Like a lot of us I have software I need to use that is written for Windows only. I need financial, business, production software as well as the fun, artistic stuff. I also do a lot of research using the internet and it got to the point where at least a quarter of the web sites I wanted to get into were not viewable with Miggy. But even at that I used it as my only computer for a long time. I don't remember what version of Windows we were using where I worked at the time, but I sure didn't want to use it at home too...

But Windows got better. Eventually. Now I'm using XP Pro.
When I sold my A2000 and got an A4000 ('94, '95-ish?) I had planned on doing a lot of upgrades and getting it current for the times (for the Amiga). Unfortunately, job changes and reduced income put the skids to that idea. If I could have upgraded my miggy no doubt I would still be using it for some of the work I need to do. Now it would be next to impossible, not to mention prohibitively expensive even if the hardware could be found. Amigas are so fun and easy to use I hated putting mine away.
I've been trying to keep up with Amiga developments over the years, hoping for a new system, and now we're landed in this newest legal mess. Is it ever gonna end??

Kind Regards,