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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Does Odyssey support WebP

As far as i can see : no. At least i test google image galleries, and while it show WebP-lossless and WebP-lossy (with alpha) for png, in google's WebP gallery it show only .jpeg, but not .webp

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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From newer readme about WebP

- 12.04.2014: Odyssey Web Browser 1.24
- Enabled WebP support again, it seems it had been disabled at some point.

And by checking the MorphOS archive i found a very small typo in bookmark HTML file in our version, that file will be generated from Odyssey when you start creating personal bookmark :)

All the title references in HTML generated file still have an old reference for "OWB MorphOS"

!-- OWB MorphOS Bookmark V1 --

OWB MorphOS Bookmark

OWB was also the old name scheme of MorphOS version until 1.12 afaik .. now it might instead show "Odyssey AmigaOS4" or something similar

Edited by samo79 on 2020/3/3 12:30:08
Edited by samo79 on 2020/3/3 12:31:35
Edited by samo79 on 2020/3/3 12:34:43
Edited by samo79 on 2020/3/3 12:35:33
Edited by samo79 on 2020/3/3 12:36:04
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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About webp: yeah, Fab enable it for 1.24, mean i can do so as well then

About bookmark file and "OWB Morphos" words: that not typo, it was like this of course. But if you mean as forgotten to replace, then it didnt specially, to allow users from both oses import/export that file between oses. If change it now, it will mean no more ability to cross-use the same file, which is more important imho than words changing.

Need to check if it changed in latest morphos versions or not

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I apologize, for this request, surely you are working on much more important things.
And so mine is just a "superfluous" request
Not having real PPC hardware, I cannot participate in important reports for real hardware.
I was told by a friend that even having an X1000 Odyssey when playing videos on Youtube, if the cursor remains on the active browser window the video is played jerky.
While instead making the browser window inactive the video is played smoothly.
I apologize again for this report.
I was wondering if this problem really exists on an X1000
And if it can be resolved in the future possibly.
Indeed, thanks once again for the work being done on the new Odyssey.
Thanks one more time.

I just put a small video to highlight what I mean, thanks!

can be selected at 1080p for better viewing


Edited by white on 2020/3/3 18:56:58
Edited by white on 2020/3/3 19:00:43
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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About bookmark file and "OWB Morphos" words: that not typo, it was like this of course.

Sorry, of course not "typo" .. i meant "replacing"

But if you mean as forgotten to replace, then it didnt specially, to allow users from both oses import/export that file between oses. If change it now, it will mean no more ability to cross-use the same file, which is more important imho than words changing.

Ah, i did not thinked about importing to other versions of odyssey for other systems ,, i though it was merely a replaceble HTML text title

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Export code allow ibrowse2.4 format and "owb morphos", need to check how stricle is it now.

Edited by kas1e on 2020/3/3 20:23:53
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Enabled WebP, and it didn't help youtube images. So I assume youtube just needs updated core for some time.

Also, have issues with WebP rendering: all the images are in "over-blue" color, like something with endianness. I tried and your version from os4depot, and build my own latest 1.1.0, and has the same issue, see:


I tried to use "dwebp" example (and your one, and my one), and in both cases when i just do:

dwebp 1.jpg -o 1.webp

i have:

Decond of 1.jpg failed.

I also tested if webp_datatype from CrhisY works : and that one works surely, can show webp files correctly for me.

Odyssey's webp decoder files there:

https://github.com/kas1e/Odyssey/tree/ ... geDecoder/WebCore/WEBP/WK

(if one want to check wtf)

I tried to build Odyssey with LTO, and while I was able to do so, and the resulting binary save a lot of sizes (about ~15mb less!), it just crashes on start. Probably because of some issues lto-plugin bring on linking about violating c++ rules, redefines and all that stuff. Will create a ticket on GitHub about where everyone can see how to build it with lto and may be able to fix issues that cause crashes.

Edited by kas1e on 2020/3/4 8:34:29
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
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webp datatype works fine (as you say).
Using Ibrowse 2.5.2 and the webp_dt it shows correctly the images from https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/gallery1

and using dwebp from http://www.os4depot.net/share/develop ... rary/graphics/libwebp.lha

shows image correct too.
Maybe if you can build oddyssey using such sdk/lib (if not using those already)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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and using dwebp from http://www.os4depot.net/share/develop ... rary/graphics/libwebp.lha

shows image correct too.

How you use it ? I just tried "dwepb 1.jpg -o 1.webp" and have error.


shows image correct too.
Maybe if you can build oddyssey using such sdk/lib (if not using those already)

Of course i tried that one in first place as i wrote above about webp : be it os4 build, or my own, there is issues with colors.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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your args are switched, first WEBP then -o PNG

yes, no problem here:
#dwebp ram:1.webp -o ram:1.png
Decoded ram:1.webp. Dimensions: 550 x 368 . Format: lossy. Now saving...
Saved file ram:1.png

#Examples/cwebp 1b.png -o 1b.webp
Saving file '1b.webp'
File: 1b.png
Dimension: 550 x 368
Output: 27940 bytes Y-U-V-All-PSNR 40.64 45.43 47.16 41.84 dB
(1.10 bpp)
block count: intra4: 627 (77.89%)
intra16: 178 (22.11%)
skipped: 12 (1.49%)
bytes used: header: 199 (0.7%)
mode-partition: 2794 (10.0%)
Residuals bytes |segment 1|segment 2|segment 3|segment 4| total
macroblocks: | 4%| 7%| 48%| 41%| 805
quantizer: | 36 | 32 | 27 | 22 |
filter level: | 11 | 7 | 4 | 15 |

dwebp 4169377 ----rwed 26-Jul-19 23:10:04
cwebp 7611540 ----rwed 26-Jul-19 23:10:04
2 ficheros - 11M bytes - 1442 bloques usados
#c:MD5Sum dwebp
9e39d2731959dadef3537a683890685e dwebp

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Drats, i thinking in other way around by some reassson, that it will take jpeg and recode it to webp :) Yeah, decode from webp to image works for me too.

So also tried "cwebp" to convert from jpeg to webp : and it also converts fine.

Through by "fine" it mean it shows fine by webp_datatype. Maybe we need to try to show it through libwebp examples from C code, and if it will works, then it mean Odysseys's webp imagedecoder fail on big-endian

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Do you know if on webp decoder source you pointed few post above our build uses/enables

'cos you can try build with it enabled and disbled and see if it changes something.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Our one build with it disabled. Yeah, may try to enable it.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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That QCMS_WEBP_COLOR_CORRECTION, use qcms library + lcms library. Also Odysseys's code in those ifdefs didn't builds with includes from qcms, so probabaly it wasnt' working and wasn't used since some time.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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So the feel is that this is faster than before (before= md5sum b6735a66396eb51add0498b65e2aebdb).

I loaded www.adom.de a couple of times in both browsers, new build was always 12 seconds and old 16 seconds at best (from hitting enter to "done" message). So it surely can be a lot faster.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Indeed. Using Odyssey a lot, I immediately felt an improvement regarding speed when rendering pages.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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That good ! It can be partly because of GCC 8.x switch and partly because of newer curl.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Indeed, i for myself warned others about possible "placebo" effects about speed, but now 2 entire days of use passed with lot of site visited and revisited .. and yeah i can admit that the sensation of more speed seems not only a sensation ! ... also no sluggish nor slowdown at all when browsing .. everything seems working great !

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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@samo79 Wait, do you not have the Grim Reaper visits?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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No crash, atleast for now ..

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