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New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Hello Amigans,

The new EGL_Wrap library is out with all news functions for your all projects.

Thank you by advance foir your support and good dev and tests.

Is here on my Site:
http://hunoppc.amiga-projects.net/con ... ry-eglwrapper-opengles-20

Beta Beta Beta Work In Progress please update immediately your all games/API after this new release

LibEGL_wrap Version 0.7.20 2023

Minimal required:
Warp3DNova.library Version 54 revision 16
ogles2.library Version 3 revision 3

INTRO: This library was designed as an all-in-one system to be able to make games and to be able to allow easy ports for our AmigaOS4 system
Don't hesitate to get started and let me know of any problems or missing functions so that it can become a powerful development kit

EGL can be implemented on multiple operating systems and now on native AmigaOS4.
Implementations may also choose to allow rendering into specific types of EGL surfaces via other supported native rendering APIs (here OpenglES 2.0 for AmigaOS4.x).
Mechanisms for creating rendering surfaces (windows, pbuffers, pixmaps) onto which client APIs can draw and share.
Methods to create and manage graphics contexts for client APIs.
Ways to synchronize drawing by client APIs as well as native platform rendering APIs.
The EGLStreams extension provides a powerful but easily programmed API to control how a stream of images flow between AmigaOS4 OpenglES 2.0 APIs to enable advanced applications such as Augmented Reality with full hardware acceleration.
Include now GL4es created by PtitSeb (https://github.com/ptitSeb/gl4es), The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library 'Glew' (https://glew.sourceforge.net/) ported by HunoPPC, image decoder PNG/JPEG/BMP/TGA by HunoPPC, sound engine by HunoPPC, AmigaInput lowlevel by HunoPPC,GUI by HunoPPC,SDL1, SDL2 and SDL_image by HunoPPC, GLUes and other small stuffs by HunoPPC.

Documentation is unfinished Work In Progress for porting your work or any games to the web

Please use a new Prefs GUI on your SYS:Prefs/ for configure your EGL_wrap and GL4es libraries
Please use ans test all samples on this folder for mecanism of my EGL_library.
Other games using the GL4es library can take advantage of my Prefs GUI, use a GL4es part on GUI and enjoy!!

Install library and Prefs:
Just launch script Install "LIB_EGL to SYS and Prefs" on libegl_wrap and enjoy!!
For SDK launch script "copy LIB_EGL to SDK"


For Projects GLUES SDL GL (no native, use gl4es) please link with this .h:

#include <EGLSDL/SDL.h>
#include <EGLSDL/SDL_opengl.h>


#include "EGLSDL/SDL.h"
#include "EGLSDL/SDL_opengl.h"

If you use GLUES on SDL add this:

#include "EGLSDL/SDL.h"
#include "EGLSDL/SDL_opengl.h"
#include "EGL/glues.h"

Linked by: -lSDLegl_wrap -legl_wrap -lauto

IMPORTANT: do not use #include "SDL/SDL_opengl.h" (is for minigl) use #include "EGLSDL/SDL_opengl.h" and for the others originals headers no problems, use this.
Do not use `sdl-config --cflags`option please on your makefile
Use `eglsdl-config --cflags`option on your makefile
Do not use -use-dynld

For Projects GLUES SDL2 GL (no native, use gl4es) please link with this .h:

#include <EGLSDL2/SDL.h>
#include <EGLSDL2/SDL_opengl.h>


#include "EGLSDL2/SDL.h"
#include "EGLSDL2/SDL_opengl.h"

If you use GLUES on SDL2 add this:

#include "EGLSDL2/SDL.h"
#include "EGLSDL2/SDL_opengl.h"
#include "EGL/glues.h"

Linked by: -lSDL2egl_wrap -legl_wrap -lauto

IMPORTANT: do not use #include "SDL2/SDL_opengl.h" (is for minigl) use #include "EGLSDL2/SDL_opengl.h" and for the others originals headers no problems, use this.
Do not use `sdl2-config --cflags`option please on your makefile
Use `egl2sdl-config --cflags`option on your makefile
Do not use -use-dynld


For Projects EGL GLUES OPENGLES (native, use opengles 2.0) please link with this .h:

#include "EGL/egl.h"
#include "EGL/glues.h"

Linked by: -legl_wrap -lauto

IMPORTANT: Do not use -use-dynld

For Projects GLEW please link with this .h:

#include "EGL/glew.h"

Linked by: -legl_wrap -lauto

IMPORTANT: Do not use -use-dynld

Version 0.7.20:
* Now!! Support additional shaders glsl on your code (exemple: effects Scanline, CRT and others)
* Now!! all libraries are STATIC, IMPORTANT: don't forget to delete your old dynamic libraries
* New!! Added The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library 'Glew' includes and package for SDK
* Updated SDL1 and SDL2
* Now!! SDL2 as your prefs on ENVARC:egl_wrap/
* Updated Gl4ES
* Updated GUI
* 20% speedup on renderer EGL_Wrap
* Added new icons into the GUI

Version 0.7.19:
* Updated Gl4ES
* Updated GUI
* Added new icons into the GUI
* Added new Prefs on the GUI for Gl4ES
* Added SDL1 SDLegl_image.a fixed for fast loading all images supported by this library
* Fixed problem on AHI with new SDK

Version 0.7.18:
* Updated Gl4ES
* Added SDL1 EGL includes and package for SDK
* Added SDL2 EGL includes and package for SDK
* Added option BLITFULLSCREEN on GL4ES parts

Version 0.7.17:
* Updated Gl4ES
* Fixed SDL1 Fullscreen render
* Added SDL2 EGL (beta)

Version 0.7.16:
* Updated Gl4ES
* Added new Prefs on the GUI for Gl4ES
* Fixed free surface on Glues render
* Added new functions on Glues
- glutGameModeString
- glutEnterGameMode
- glutLeaveGameMode
- glutGameModeGet
- glutIgnoreKeyRepeat
- glutSetKeyRepeat
- glutSimulateButton
- glutPostWindowRedisplay
- glutCloseFunc
- glutWindowStatusFunc
- glutForceJoystickFunc
* Fixed glutKeyboardFunc, keyboard working fine now!!

Version 0.7.15:
* Updated Gl4ES
* Fix Prefs file on the GUI

Version 0.7.14:
* Fixed problem on texture filter
* Updated Gl4ES
* Fixed loading texture on Glues no native Projects
* Modification of all header's .h (please install a new SDK of EGL_wrapper)
* Added all samples SDL_egl_wrap with code
* Added library SDLegl_wrap.a 1.2.15 on EGL SDK
* Added headers of SDLegl_wrap.a 1.2.15 on EGL SDK "EGLSDL/"
PROBLEM: No free surface correctly on Glues render, W.I.P (please reboot your Amiga after use Glues projects)

Version 0.7.13:
* Fixed crash music module on Update Effect.
* Updated Gl4ES
* Add new options environment ENVARC
* Fix mkdir (unix), now native AOS4 functions
* Add new function GLU and GLUT for all mix demos code
* Glues and Glut lights effects working fine now
* Fog effects working fine now
* Colors effects working fine now

Version 0.7.12:
* Internal Shaders working (limited actually W.I.P)
* Small speedup on renderer HD
* New update of GL4ES include

* ALPHA problem on games engine (example: IOQUAKE and RTCW etc..)
* Internal GAMMA
* Endianness problems

In the future:
* Loading external Shader on GL 1.X
* Fix colors and lights effects
* Add new functions
* Speed increase
* Add new options on Prefs GUI
* And other stuffs for your pleasure...

Thanks go to:
My children "Matthis" and "Sorhënn" for allowing me some time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment - For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
Relec for my X1000 NEMO and my X5000
George Sakianos for my new cool web site
Lio, Samo79, K-L, zzd10h, Javier de las Rivas, Pseudaxos, Salternaos, Elwood, Alain Thellier, Sinisrus, Ölrick, Alex, Corto, Daytona, PtitSeb, Kas1e, Xray, A-eon and all my betatesters on my site
My All My Donators ;o)
And of course the whole AMIGA community

For lib GL4es donate to PtitSeb at https://github.com/ptitSeb/gl4es
For lib OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library at https://glew.sourceforge.net/

Bug reports for AmigaOS 4x at
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Mail and donate to: hunoppc(AT)gmail.com


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Cool !

The only problem i have right from the reading a readme is :


Other games using the GL4es library can take advantage of my Prefs GUI, use a GL4es part on GUI and enjoy!!

Is it mean, that it will globally change envarcs of gl4es ?

I mean, all my gl4es ports are tweaked to be as i need them to be (and that include internal change of LIBGL_* envarcs), so if somebody do play with your new prefs GUI for GL4ES, permanently save gl4es options, and then we may have issues with some stuff when report bugs will be a cause of different LIBGL_* envs ..

Or i miss the point, and your prefs will change only GL4ES envs for games compiled with EGL_wrap library in special ENV:EGL/ directory and not global LIBGL_* envs, so old GL4ES without usage of EGL_Wrap will still be ok ?

Edited by kas1e on 2023/9/17 12:16:54
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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This does not affect GLES4 all my prefs are in ENVARC:egl_wrap, so nothing is modified in other games, my library only uses its prefs

Since you brought this problem to my attention, it's been working like this, it's been well over 2 years now.


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Cool, thanks for explain

Downloaded, will play with :)

Btw, if i will update EGL wrapper in the current doom3 , it will automatically work ? Or, there needs for new version of doom3 to take advantages of new egl_wrap ?

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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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you automatically need a new version of doom3 because as I marked in the README, egl_wrap and now in a static and more dynamic version like before. So yes you will have to wait for a new version to use the new functions of the update


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I tested the demos coming with EGL Wrap, and find out, that they do create "LIBGL_*" envs in the ENV: directory and after exit from test apps, didn't delete them.

Of course after reboot they gone, but it still mean, that if anyone will run any EGL_Wrap stuff, then, he will be forced to have again the same problem as we discuss before : EGL_Wrap's LIBGL_* in the ENV:, and reboot will be need it.

I also checked the new prefs : yes, this one create LIBGL_* envs in the Env-Archive/EGL_Wrap/ directory, but still, strangely, all the test cases included in the release of EGL_wrap, do create LIBGL_* in the main ENV: directory , and after exit didn't clean them :( While it is expected they do not create any LIBGL_* in env, but instead use the ones from env:EGL_Wrap, right ?

If so, then looks like bug which need to be fixed or by deleting all env:LIBGL_* after any EGL_Wrap app exit, or, which should be better imho is to not create in ENV: any LIBGL_* but instead use only ones from env:EGL_Wrap ?

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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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it's almost impossible in concept, at home I didn't have all this effect and even less creation because I don't ask it to create but simply to read (except when the environment is not installed correctly and that it cannot find its prefs in envarc:egl_wrap/, have you tried to compile the executable which does this to you (it is perhaps not up to date. for information doom3 does not do this to you? it uses the same library at least the same mechanism. Did you use the installation provided with the packaging?


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I just unpacked new archive to my WORK: , going to directory with Examples, and start checking them by dbl-click on them : after run of any example, I do have in ENV: created a lot of LIBGL_*, and when exit from example they are still in ENV:

For sake of tests I tried different examples, and in all cases the same happens.

Checked also Doom3 : this one also have the same issue : lot's lib LIBGL_* created in ENV:, which disappear only after reboot.


Did you use the installation provided with the packaging?

I was under impression that just simple running of test cases with statically build egl_wrap into, shouldn't cause any issues and created those LIBGL_* in the ENV ? I mean, why it's doing this at all ? Maybe some old code left in library still ?

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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
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Home away from home

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I appreciate all work put into this, mind blowing stuff.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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BeWorld has released MorphOS port of Astromenace

And he uploaded his fixes on Github.


I attempted to build this for AmigaOS4 with my own makefile. But it fails with ITimer function in egl_wrap while linking.

Maybe my makefile was wrong.

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
- AmigaOne X5000
- AmigaOne A1222
- Sam460ex
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

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In that case you should open timer.device, using OpenDevice.

cast the device to library, and use GetInterface as normal,
that should work.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi, changed/updated BeWorld's wipeout fork:

#elif defined(__amigaos4__)
// #include <SDL2/SDL.h>
// #include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#include <EGLSDL2/SDL.h>
#include <EGLSDL2/SDL_opengl.h>

and in Makefile[.amigaos4]:
L_FLAGS := $(L_FLAGS) -lSDL2egl_wrap -legl_wrap -lauto

build without problems, and runs with all textureet all


NOTE: if I don't use "-lauto" I get:
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libegl_wrap.a(egl_wrap.o): In function `OpenDynLibs()':
egl_wrap.cpp:(.text+0x2d36): undefined reference to `ITimer'
egl_wrap.cpp:(.text+0x2d3e): undefined reference to `ITimer'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libegl_wrap.a(esGlu.o): In function `glutGet':
esGlu.c:(.text+0x5ee): undefined reference to `ITimer'
esGlu.c:(.text+0x5fa): undefined reference to `ITimer'
esGlu.c:(.text+0x60a): undefined reference to `ITimer'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libegl_wrap.a(esGlu.o):esGlu.c:(.text+0x966): more undefined references to `ITimer' follow
make: *** [sdl] Error 1

isn't possible to add/open Timer/ITimer so to get rid of -lauto switch?

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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Just popping in
Just popping in

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can someone make a tutorial how to install doom3... i just cannot get it working on my X5000....never have problem like this before...thats amazing how hard it is to get working.
im stuck in the menu when it doom3 starts load maps its ok but then it complain about this and that... start to be phatetic.

AaaamiiigaOne X5000
(AmigaOS 4.1 FE)
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Do you have the Doom3 files with the Patch 1.3.1 ?

Doom 3 1.3.1 (Patch) (Windows):

Doom3 BFG is NOT supported.

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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

See User information

A new release of EGL_Wrap

Version 0.7.21:
* Fixed!! ENV: gl4es prefs after quit EGL_Wrap (thanks Kas1e)
* Fixed!! delete GL renderer on quit native opengl
* Recompiled all samples
* Added version on SDL2egl_library
* Added new functions on intenal lib GLEW renderer

Download and please update your projects

Thank you for your support and your help


AmigaOS 4.1 Rulez
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Re: New EGL_Wrap library is OUT!!! with support GLEW and shaders...
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information
Thanks a bunch for fast fixes !

Btw, is doom3 recompiled with new egl_wrap to add more FPS to whole gameplay ? Currently in some places (with a lot of "far" objects), i have slowdowns to 7-8 fps, while in the places with fewer objects i have 50-60fps (that the same issue with have in RCTW in the place with funiculer, and in some other games which not use egl-wrap, too). But maybe you were able to improve this somehow..

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