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Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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well I'll be! surfing on aw.net and don't I see a post from our own kas1e just now saying Timberwolf works again with latest OS4.1 updates????

WTF yes I typed that and frakkin YES it works!!!

1- download it from Aminet
2- download it from OS4depot and overwrite the install from Aminet

I'm sooo happy

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I think it was working all the time, just os4depot archive didn't have necessary dirs/layout which in the "Full" version on aminet :)

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Does it still crash on exit though?

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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One time when I try it didn't crash on the exit. But then when i tried to run it a second time - crash. So had to reboot. Probably the same issue happens randomly after exit.

On another try, i can start/exit it a few times in a row without crashing.

Sadly as on x5000, it looks not that bad. At first, it runs a bit slow, but all others run fast enough for 2-3 seconds.

Too bad at the time work on it was stopped. Looks pretty fine and after some polishing can be good enough. Just not today as it is even more outdated core support than the 7 years old core in odyssey.

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I have wondered if it might be possible to merge it with a recent code of SeaMonkey, since that still uses XUL

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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just out of curiosity, where is the timberwolf source? Are they public accessible?

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Maybe it would not crash on exit (or crash less) if timing code in amigaos_thread.c/amigaos_cvar.c wasn't broken. As it looks at the moment what can for example happen is that a timerrequest is pending (unreplied) while it shuts down (CloseDevice). Because of the usual broken timing code which among other things assumes timersig received == timerequest was replied. This is not always so, because a previously aborted timerequest may have left the signal set, because WaitIO() does not always cause the signal to be cleared.

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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working nice and snappy on my X1000 and no issues on exit. I do get a temporary slowdown for a few seconds when I've alot of tabs open ..maybe need to increase cache?

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I went in to try it again (after forgetting about it for quite a while) only to find that I must have deleted it from my partition.

I did the Aminet install with the OS4Depot install over it, but I keep getting ISI's when trying to start it.

Not terribly disappointed though, with the new Odyssey working so well.


Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Sorry to hear that but it seems X5000 owners are having more issues than X1000 owners with Timberwolf for some reason(s)...maybe Altivec? Anyhiw like you said the latest Odyssey is working great so no big deal for X5000 owners but I personally prefer using Timberwolf back when it was still working with OS4.1 Update 6 and today typing this message.

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I think it was working all the time, just os4depot archive didn't have necessary dirs/layout which in the "Full" version on aminet :)\

go figure I was so upset when it stopped working after Update 6 and was pleasantly surprised to have it up and running as good as before the last couple of days so thanks alot for figuring out how to get it up & working again

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hmm, it is a pity....I thought there would have been a 'special reason' that TW is now working again, e.g. an system update...but this procedure to first install Aminet version and then the OS4Depot is known - and never really worked here with my X5000. Just crashes right after launching it...

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / AmigaOS 3.9
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Works "as advertised" on my X5000.

First of all, the manual says that you have to make sure that the dosdriver "RANDOM" is mounted.

The manual also says that it can crash during launch. (It's apparently expected behaviour).
So for me it crashed the first time with the progress bar on the splashscreen at about 33%.
I attached it to the GDB. But running GDB fails on a X5000 (also expected behaviour). So I closed the GDB and started Timberwolf again (as the manual recommends in this case).
This time the browser starts without a crash.

And now I am posting this message from Timberwolf.

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I did exactly the same, deleted and installed it several times: But here TW freezes just when I am about to enter an URL...
But who knows, maybe I will try it a fourth or fifth times...;)

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / AmigaOS 3.9
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have problems with Timberwolf too.It requests some SO files.

Where do I get such files?

I have copied one from AmigaOS 4.1:Internet/Timberwolf to Work:Internet:Timbertwolf but it has no effect

Any help will be highly appreciated-

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Here is what I did to get it working on de X5000:
1. Download Timberwolf from aminet and extract to RAM:. Move extracted directory from RAM: to sys:internet
2. Download Timberwolf from os4depot and exctract to RAM:. Copy the directory to sys:internet and select to overwrite files.
3. Timberwolf starts every second time for me. Don't reboot after a crash. Simply start Timberwolf again.

Note1: Timberwolf creates a lot of directories and files when it is executed. Apparently the first startup crash is related to creating these files. During execution, these files get updated. When I run timberwolf again after a succesfull start, it fails to open webpages. Seems like no data is being retrieved. The problem is in the created directory userprofiles. When I delete this directory before a next start, browsing works again.

Could this be a filesystem issue? I don't know if the X1000 and X5000 use the same filesystem on the boot partition.

Note2: I have the impression that OWB is more compatible with modern webpages than Timberwolf. So if it doesn't work for you, it's no loss imho.

Note3: Radeon RX5x0 users. Don't forget to open the power prefs and "use" high performance mode. Although saved, it still isn't applied at startup (for me). This makes a noticable difference in scrolling webpages on Timberwolf and OWB.

I cannot explain it but when I do the same unpack action to my work: partition. Firefox behaves normal. So no crash during startup and no need to remove the userprofile directory before the next execution. All partitions are NGF\00. Same SSD. Same buffers. Same blocksize. Only difference is that the sys: partition is bootable. Weird.

Edited by geennaam on 2022/1/7 9:48:22
Edited by geennaam on 2022/1/7 11:29:31
Edited by geennaam on 2022/1/7 11:43:45
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Writing this with Timbrwolf running on my X5000... ;)


Thanks for your hints and your efforts.
I can only test it on my X5000 and here it turned out that Timberwolf only runs if all user profiles are deleted before. Otherwise it freezes immediately after the main window opened.
Of course this is annoying, for all the user settings are lost...

Apart from that there is another problem: When Timberwolf is launching, you can see the blue progress bar fills. If it is full, the main window opens. But then, the Timberwolf start logo appears again, this time the blue progress bar only loads a third. This seems the reason that it is impossible to quit Timberwolf properly. This logo does not vanish...

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / AmigaOS 3.9
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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If you watch closely than you'll notice that a second splash screen opens on top of the first one. So the first progress bar never completes. Only the one on the second splash screen. But after I quit timberwolf. This second splash screen is removed as well.

No idea why this happens. But I like I said in my previous post. Timberwolf is pretty useless because most sites with ssl don't load anyways.

Edited by geennaam on 2022/1/7 13:15:34
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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Just popping in
Just popping in

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PS: Now it worked. Crazy. The second logo screen vanished.

It is always good to know that applications are installed which basically work. Even if not all websites can be accessed. But this we know for a long time: One Amiga browser never can access all desired websites. Therefore it is good to have another alternative...

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / AmigaOS 3.9
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