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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Not too shy to talk 
Hey tekmage,
My collection of apps breaks down as follows:
All of the time: - ARexx - Shell - AmIRC - IBrowse - SSHTerm - AmigaAmp - rVNCd - SMBFS - rnoXFer - AOrganizer - Notepad - Multiview
Every day or two: - Unarc - AIOstreams - YT.rexx - MPlayer - FFPlay - unreleased YT search script - Finalwriter - AmiPDF - PDFtoolkit.py - Multiviewer
Weekly usage: - ImageFX - Mediavault - Ignition - Pagestream - Gnumeric - Abiword
Occasional usage: - Codebench - Cadepad - DeepL tranlator - Oddity - Netsurf - ADRipper - Cranu - ADripper - PicView
Of course there are so many other miscellaneous things I use even more sporadically and things I honestly don't get the time to play with.
Geez, I keep stumbling on thimgs with the OS I haven't played with yet! Anyone customized their ENV:ContectMenu.cfg/ ??
Re: Airprint betatesting
Not too shy to talk 
Thanks for opening up the testing on this! I just tried it on my X5K with an HP P4515 laserjet. My bug report was emailed to your address.
Re: Mac Emulator Basilisk II
Not too shy to talk 
Hi all,
I've had Basilisk booting for a long time off a MacOS 7.6.1 system hard disk file I used to use with Shapashifter. I'd imagine there are examples of the installed images floating around the innerwebs.
For the sake of performance and saving the source images & Amiga drives, I've long run a script that copies the MacOS system image to RAM: before running Basilisk (Mac/Basilisk crashes can kill your image file(s)).
I saw a comment I didn't understand about not being able to specify volumes... I've got the System (in RAM:) plus App and Data volumes specified on the "Disk" tab in Basilisk and they all seem to appear fine.
Unfortunately, I've never gotten "shared directory" access to work without a quick visit to the Grim Reaper.
AFAIK, no version of Baslisk has ever engaged the ethernet support that Shapeshifter had. In Shapeshifter I used to run the "VLink" virtual ethernet drivers pair to get flawless net access. While Olaf tells me VLink should work out of the box with Roadshow, Basilish does not seem to use it.
Without file or net access to the outside world, there's only so far you can go with Basilisk. I really wish the development had gotten it to maturity. Any chances?
Re: Amiupdate servers?
Not too shy to talk 
Rigo's comment is as I recall.... You don't need to create the SiteFile, just make the server entry and AmiUpdate will ask you for the login and save it to the SiteFile for you.
Good luck,
Re: tis the season!
Not too shy to talk 
Merry Christmas & Festivus and Happy Holidays all!
It's finally December! Break out the XMas avatars!
Have a great time guys. Cheers to better Amiga years.
Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - November 2024
Not too shy to talk 
Along with all the others, THANKS for bringing the roundup back!
It's great to be reminded of the progress of the month and to maybe catch anything you might have missed along the way.
Thanks again,
Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Not too shy to talk 
ah, OK. Trying to make an ARexx script that will work in both OS4 and OS3? An interesting challenge...
I just don't recall if there was anything like the OS4 requestchoice/requeststring/requestfile commands in the end on OS3. Maybe they backported them in OS3.2 ??
If they were available, that would simplify things - to just use a simple command line command to do what you want on both systems.
Otherwise, you could check the system version at you script start and then use whatever method best suited the system your script was running on.
Well, good luck with your hacking!
Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Not too shy to talk 
I was just wondering...
It looked like you were just creating a simple string requester. Were you trying to do more then that?
Were just that, why not simply use the c:requeststring and avoid the pitfalls of relying on a 3rd party library?
Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
Posted on: 2024/11/19 0:38
Not too shy to talk 
Speaking of uncalled for....
Here people are trying to be constructive and walkero was just posting on the code in the script that appears to download videos for playback.
Are you sure you're on the right website? Maybe you should go to AW.net to post comments with attitude like that??
Thank you,
Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
Posted on: 2024/11/19 0:11
Not too shy to talk 
@K-L and all
Please bear in mind, playing YT videos on an Amiga is a constant battle against the dark powers of Goggles... They hate Amigas.
I've been working through new goggles issues with Mick and they are trying to complicate video playing even more than ever before. :/
FWIW, last weekend I was doing some testing and found the "ANDROID" mode of playback with YT.rexx v3.1 still gets me playable streams. Maybe Mick can come up with a better solution...
As such, I suggest you change your YT.rexx autoplay arguments to:
YT.rexx [STREAM URL] android silent autoplay
...that's been working for most everything for me.
Regarding the skips and glitches I saw people mention, you might try the latest MPlayer (on OS4depot) in lieu of Emotion - it seems to be better suited to streaming media.
Good luck,
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/10/5 19:22
Not too shy to talk 
Thanks for the latest couple releases!
While both (10/1 & 10/4) builds still complain about the guigfx.lib at start up, both of them now are loading most of the pages linked on the NetSurf "home" page.
I say "most" because, as others reported, just clicking on the google link, froze up Netsurf with "loading" in the bottom corner.
I also found that while the ArsTechnica main page loaded, clicking on a link in that page also resulted in the same frozen "loading" state.
in both cases, I didn't see anything appear over the serial port reflecting a crash, etc.
I hope this helps.
Again, thanks for the updates!
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/9/14 22:28
Not too shy to talk 
Thanks for making the new 9/12 build. I just installed it on my X5K and tried to run it.
As usual, it complained about requiring guigfx.lib and then opened its window.
I clicked on the Slashdot link on the home page. It said "Fetching. Processing" at the bottom and that was it.
Now it appears to be locked up. Entering Amigans URL doesn't cause anything more to happen. Trying to quit doesn't work.
I see no GR and nothing on the serial except for this line:
[dVerify] verify timeout: Class=0x00002000 Code=0x0001 Window=0x66B8A458 Title=Welcome to NetSurf Name=(null) IMsg=0x669EB6B8
I don't know if that helps you any. Please let me know if there's something else to test.
Thanks again for your efforts.
Re: Sound over USB speakers
Posted on: 2024/8/27 13:55
Not too shy to talk 
by trixie on 2024/8/27 8:46:02
So in other words, you need to make a AHI server/driver, that USB driver can connect to.
IIRC one of the problems is that AHI (by its design) expects audio hardware to be physically installed at boot time, for the AHI driver to recognize it. This is not the case with USB audio hardware, which can be plugged in any time.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/8/27 2:20
Not too shy to talk 
I ran it from the Workbench, in the directory with the new build, double-cicking on the Netsurf icon. No APPDIR: muss or fuss involved.
All in all, as a decades long betatester, I rarely rely on APPDIR: for my app paths. I want to know exactly what I was running and from where!
Re: Sound over USB speakers
Posted on: 2024/8/27 1:57
Not too shy to talk 
IIRC, a big problem with USB audio is its transient nature.
All advanced Amigas (and imitators) seem to rely on AHI (or something like it??) and as I understand it it, AHI has no provision audio sources/destinations changing without reboots.
IIRC, LyleHaze came up with a number of USB audio hacks over the years, but the transient nature of USB made things touchy at best.
So it's not that small a job for it ork well, AFAIK.
Re: User Groups
Posted on: 2024/8/25 0:56
Not too shy to talk 
"bad penny" ...heh
But afraid to get on IRC??
;D !!
Re: Odyssey scripts
Posted on: 2024/8/25 0:47
Not too shy to talk 
"From in Russia everyone is free to say what he thinks"
Lets hope Russia stops attacking its neighbors.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/8/25 0:30
Not too shy to talk 
Thanks for posting the URL to the new build of NetSurf! I installed it into a new directory and fired it up.
Unfortunately it's still asking for the GuiGfx.library. None is installed.
After OK'ing to that, the NetSurf window came up. But like as others reported, attempts to load pages off the internet all resulted in "Error occurred fetching page" - but then everything I tried redirects to HTTPS links.
I did try a local webpage generated by YT.rexx (that's obviously NOT https) and that loaded fine, but without the thumbnail image (probably a goggles HTTPS link).
I hope all this helps you chase down the GuiGfx & https bugs!
Thanks again!!
Re: User Groups
Posted on: 2024/8/15 3:50
Not too shy to talk 
/me pokes sbaitso to see if he's real....
it must be an AI !!
Re: Can a Power PC-based Amiga emulate a Power PC Macintosh?
Posted on: 2024/8/13 0:55
Not too shy to talk 
Congrats! you are NUMBER ONE! The first person in two decades (??) I've seen able to make iFusion work.
So many questions....
Was that on just your A4K 060/CSPPC or have you ever gotten it to work on a NG machine?
Where did you get the magical v16 Warp lib from? Is it still available?
When it ran, was it really stable, usable and did it take advantage of the host machine's powers - memory, higher res, higher palette depth, network, etc?
Please let us know how things went.