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Re: Wings Remastered
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Yes, on the Peg2 here the audio issue was real severe with Wings Remastered too. However, while I wasn't able to find / fix the cause in the driver I was at least able to minimize the phenomenon in Wings.
Actually, as weird as it sounds: one of the reasons why Wings' audio issues are probably more hefty compared to other progs on your setup is it's high rendering efficiency
Most textures are packed into large atlases (for bombing and strafing missions this is even done dynamically during loading; the game analyzes which ground tiles are used in the respective level and creates one or more optimized atlases for those on the fly) and the geometry is drawn using pretty large batches. While this approach increases rendering performance quite a lot it unfortunately makes the audio issue on some systems more likely

Of course I'm actively on it! Just not that active on the forums
Just uploaded some more screenshots. Currently finishing up the model-conversion/-optimization tool (already good enough for most tasks).

Edited by Daytona675x on 2016/2/3 12:05:24
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Re: Wings Remastered
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just pre-ordered :)

Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot
Apollo v4 Standalone
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Re: Wings Remastered
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Thank a lot

Played around with my new 3D model format I came up with for Wings. Here's some bit-fiddle-fun for those who like that kind of stuff

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Re: Wings Remastered
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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What an interesting compression idea for the normals. Way better than Raven, and their 3-byte integers.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.
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Re: Wings Remastered
Home away from home
Home away from home

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thanks for the updates!

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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Re: Wings Remastered
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[Quote] Yes, on the Peg2 here the audio issue was real severe with Wings Remastered too. However, while I wasn't able to find / fix the cause in the driver I was at least able to minimize the phenomenon in Wings.[/Quote]

When you say "minimize" what does that mean? Does it sound good? no static or weird tones?

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Re: Wings Remastered
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Here on the Peg2 setup it was extreme during Wings' bombing areas, heavy during strafing and often during dogfights.
Now it is happening almost never. Occasonally there's a short beep.

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Re: Wings Remastered
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Just popping in

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Had a look of the demo video, very impressive. Congratulations on your work so far.

Passing by
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Re: Wings Remastered
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I just added a pretty detailed photo-session illustrating the model conversion process.
For more information also check out the diary's entries since yesterday


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Re: Wings Remastered
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Just popping in

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Your Cinema 4D troubles are a good example of just one of the many unplanned issues which make it impossible to know exact release dates and also increases the cost of software development. I wish more people would understand that general concept.

I should be ordering my copies of the game by the end of February.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000
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Re: Wings Remastered
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Your Cinema 4D troubles are a good example of just one of the many unplanned issues which make it impossible to know exact release dates and also increases the cost of software development. I wish more people would understand that general concept.


I just looked through the model conversion process, and sounds quite involved.

Converting between formats can often be a pain. With the RHDRMTest2 demo I ended up manually editing a few Wavefront OBJ files (e.g., the space station file had duplicates of all surfaces).

Next time I need to load 3D models, I'll probably ditch my Wavefront loader, and try out Assimp.


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Re: Wings Remastered
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Thanks And yes, that's such a type of issue indeed. However, in this particular case, the time-saving I now get thanks to all those scripts and the ModelConverter outweights the time it took to develop it.

Yes, it's a pain indeed. I expect some more of that when it gets to the animated models, like the soldiers But well, not the first time that I have to mess with sth. like that, but the sheer number of models is very high this time.
Luckily I have some code and self-made tools from an old iOS game porting project that I can partially reuse, that will come handy now.
Assimp (great name btw.) looks really interesting! From a quick look the code's structure seems to be pretty clean, not such a mess as so many other open-source projects. Definitely something to consider, for the future.

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Re: Wings Remastered
Not too shy to talk
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Hi all,

fresh stuff in the dev-diary: progress and madness with the level-conversion

Have fun,

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Re: Wings Remastered
Home away from home
Home away from home

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looks like your having fun


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Re: Wings Remastered
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A dedicated detective work
It seems a frame rate in classic reasonable to approach

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Re: Wings Remastered
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Yes And yes, I'm fairly optimistic regarding PPC classics (at least if there's a Mediator / Radeon too).

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Re: Wings Remastered
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Awesome news. Glad you are heavily working on it. a release on PPC amiga would sell alot more copies I think. When do project Wings NG will be available?

Also are you working on WAN support for your other game? thanks

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Re: Wings Remastered
Not too shy to talk
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When do project Wings NG will be available?

Check out the development diary's initial paragraph for the latest estimation

Also are you working on WAN support for your other game?

Not right now. Unfortunately it's on hold, half done, until I have finished the current stuff (which isn't "just" Wings Remastered )

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Re: Wings Remastered
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Cool thanks for the update. Glad you added universal menu control to joystick! Also you mispelled "whole" as "hole" on the intro on the site :)

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Re: Wings Remastered
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Sorry, have been a bit lazy (only) with forum responses and diary updates the last week
Typo fixed
Yes, that complete menu-control via joystick / keyboard was something where I really thought "how could they forget that".

Anyway, added some new screenshots showing the bombing-airplane-conversion process. And also added some bombing-mission performance stats, which you'll like for sure

Those stats also show how important it is to cut down the triangle count as much as possible.

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