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Joined: 2006/11/20 16:26 Last Login
: Yesterday 14:48
From Norway
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Keep an eye on the memory usage, and CPU usage, it can tell you something, how web page looks depends on web browser how old web engine is.
if computer is slow, there are things you can do to lower CPU usage, you can disable anti-aliased fonts, for example.
if your running low on ram, then open the web browser on 16bit screen, instead of running it on 32bit screen, this should cut memory usage in half.
Put your temp files on a hard drive, if you are using IBrowse, if your computer has not a lots of memory.
Some web browsers use data types, a bad datatype can crash the system. Did you install something just before crashing started? (Snoopy / SoopDOS can tell you something about what system components that are used.)
It can be hardware related, or hardware dependent. Its know that A1222 has problems with virtual memory for now, can be fixed latter.
Delete the font cache, a broken font, can crash the system. and run fix fonts, if you have installed new fonts.