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Joined: 2007/6/9 20:41 Last Login
: 2010/11/2 23:55
From Wisconsin, USA
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I've been thinking about this very same idea. That original lawsuit versus Thendic (Genesi?) resolved around whether AmigaDE was really meant to be a part of AmigaOS, now or in the future. Amiga Inc said it wasn't, and the judge accepted this and ruled against Thendic -- but did say Amiga Inc owed them AmigaDE. In the present lawsuit vs Hyperion, AI claim that the original reason they wanted AOS4 developed was so they could proceed on to a new version of AmigaOS, one that is to include AmigeDE.(At least that is how I understand it.) And that is the reason they need the source code. Hmm, this is a direct contradiction.
Might this be the reason for the recent comments by bbrv, and the speculation that Bill Buck and AI are in discussions. Maybe a little bit of heat applied to AI's feet -- would you prefer talking to us or would you prefer that we ask for the old lawsuit to be reopened?
Believe me, none of this is meant to imply that I approve of Bill Buck. Ever since the episode in Chicago years ago, I've distrusted Bill Buck. Still, all-in-all there would be a certain poetic justice if this is what is happening.
Regards, Don Feldbruegge