There is a lot of confusion online as to what this really means and what the court has underscored as issues. I thought I'd try to summarize it for lurkers ( hostile and friendly ) and the site.
What did Amiga request from the injunction?1. That Hyperion could not use any of the Amiga trademarks or any software that has an Amiga logo or trademark on it. ( This would include BTW anything that said "For Amiga"... )
2. That Hyperion be prevented from blocking Amiga Inc access to the source code of AmigaOS4.0.
3. That Hyperion be barred from selling AmigaOS4 AT ALL.
4. That Hyperion MUST deliver within 10 days all of AmigaOS4.0 - that is EVERY COPY of the source code, binaries and intellectual property to Amiga Inc.
5. That Hyperion notify the court within 20 days of the injunction that this has been done.
The cost of not complying with this is more than the 10,000 dollar bond that Amiga Inc were requiring, it is to risk being in contempt and facing serious damages and prejudicing the case. So Hyperion stood to lose everything.
Let us not kid ourselves, the preliminary injunction was deliberately crafted for points 4 and 5, a hook that forced Hyperion into an unreasonable and prejudiced position.
What grounds was the injunction denied on?He talked about probable success. This means that is Amiga Inc likely to win on the following prerequisite points required for them to win overall. The judgement is that at this time, no, they aren't:
1. The judge said that he could deny it solely on the basis that Amiga Inc Delaware could not be seen as the successor to Amiga Inc Washington from the evidence as presented when it came to the titles of the contract. ( note: this isn't the same as saying that Amiga Inc hasn't bought rights to the Amiga name, but that the clause in the contract means that rights are granted to Eyetech and Hyperion to do pretty much what they want. )
2. The insolvency term itself would have to be tested in court as it is critical to the decision of either party.
3. That Amiga Inc cannot demonstrated it bought in ( note not bought back if you read the contract with a critical eye and not a gleeful one you would have not leapt to the conclusion that it was a buyback clause ) to the contract successfully, this will need to be tested in court.
Also he brought up issues about the reliability of Amiga Inc's evidence due to contradictory dates, and the fact that the Annex 2 with Hyperion's evidence was not initialled.
What can Hyperion do now?There is a lot of claims that Hyperion are in the same position as they were before. Not true. It has been clarified by the court that they have freedom of action until the court dispute is resolved. At no point did the court say "no harm, no fault". So lets reverse the injunction phrases to see what Hyperion can do now.
1. Hyperion can use the Amiga trademarks and logos for the time being.
2. Hyperion can block Amiga Inc access to the source code.
3. Hyperion can sell AmigaOS4 as a standalone product, or with another board etc.
(4) and (5) are not reversible clauses so I leave those out.
So while some are claiming that Hyperion can now still only sell AmigaOne based OS4, this is
not true.
The contract limitations due to the Judges own ruling is in doubt and he does not think that Amiga Inc will probably succeed based on the evidence before the court.
My "spin" on itI doubt Amiga Inc have irrefutable evidence - at least they would need to "recreate" it now ( remember the post dated documents the judge picked up on, thats the basis for my comment that they might even consider it ).
So I don't think Amiga Inc are cocksure now, the only thing they will do is try to drive Hyperion into bankruptcy through legal fees and seize their side of the contract as a creditor.
If you don't want that to happen, you need to support the AmigaOS4 project with Hyperion financially.
So I say that whatever Hyperion release now, those that want to see a judgement based on the merits of a case should help Hyperion. If Hyperion lose, then the court, as said in the ruling, will compensate Amiga Inc. If Hyperion release OS4 on SAM or ACUBE or whatever, then this is what we want, and we have a chance to get hold of the darn thing. If the court case goes against them do you think that AmigaOS4.0 will do anything other than become very extinct very quickly?
1. There is no need for a HypeOS or Hyperion OS.
2. Amiga Inc HAVEN'T lost the rights to use the brand Amiga, but if the insolvency clause is shown to be invoked then Hyperion can use the brand Amiga freely.
3. Hyperion is NOT limited to selling AmigaOS4 bundled with AmigaONE unless they VOLUNTARILY stay within the terms of the original contract to show GOOD FAITH.
Amiga Inc can't stop them. Hyperion's strategy now might be "no fault, no foul", that is it won't have to pay damages even if the ruling is partly in Amiga Inc.'s favor. Or it might be more brinksmanship. Amiga Inc. have been allowed to block AmigaOS4 now for 3 years, don't you think it is time to put a stop to this attitude?
( spell checked and identified what was purely my opinion )
Edited by Mitch on 2007/6/14 8:52:46
Edited by Mitch on 2007/6/14 23:30:46