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Joined: 2009/4/28 4:57 Last Login
: Today 3:39
From Adelaide, Australia
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Yeah, after setting 59 back to UNKNOWN, the forward-slash no longer says Unknown Key. The reason I had both 58 and 59 as forward-slash, is because the AmigaOS Keymap wiki says 59 is "/? Brazil (near RShift) and International 1 (Ro)". Is Ro Romania? I hope people using a Brazilian keyboard can still use the forward-slash key, although you said it's hardcoded to 0, so maybe not?
Also when you say scancodes 46 and 48, I assume you're referring to the numbers listed in the scancodes_amiga.h header, since the scancodes that checkkeys outputs don't match (e.g in the header, A, S and D are 32, 33 and 34, but checkkeys says the scancodes are 4, 22 and 7 respectively).