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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Understand, just do you know what is the current state of the salass libs ?
I mean, is everything accelerated already in his implementation and if not everything accelerated yet, atleast does we have already some simple test of his implementation compared to a "plain" one ?
As you say that OWB need to be rewrite in various area for Amiga surface, having a simple test could atleast suggest us if in end the work will worth or not

That what Frederik answer about: https://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum ... id=116234#forumpost116234

So " It is just solid coloured shapes though, and if you enable anti-alias only drawing of rectangles is h/w accelerated.".

But i do not know what it mean from Odyssey's side. I mean how much Odyssey use "anti-aliased drawing of rectangles" and "solid coloured shapes".

As for tests, he have on his github page and tests as well, all can be downloaded and compiled easy with supplied makefiles (i tried few days ago). And it have some tests too. But once i see that those tests are "too much have amigaos4 native code", i understand that i can't simply replace old cairo with his one.

If only we can redirect somehow image-surfaces to amiga-surfaces, without needs to rewrite odyssey's code

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Right, i can always add them myself.

I guess it's too much to ask to make the Search engines list at least "sortable"?
So, that one can drag the wanted entry to the top?
Or some change to make an entry "default" so it gets used on a fresh start?
Right now, the first entry will always be used on a fresh start of Odyssey.

Same goes for the "Spoof as..." setting, it always goes back to "Default Setting" on a fresh start...or do i have to save the settings somewhere?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Odyssey 1.23 r5_beta02 - AmigaOS4

Many thnaks for taking up this work. Already some nice small improvements. The font rendering is much better with this version. Much easier on my eyes.

I did notice that is the beta02 release the $Ver:: isn't set although the version in the about box is correct.

When I right click on Odyssey beta02 and select version it shows the old version: "Odyssey Web Browser 1.23 (12/25/2013)"

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Well done ;)!

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I did notice that is the beta02 release the $Ver:: isn't set although the version in the about box is correct.

You mean $Ver:: is set, just to old 1.23 ? Just want to be sure nothing broken at moment :)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Ok, as owb code is now open and compilable for everyone let's hope for an eventual contrib for him :)

Just a cosmetic thing, in spoofing order Firefox 25 should be listed after Firefox 3.6

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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You mean $Ver:: is set, just to old 1.23 ? Just want to be sure nothing broken at moment :)

Correct. $Ver: is set to old 1.23. Nothing broken.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Spoofing as iphone 13 works great with youtube. ;)

A "little thing" you should add that I find annoying is in the "Download Fonts" script in the Odyssey folder, everytime I make an fresh install and "install" Odyssey I run the Download Fonts script, and it always fail
until I add --no-check-certificate.

The fix as you know is to add


on line 23 in the script after -

"echo >t:fetchfont{$$} ".KEY F*NDatas/wget --tries 10 --waitretry 10"

So an reminder or a choosable option in the script would be great!

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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It would probably be better to use

--cacert DEVS:curl-ca-bundle.crt

just to be on the safe side.

or maybe this is a cURL only switch?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Its probabaly curl only, for wget is that "--no-check-certificate" thing.

Yeah, will add


Spoofing as iphone 13 works great with youtube. ;)

At least we will have some more time with working youtube :) Now need to accelerate mediaplayer for sure somehow )


Added to the repo enabled and fixed webp support, as well as new user-agents

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just for understanding...

1) what is LIBS/asyncio.library used for in Odyssey?
And is a version from 2005 still to be trusted?

2) why is there a codesets.library in LIBS/?
Shouldn't it be installed somewhere into the LIBS: path to permit mixups?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I put the libraries to the odyssey's LIBS directory, to avoid any mess which can be created by:

1). user didn't have library installed
2). user have wrong library installed

So i just supply ones which 100% trusted, and they used firstly.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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What is asyncio.library for anyway?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I do get a lot of
lately (since the updates) but that might be only me and i also don't have a reproducable case yet.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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What is asyncio.library for anyway?

"provides DOS-like functions for using double buffered asyncronous IO on files"

In odyssey it used for open/write/etc files, there:

https://github.com/kas1e/Odyssey/blob/ ... e/Linux/BCFileIOLinux.cpp

It surely can be rewriten on amigaos4 native probabaly, as we can expect that today's DOS should do it all what asyncio do. Its just for MorphOS and AmigaOS that all used offten, and it just works for os4 port as well, without needs to tinkering with "if our public DOS can do that all already what asyncio do, and if it worth to worry about at all".


I do get a lot of
lately (since the updates) but that might be only me and i also don't have a reproducable case yet.

Be sure you use beta02, and be sure you use latest mui. But if both are meet, then it probabaly that one:


So try to save crashlogs , and compare if they the same, as well as take latest debug version Thore attach to the ticket and try to follow his steps he ask to provide more usefull crashlogs.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Found a general bug in address bar, it's not a new one as i can reproduce it in every versions of owb

To reproduce it, do this step passages:

1) Identify your browser as IPad 6.1
2) Open Google, and type something to search, for example: "Odyssey Web Browser aros"
3) Now in Google search, choose "image" (so to search for images the text you typed)
4) When thumbnails will be loaded, right click into any of that image and select --> open image in new tab

In the new tab opened you will have this:


Lot of garbages in text of the address bar

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Have the debug versions installed now for some time, can't get the crash anymore.
Either because of the slowdown due to the debug builds or there was some "fix" which, well "fixed" it.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just popping in

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Seems that it loads the picture from a stored database or something like that.
Url start with data:image/jpeg;base6 ... and contains more than 16000 characters!

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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and contains more than 16000 characters!

Indeed you are right .. just selected with copy and paste one of that line-url and got a crazy quantity of 12304 chars !
Means Odyssey seems not able to manage such extra long urls and go mad :)

However it doesn't seems a limitation in other Amiga browsers as just tried the same with NetSurf and everything worked with no glitch at all, so only OWB seems affected to ,,, i'll report it as MUI bug eventually

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Seems that it loads the picture from a stored database or something like that.
Url start with data:image/jpeg;base6 ... and contains more than 16000 characters!

The URL literally has a JPEG image base64 encoded in it. That's what "data:image/jpeg;base64=..." means (where ... is the image data). No wonder it's ridiculously long!

That's a very silly way of submitting an image to a server. Odyssey should still be able to handle it, though.


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