS and PowerUP systems. This has nothing to do with Warp3D.

No, I think I understood you. No, there are no plans to revive the WarpUp emulation (PowerUp never was in there anyway). That is why I said the drivers will be native AmigaOS 4 drivers.

Seriously, if you do want to contact me write me a mail. You're more likely to get a reply then.
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Permedia 2 support will come in an update.

Does this ever came out?

AMIGA 1200 | Vampire 1200 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision AGA Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
AMIGA 600 | Vampire 600 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision ECS Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
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DJBase wrote:

Permedia 2 support will come in an update.

Does this ever came out?

I'm waiting too for the OS4 W3d driver of Permedia2 cards.

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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What about the native X-Surf driver that was talked about?

AmigaOne XE G4/800 OS4.1
Amiga 4000T, CSPPC@233Mhz, mediator + OS4.
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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
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Akiko wrote:
What about the native X-Surf driver that was talked about?

At least we can use the hacked 68k drivers... but will be really useful a new ppc driver for X-surf (I have one too :)

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Is there any news about native Permedia 3D drivers?

Would be great if one appeared :)

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Re: 2 questions about OS4 (classic) SW compatibility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Just scanning this thread and noticing the reference to warpos being removed.

For those few who may not be aware, this was re-issued by Guru Meditation last year and works well depending on application (noted in the docs).



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