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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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And as I wrote elsewhere, wait because NovaBridge is coming. How is this going to be sold? It was announced a year ago that it is ready. What are their plans? My assumption is that it will come with V54 only, which was also announced last year. So people who want it will need to buy V54, whenever this is going to be completed and released. Is their plan to release V54 in 2022/2023/2024/2025? No one knows. So, if this takes a long time and AmigaKit runs out of money, I assume we will see NovaBridge coming into a separate package on its own.

NovaBridge, like Warp3D Nova V54 are parts of V54 and we developed them as such. Nova V54 was recently released as a free upgrade in the Enhancer Software 2.2- even though thousands of pounds were ploughed into it's development over the last year.

I have had several requests from users who want to use NovaBridge in advance of V54 being released. So accordingly we will publish Novabridge as a paid product- the money gained from it will be put back into development. There will be no discounts off future products- you can make the decision if you want to pay for early access or not.

The alternative for users is either wait for Hyperion to develop Snap 2D drivers, Gallium 3D and the other speculated items that formed OS4.2. I never see any threads here asking for progress updates about Hyperion's Gallium3D or Snap 2D drivers. Instead there is continued criticism from a small amount of vocal people directed towards our efforts. It is almost as if they are trying to distract from the obvious elephant in the room.

Enhancer and the Radeon drivers are bought from A-Eon and AmigaKit

Thats true but the Enhancer Software is produced by a team effort of the Amiga Developer Team which Hans is an active core member. The products he develops are exclusive to this team and when he talks about them he is representing our team.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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It is almost as if they are trying to distract from the obvious elephant in the room.

Because there is an elephant in the room, this doesn't mean we should not talk about the crocodile in the room as well.

But anyway, thanks for reminding us once more about the elephant. Is that because you want to distract the discussion from the crocodile?

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I had to add, as X1000 user there are more important stuff I wish to have than MultEdit, MultiViewer, another dock, another video player, another audio player and so on.

I wish to have an onboard ethernet driver, up-to-date Firmware to catch up with X5000 and A1222, pushing Filer development as I think it has a lot of potential but seems to be dead, pushing development of a recent Webkit port...

AMIGA 1200 | Vampire 1200 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision AGA Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Not the easiest things to get developers to work on and complete .

There have been may heated exchanges by developers re onboard Ethernet driver attempts for X1000 and X5000 and A1222 .

Also note that the Sam460ex U-boot still does not work with Radeon RX cards .Acube have their U-boot sources and maintain their own U-boot. but nothing yet. We started testing Radeon Rx Cards in 2019 .

I wish to have an onboard ethernet driver, up-to-date Firmware to catch up with X5000 and A1222

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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No, I don't need these ones, sorry.

Oh, hold on, I use AmiDVD as the original one doesn't work anymore. And Updater with its dependencies of course. Without I am unable to get updates. That's it. No calendar, no clock, no XDock, no Sensors API, no Power Management, no Power Prefs or whatever.

I can assure you Power Management and Prefs are absolutely needed- if you are not using these from the Enhancer Software your graphics card performance will be severely crippled. It is not just about graphics drivers, GPUs are far more advanced these days and stretch across the system in areas not known in the 1990's, early 2000's.

There are other very useful items included in the Enhancer Software which are critical to our customers: AmiDVD, DiskCache, Smart File System, X5000 Network driver, A1222 Network Driver, A1222 AHI Driver for example.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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If you were to come up with a theoretical price for two
packages of just the drivers each bundled along RadeonSI
and RadeonRX lines I wonder if each package would cost more
than the combination of Enhancer 2.x, Radeon HD 5.x and Novbridge ?

You would also probably have to also theoretically have a separate RadeonHD 3.x package for fall back or emergency situations .

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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I had to add, as X1000 user there are more important stuff I wish to have than MultEdit, MultiViewer, another dock, another video player, another audio player and so on.

Of course I understand, but we are building our own software base at the same time as enhancing our customers user experience. Remember we do not have access to the Editpad source code- so we created MultiEdit. Likewise no access to AmiDock, so replaced it with X-Dock. No access to Multiview so MultiViewer was developed as a very advanced alternative. The benefit of having control over your source code is that we are able to respond quickly to customer bug or feature requests. We can release when we want through Updater. Our customers like this because don't want to repeat the multiple year delays that OS4.1 has between bug fix updates.

pushing development of a recent Webkit port...

WebKit would require a dedicated development team and continuous development cycle. Looking at the sales of RadeonHD drivers over the years, there are not enough users here willing to fund such a development.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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If we want to re-schedule packages inhlalt and prices, for me today makes sense this:
Of course, the situation can be totally different after NovaBrige or SystemV54

1. RadeonHD - i.e. RadeonHD V3.7 + Warp3DNova + other
2. RadeonHD-SI - i.e. RadeonHD V5 + Warp3DNova + UVD + other
3. RadeonRX - i.e. RadeonRX + Warp3DNova + UVD + other

but it is not my deal...

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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If you were to come up with a theoretical price for two
packages of just the drivers each bundled along RadeonSI
and RadeonRX lines I wonder if each package would cost more
than the combination of Enhancer 2.x, Radeon HD 5.x and Novbridge ?

It would at least equal the price. Plus just the drivers would be insufficient for use, customers will be asking to buy the Warp3D Nova Libraries, Video Acceleration, Power Management, Power Prefs, OpenGL ES 2 Library and other items. So they will need to buy the Enhancer Software anyway. Its a waste of time carving the package up. The Enhancer Software is moving to further migration of the components in V54 and becoming more cohesive as development progresses.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@Walkero, unfair to use the term crocodile.

Grumbles about the way software is packaged aside, Amigakit/AEon continue to work with the community devs to produce remarkable products.
The elephant that is Hyperion are absentee landlords.

We all expect an income from our day jobs. Why do we expect Amigakit/AEon to be anything different?

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Indeed it is an interesting equation .

If one were to assume that a separate RadeonRX driver only
would have an equal cost to the RadeonHD 5.x then
the other components in Enhancer 2.2 would be Euro 40.00
more for the total Enhancer package price.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Because there is an elephant in the room, this doesn't mean we should not talk about the crocodile in the room as well.

But anyway, thanks for reminding us once more about the elephant. Is that because you want to distract the discussion from the crocodile?

No crocodiles here.

The Hyperion purists will never talk about the lack of "official" development news but instead are critical of the Enhancer Software. Gallium3D has been adopted as the "official/pure" 3D API in OS4 over the years. It is reportedly part of OS4.2 so anyone that doesn't like the idea of installing a third party graphics sub system from the Enhancer Software has the option to wait for the "real" solution to run their 2D/3D games and applications.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Sorry, everyone... I didn't mean anything specific with the "crocodile". It was a random choice. Put any animal in there you'd like...

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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We all expect an income from our day jobs. Why do we expect Amigakit/AEon to be anything different?

Again, I haven't seen anyone mentioning here anything about that, nor that they will not buy the package. So that's not the discussion we do. Of course, they need to get paid and no one said the opposite. I hope that's clear.

The discussion is about the separate packages that do not make sense and the confusion there is in the community. Adding to that the lack of the necessary information from A-Eon and AmigaKit, makes things worse.

I wrote about that before in my posts and I guess you have seen that in other people's comments.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Historically the components that have been sold individually have been included in the next Enhancer branch .

Exception thus far being the Warp3DSI driver.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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By the way are any X5000 users planning to purchase the RadeonHD 5.x driver ?

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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The Hyperion purists will never talk about the lack of "official" development news but instead are critical of the Enhancer Software.

That's the way you want to communicate with the community again? Diverting the discussion on what Hyperion did not do in the previous years and splitting the members into different camps? The same members who are your customers?

By doing that you think that your arguments about your decisions will become stronger? I doubt.

Noone attacked your products and we are a free forum for everyone to say his/her opinion about what he thinks, as long as he/she follows the site rules. I hope you agree that that's how the forums should work.

As much as I understand, in this forum we have only AmigaOS 4 purists. Not A-Eon, not Hyperion, no nothing.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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By the way are any X5000 users planning to purchase the RadeonHD 5.x driver ?

Me, as soon as it is available as a download version.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Again, I haven't seen anyone mentioning here anything about that, nor that they will not buy the package. So that's not the discussion we do. Of course, they need to get paid and no one said the opposite. I hope that's clear.

The discussion is about the separate packages that do not make sense and the confusion there is in the community. Adding to that the lack of the necessary information from A-Eon and AmigaKit, makes things worse.

I wrote about that before in my posts and I guess you have seen that in other people's comments.

Yes, fair comment. There will always be disagreement about how things are packaged up.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Noone attacked your products

There are pages and pages from the same small group people on this forum criticising the Enhancer Software. They pretend to talk for the majority of customers. I have spoken to some of these in shows: I have had suggestions that we should donate our code to Hyperion for the cause. Much the same as the OS3.2 team who donate their time for free so Hyperion can pay their legal expenses. Then the critical comments fly in when we try and make ends meet by selling the software to fund future development which benefits the community.

Diverting the discussion on what Hyperion did not do in the previous years

You should be asking- what will Hyperion do in the present and the future to help this community? No threads here about that I notice. It is not a diversion to point out that consumers can make a buying decision to buy the Enhancer Software or wait for Hyperion's solution (Gallium 3D, Snap 2D video drivers etc).

we are a free forum for everyone to say his/her opinion about what he thinks, as long as he/she follows the site rules. I hope you agree that that's how the forums should work.

Indeed, I agree, hence my replies.


Yes, fair comment. There will always be disagreement about how things are packaged up.

Development is always a moving target. Components that are pencilled in for later released are sometimes brought forward to meet consumer demand. Other components are larger developments times than expected and push releases back. So best laid plans have to be changed.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
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