Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2023/6/27 0:59 Last Login
: 1/29 17:53
From UK
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I have both RX580 (8GB) and R550 that I can use for my X5000 primary slot. Currently I'm on the 550. It seems plenty good enough and the 580 doesn't really gain me anything but just uses extra power.
The secondary card for MOS is a different matter entirely. I have two that are listed as compatible, an HD5450 and an R5 230. The 5450 doesn't work at all in the primary or the secondary slot. The R5 works in the primary slot but not in the x4 slot. I'm using a x4 -> x16 riser and have tried two types, neither makes any difference.
Sadly, there's no support on this. I posted to the MOS forum and there were a few responses initially but nothing of any use and then it filtered down the list of active topics and out of sight never to be seen again, so that's that. I'm not prepared to just keep throwing money at it until something works, but it would have been nice to replace the Powerbook laptop as that this is horrible to use.