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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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New problem.

See here aswell for more information and crashlogs:

There is an engine called "FullPipe" in ScummVM which crashes all the time on start of said engine. (The only exception is, when i start the OS without startup-sequence and any other stuff, so as to free as much ram as possible, then i can make it - by pure luck - not crash and move on to the game screen)

As the engine is doing *lots* of little heap allocations and i fear it's eating up all the memoy available (though the titlebar RAM gadget shows only 51% used max) and a core dev also said otherwise

I tried it with the latest beta version of newlib.
The crash is in the dlmalloc code but is not because of lack of memory.
Assuming that the dlmalloc is not bugged (seems a little unlikely since
many other programs are using it without problems) what could cause the
crash is if data before or after an allocation is trashed (as in a
buffer overflow for instance).

Since the crashlogs i gathered all seem to point to the same file, but not to the same line (and there is nothing that could be the culprit), i'd like to try a different approch, but would need very much help with that one.

As it seems to be running out of memory, i'd like to allocate that engines memory solely from the ExtMem we now have.

But i'm not gifted enough to try it on my own.

Here is the latest crashlog from a few minutes ago:
The new stuff points to something completely different:

addr2line --section=.text -C -fe scummvm 0x74AB84
operator new(unsigned int)

But i guess this is just the same dead end like it was before.

Crash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module newlib
.library.kmod at address 0x022583A8
Type of crash
DSI (Data Storage Interruptexception
Alert number

Register dump
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
000000163 21796700 00000000 1FF95000 26FCF318 26FCF1B8 7BB6EE9C 0000B001 
00000007 7BB6EE9D FFFFFF7F 0F76DDD3 7BB6EFFC 4DF27BD8 00000000 4FEDF680 
7E7C6120 00000000 4C52A760 4EFBCE88 02B30000 02B30000 00000000 00000001 
6FF8C180 26FCF1B8 0000001C FFFFFF80 00000160 FFFF4F80 0000B081 4FEDFFC8 

(Floating Point RegistersNaN Not a Number):
0:              nan               -1                0                0 
:                0    -6.97928e+307    -6.97928e+307    -6.97928e+307 
:    -6.97928e+307      -2.1126e-23     -3.26795e-07               11 
:              502      5.33975e-14                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0               -

(Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82020000

(Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0200B030
(cr) : 0x4C56B78C
      Instruction Pointer 
(ip) : 0x022583A8
       Xtended Exception 
(xer) : 0x26B97018
(ctr) : 0x6FF464D0
(lr) : 0x7FAF0920
            DSI Status 
(dsisr) : 0x26B96DD0
            Data Address 
(dar) : 0x021AD048

680x0 emulated registers
DATA986FEB00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
6FFB8700 9626EE00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 21796BD0 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info
Instruction pointer 0x022583A8 belongs to module "newlib.library.kmod" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00012828
    native kernel module newlib
:_Znwj()+0x38 (section 1 0x74AB84)
engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:545scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe15StaticANIObject17addReverseStaticsEPNS_7StaticsE()+0x80 (section 1 0x8A898)
engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:1731scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe8Movement11initStaticsEPNS_15StaticANIObjectE()+0x5c (section 1 0x8FB60)
engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:1640scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe8Movement4loadERNS_10MfcArchiveEPNS_15StaticANIObjectE()+0x670 (section 1 0x8F590)
engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:192scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe15StaticANIObject4loadERNS_10MfcArchiveE()+0x2bc (section 1 0x89118)
engines/fullpipe/scene.cpp:156scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe5Scene4loadERNS_10MfcArchiveE()+0x230 (section 1 0x75ED8)
engines/fullpipe/scene.cpp:105scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe8SceneTag9loadSceneEv()+0x168 (section 1 0x758D4)
engines/fullpipe/scene.cpp:52scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe14FullpipeEngine11accessSceneEi()+0x124 (section 1 0x753E0)
engines/fullpipe/stateloader.cpp:308scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe14FullpipeEngine7loadGamEPKci()+0x27c (section 1 0x850C0)
engines/fullpipe/fullpipe.cpp:282scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe14FullpipeEngine3runEv()+0x338 (section 1 0x23228)
base/main.cpp:273scummvm:_ZL7runGamePK6PluginR7OSystemRKN6Common6StringE()+0xcd8 (section 1 0x85E0)
base/main.cpp:545scummvm:scummvm_main()+0xe18 (section 1 0x998C)
backends/platform/sdl/amigaos/amigaos-main.cpp:79scummvm:main()+0x224 (section 1 0x7320)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020a4
    native kernel module newlib
    native kernel module newlib
:_start()+0x170 (section 1 0x1AB8)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8
    native kernel module kernel
    native kernel module kernel

PPC disassembly
a090050004   stw               r0,4(r5)
a491240004   stw               r9,4(r4)
a87cc4312e   stwx              r6,r4,r6
022583ac419d02d8   bgt-              cr7,0x2258684
022583b0811f0000   lwz               r8,0(r31)

System information:

P.ASemi PWRficient PA6T-1682M VB1 
 CPU speed
1800 MHz 
 FSB speed
900 MHz 

 Machine name
AmigaOne X1000 
2097152 KB 
bus.pci bus.pcie 

Expansion buses 
:1D.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA004 
   Range 0
007F03F8 007F0400 (IO
00:1D.1 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA004 
   Range 0
007F02F8 007F0300 (IO
00:1A.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA007 
:00.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA001 
:01.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA009 
:14.3 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA005 
:1C.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA003 
   Range 0
007F0200 007F0240 (IO
00:1C.1 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA003 
   Range 0
007F0240 007F0280 (IO
00:1C.2 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA003 
   Range 0
007F0280 007F02C0 (IO
00:11.3 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:11.2 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:11.1 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:11.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:10.2 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:10.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA002 
:03.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA00C 
:04.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA00A 
:05.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA00A 
:08.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA000 
:09.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA000 
:15.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA006 
:1B.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA00B 
:1E.0 Vendor 0x1959 Device 0xA008 
   Range 0
007F0400 007F0500 (IO
Range 1007F0500 007F0600 (IO
0A:12.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4380 
   Range 0
00001040 - 00001048 (IO
Range 1: 00001058 - 0000105C (IO
Range 2: 00001048 - 00001050 (IO
Range 3: 00001058 - 0000105C (IO
Range 400001010 00001020 (IO
0A:13.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4387 
   Range 0
A0208000 A0209000 (MEM
0A:13.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4388 
   Range 0
A0207000 A0208000 (MEM
0A:13.2 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4389 
   Range 0
A0206000 A0207000 (MEM
0A:13.3 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x438A 
   Range 0
A0204000 A0205000 (MEM
0A:13.4 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x438B 
   Range 0
A0205000 A0206000 (MEM
0A:13.5 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4386 
   Range 0
A0209800 A0209900 (MEM
0A:14.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4385 
   Range 0
00001020 00001030 (IO
Range 1A0209000 A0209400 (MEM
0A:14.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x438C 
   Range 0
00001030 - 00001038 (IO
Range 100001050 00001054 (IO
Range 2: 00001038 - 00001040 (IO
Range 300001050 00001054 (IO
Range 400001000 00001010 (IO
0A:14.2 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4383 
   Range 0
A0200000 A0204000 (MEM
0A:14.3 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x438D 
   Range 0
00000000 00100000 (MEM
0A:14.4 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x4384 
:05.0 Vendor 0x10EC Device 0x8139 
   Range 0
00003100 00003200 (IO
Range 1A0301000 A0301100 (MEM
0C:06.0 Vendor 0xE159 Device 0x0001 
:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x683F 
   Range 0
90000000 A0000000 (PREF.MEM
Range 2A0000000 A0040000 (MEM
Range 400002000 00002100 (IO
02:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAAB0 
   Range 0
A0060000 A0064000 (MEM

ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
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exec.library V53.89 
camdmidi.usbfd V53.5 
cgxvideo.library V42.1 
minigl.library V2.23 
Warp3D.library V53.27 
W3D_SI.library V1.14 
W3D_Avenger.library V53.1 
W3D_Napalm.library V53.1 
W3D_Permedia2.library V53.4 
W3D_Picasso96.library V53.12 
amissl_v111a.library V4.3 
amisslmaster.library V4.3 
Popmenu.mui V21.25 
Lamp.mcc V21.18 
btree.library V53.3 
Objectmap.mui V21.17 
Gauge.mui V21.16 
Dtpic.mui V21.16 
Popasl.mui V21.20 
Calltips.mcc V21.16 
String.mui V21.34 
Listtree.mcc V21.26 
Title.mui V21.27 
codesets.library V6.21 
muigfx.library V21.17 
muimaster.library V21.163 
ft2.library V53.2 
pthreads.library V53.11 
version.library V53.15 
asyncio.library V50.3 
update.library V53.13 
expat.library V53.6 
fuelgauge.gadget V53.8 
DiskLED.docky V53.1 
RAMDock.docky V50.4 
GFXDock.docky V50.4 
CPUDock.docky V50.5 
SMARTDock.docky V53.2 
X1kTemp.docky V53.10 
DateTime.docky V52.11 
datebrowser.gadget V53.7 
texteditor.gadget V53.24 
Mixer.docky V52.6 
sliderbar.gadget V53.21 
NetDock.docky V51.6 
KeymapSwitcher.docky V52.3 
smartsubdock.docky V50.8 
Spacer.docky V53.2 
shared.image V2.1 
clipview.library V1.10 
anim.gadget V53.1 
progressbar.gadget V53.10 
arexx.class V53.5 
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gradientslider.gadget V53.6 
colorwheel.gadget V53.7 
radiobutton.gadget V53.9 
mpega.library V2.4 
speedbar.gadget V53.12 
Separator.docky V53.2 
screenblanker.library V53.6 
requester.class V53.18 
bitmap.image V53.9 
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filesave.audio V6.5 
hdaudio.audio V6.22 
ilbm.datatype V53.3 
bsdsocket.library V4.307 
mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
hid.usbfd V53.12 
camd.library V53.6 
textclip.library V53.1 
xpkmaster.library V5.2 
xadmaster.library V13.2 
usergroup.library V4.30 
diskio.library V53.14 
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glyph.image V53.3 
filesysbox.library V54.8 
window.class V54.7 
popupmenu.class V53.2 
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label.image V53.13 
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png.datatype V53.10 
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timezone.library V53.8 
application.library V53.12 
Picasso96API.library V54.9 
workbench.library V53.53 
gadtools.library V53.7 
commodities.library V53.7 
datatypes.library V54.6 
png.iconmodule V53.1 
icon.library V53.16 
z.library V53.9 
iffparse.library V53.1 
locale.library V54.2 
diskfont.library V53.9 
petunia.library V53.6 
diskcache.library V3.31 
dos.library V53.158 
usbprivate.library V53.12 
massstorage.usbfd V53.83 
hub.usbfd V53.10 
mounter.library V53.19 
usbresource.library V53.12 
hunk.library V53.4 
elf.library V53.27 
intuition.library V54.26 
keymap.library V53.9 
cybergraphics.library V43.0 
RadeonHD.chip V2.10 
PCIGraphics.card V53.15 
graphics.library V54.156 
layers.library V54.12 
rtg.library V54.89 
nonvolatile.library V53.5 
newlib.library V53.30 
utility.library V54.1 
expansion.library V53.1 
rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy

clipboard.device V53.3 
ahi.device V6.6 
rtl8139.device V53.4 
diskimage.device V53.4 
usbdisk.device V53.83 
usbsys.device V53.12 
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ohci.usbhcd V53.21 
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ramdrive.device V52.6 
input.device V53.5 
keyboard.device V53.11 
timer.device V53.2 

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SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00260000 
Process (Waiting
rhd_gc (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0x80000001SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
ahi.device Unit Process (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xf000c000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
MiniGL watch-dog (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
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ClickToFront (Waiting
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input.device (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
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Process (Waiting
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Stack0x4edb2004 0x4edc1ffcpointer 0x4edc1e40 (Cookie OK
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Process (Waiting
SFS DosList handler (Waiting
Stack0x62fee004 0x62ff1ffcpointer 0x62ff1f20 (Cookie OK
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Process (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 2 (Waiting
Stack0x6fda1000 0x6fda9000pointer 0x6fda8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbc009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 4 (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xbc009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fd31000 0x6fd39000pointer 0x6fd38f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 3 (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
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Stack0x6fe18000 0x6fe20000pointer 0x6fe1ff40 (Cookie OK
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Task (Waiting
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Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x60c54004 0x60c5bffcpointer 0x60c5be90 (Cookie OK
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Process (Waiting
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Process (Waiting
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Stack0x60b78004 0x60b87ffcpointer 0x60b87f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x60c20004 0x60c2fffcpointer 0x60c2ff30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
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Stack0x62fd2004 0x62fd5ffcpointer 0x62fd5f30 (Cookie OK
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Process (Waiting
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Stack0x6fb18004 0x6fb1bffcpointer 0x6fb1beb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
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Stack0x62b65004 0x62b68ffcpointer 0x62b68eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
SSD1/SmartFilesystem 1.293  (Waiting
Stack0x62ec1004 0x62ec4ffcpointer 0x62ec4eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
RAM/ram-handler 53.172  (Waiting
Stack0x628dd004 0x628e0ffcpointer 0x628e0d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x60c48004 0x60c4fffcpointer 0x60c4fe90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Keyboard (Waiting
Stack0x60a54004 0x60a63ffcpointer 0x60a63f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x90001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
BU0/SmartFilesystem 1.293  (Waiting
Stack0x62a90004 0x62a97ffcpointer 0x62a97eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
SSD4/SmartFilesystem 1.293  (Waiting
Stack0x62c46004 0x62c49ffcpointer 0x62c49eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
MainIPH0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11  (Waiting
Stack0x60aa0004 0x60aafffcpointer 0x60aafeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MainIPC0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11  (Waiting
Stack0x6107b004 0x6108affcpointer 0x6108aeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
pager (Waiting
Stack0x629a7004 0x629c6ffcpointer 0x629c6ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
pthread id 1 (Waiting
Stack0x21595004 0x2168effcpointer 0x2168ee50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x10000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF1/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x60e42004 0x60e51ffcpointer 0x60e51ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF0/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x60df5004 0x60e04ffcpointer 0x60e04ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 7 Process (Waiting
Stack0x4f0f1004 0x4f130ffcpointer 0x4f130eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 6 Process (Waiting
Stack0x2906b004 0x290aaffcpointer 0x290aaeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fb99000 0x6fba1000pointer 0x6fba0ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe4009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
rtl8139.device.0 (Waiting
Stack0x60041004 0x60050ffcpointer 0x60050f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x78008000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IPH0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11  (Waiting
Stack0x60abc004 0x60acbffcpointer 0x60acbee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00010100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IPC0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11  (Waiting
Stack0x61097004 0x610a6ffcpointer 0x610a6ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00010100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting
Stack0x6fb59004 0x6fb5cffcpointer 0x6fb5cad0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40001000SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x46fe6004 0x46ff5ffcpointer 0x46ff5e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1  (Waiting
Stack0x60c9a004 0x60ca9ffcpointer 0x60ca9ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
URL/launch-handler 53.38  (Waiting
Stack0x60ce2004 0x60d5cffcpointer 0x60d58fb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ENV/env-handler 54.5  (Waiting
Stack0x6299f004 0x629a2ffcpointer 0x629a2ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5d855004 0x5d864ffcpointer 0x5d864e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6169f004 0x616aeffcpointer 0x616aee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x617fa004 0x61809ffcpointer 0x61809e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5afa2004 0x5afb1ffcpointer 0x5afb1e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5b096004 0x5b0a5ffcpointer 0x5b0a5e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5b1d7004 0x5b1e6ffcpointer 0x5b1e6e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6192e004 0x6193dffcpointer 0x6193de20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x619f9004 0x61a08ffcpointer 0x61a08e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x61ac9004 0x61ad8ffcpointer 0x61ad8e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6289f004 0x628aeffcpointer 0x628aee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x60af8004 0x60b08004pointer 0x60b07ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Camd Wait Proc (Waiting
Stack0x60e6f004 0x60e87ffcpointer 0x60e87f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
APPDIR/appdir-handler-in-dos 53.158  (Waiting
Stack0x6294b004 0x62952ffcpointer 0x62952dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62a07004 0x62a0effcpointer 0x62a0ee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAW/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62a1b004 0x62a22ffcpointer 0x62a22e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62a4b004 0x62a52ffcpointer 0x62a52e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting
Stack0x6fba9004 0x6fbacffcpointer 0x6fbacf30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_lock_handler (Waiting
Stack0x6fb8d004 0x6fb90ffcpointer 0x6fb90f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RexxMaster (Waiting
Stack0x609bc004 0x609cc004pointer 0x609cbf70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 7 (Waiting
Stack0x60a80004 0x60a93ffcpointer 0x60a93c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 5 (Waiting
Stack0x60b49004 0x60b5cffcpointer 0x60b5cc50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 4 (Waiting
Stack0x60bf1004 0x60c04ffcpointer 0x60c04c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x60d7a004 0x60d8dffcpointer 0x60d8dc50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 1 (Waiting
Stack0x60e22004 0x60e35ffcpointer 0x60e35c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 6 (Waiting
Stack0x60ea4004 0x60eb7ffcpointer 0x60eb7c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.1  (Waiting
Stack0x60cc2004 0x60cd1ffcpointer 0x60cd1eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
compose.task (Waiting
Stack0x5fdbb000 0x5fdc3000pointer 0x5fdc2e00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Workbench (Waiting
Stack0x6092b004 0x6093affcpointer 0x6093aea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlanker Library. (Waiting
Stack0x5b126004 0x5b136ffcpointer 0x5b136f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb4001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting
Stack0x4ef72004 0x4ef81ffcpointer 0x4ef81d30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ramlib (Waiting
Stack0x628f1004 0x62909ffcpointer 0x62909f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting
Stack0x61ccc004 0x61cdbffcpointer 0x61cdbf40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting
Stack0x4f31b004 0x4f32affcpointer 0x4f32af30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x4f367004 0x4f37fffcpointer 0x4f37ff00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
string.gadget server (Waiting
Stack0x61ca8004 0x61cb7ffcpointer 0x61cb7db0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x5ba17004 0x5ba26ffcpointer 0x5ba26f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
NotificationServer (Ready
Stack0x61816004 0x61835ffcpointer 0x61835b20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe001000SigWait 0x04000100 
Process (Ready
pthread id 2 (Waiting
Stack0x4ebd1004 0x4eccaffcpointer 0x4eccae00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fcd5004 0x6fcdcffcpointer 0x6fcdcf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
TCP/IP Control (Waiting
Stack0x60092004 0x600a1ffcpointer 0x600a1dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8009080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fce1004 0x6fce8ffcpointer 0x6fce8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fced004 0x6fcf4ffcpointer 0x6fcf4f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fcbd004 0x6fcc4ffcpointer 0x6fcc4f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fcb1004 0x6fcb8ffcpointer 0x6fcb8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fcc9004 0x6fcd0ffcpointer 0x6fcd0f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
ELF Collector (Waiting
Stack0x62fda004 0x62fe9ffcpointer 0x62fe9e70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [wait] (Waiting
Stack0x456b2004 0x456c1ffcpointer 0x456c1f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [smbfs.os4_2.2 '//Fritz.Box/Nosgoth/Fritz_HDD/'] (Waiting
Stack0x4fe37004 0x4fe46ffcpointer 0x4fe465a0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x8000f080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting
Stack0x600ae004 0x600bdffcpointer 0x600bd9f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd0000080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ARexx (Waiting
Stack0x4ffea004 0x4fffa004pointer 0x4fff9d70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting
Stack0x61942004 0x61951ffcpointer 0x61951be0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting
Stack0x600ca004 0x600d9ffcpointer 0x600d9e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Wet (Waiting
Stack0x616b3004 0x616c2ffcpointer 0x616bf1e0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x6e001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Mounter GUI (Waiting
Stack0x61132004 0x61145ffcpointer 0x61145e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DiskImageGUI (Waiting
Stack0x5b007004 0x5b016ffcpointer 0x5b016dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd7009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
application.library messageserver (Waiting
Stack0x62655000 0x62655fa0pointer 0x62655f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
clipview.library server (Waiting
Stack0x54a1b004 0x54a3affcpointer 0x54a3ae00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ConClip (Waiting
Stack0x60a2c004 0x60a3bffcpointer 0x60a3beb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus (Waiting
Stack0x5b1f3004 0x5b202ffcpointer 0x5b202c80 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0001000SigWait 0x0c000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [SYS:System/AmiUpdate/AmiUpdate] (Waiting
Stack0x4fd53004 0x4fd72ffcpointer 0x4fd72370 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xec001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Tools:Audio/Tools/CamdTools/MidiThru/MidiThru] (Waiting
Stack0x5fffe004 0x6000dffcpointer 0x6000db50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
datatypes.library (Waiting
Stack0x613e0004 0x613efffcpointer 0x613efe30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
UsbSound (Waiting
Stack0x5b0c2004 0x5b0d1ffcpointer 0x5b0d1c40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fbf1004 0x6fbf8ffcpointer 0x6fbf8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x08000000 
Task (Waiting
DefIcons (Waiting
Stack0x61a15004 0x61a24ffcpointer 0x61a24dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
« IPrefs » (Waiting
Stack0x60dda004 0x60de9ffcpointer 0x60de9980 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [RX] (Waiting
Stack0x500d9004 0x500e8ffcpointer 0x500e8e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AsyncWB (Waiting
Stack0x61a8f004 0x61a9effcpointer 0x61a9eeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
KeymapSwitcher.docky (Waiting
Stack0x6176c004 0x6177bffcpointer 0x6177bef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
smartbutton.docky (Waiting
Stack0x61780004 0x6178fffcpointer 0x6178fec0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MouseBlanker (Waiting
Stack0x5b14d004 0x5b15cffcpointer 0x5b15ca00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc000d000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
RAWBInfo (Waiting
Stack0x61968004 0x61977ffcpointer 0x61977ec0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Log (Waiting
Stack0x600e6004 0x600f5ffcpointer 0x600f5f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack Process (Waiting
Stack0x6114a004 0x61159ffcpointer 0x61159ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting
Stack0x6fdf5000 0x6fdfcd00pointer 0x6fdfcc70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
DST watcher (Waiting
Stack0x61584004 0x61593ffcpointer 0x61593f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fbc5004 0x6fbccffcpointer 0x6fbccf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fc1d004 0x6fc24ffcpointer 0x6fc24f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fc0d004 0x6fc14ffcpointer 0x6fc14f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Shell Process [scummvm] (Crashed
Stack0x216e4004 0x217ddffcpointer 0x21796700 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x30000100 
Process (Crashed
Background CLI [Tools:Utilities/CANDI/data/Dandelion] (Ready
Stack0x53901004 0x53910ffcpointer 0x53910b20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000000SigWait 0x04000100 
Process (Ready
ramlib.support (Waiting
Stack0x6290e004 0x62926ffcpointer 0x62926f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Mounter Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fdfd000 0x6fe0ba60pointer 0x6fe0b970 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting
Stack0x61173004 0x61182ffcpointer 0x61182f40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CANDI (Waiting
Stack0x5afb6004 0x5afc5ffcpointer 0x5afc5800 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x70005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_signal_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fb61004 0x6fb64ffcpointer 0x6fb64f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_appdir_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fb3d004 0x6fb44ffcpointer 0x6fb44d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready
Stack0x4f294000 0x4f298000pointer 0x4f297ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0xc0000000 
Task (Ready
idle.task (Ready
Stack0x6ff62000 0x6ff63000pointer 0x6ff62fd0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Ready)

This should *not* turn into a "Fix my bugs, please" thread, just to get some help and maybe find new ways to fix them by myself, so thank you in advance.

The file in question where i think could be a good starting point is memorypool.cpp

Or maybe there is a program (gdb?) which i could use to clear that up? (Help with gdb needed too)

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

Fullpipe crashed for me as well.

C++ new operator uses probably malloc too (what else?).

Newlib and malloc started to ring some bells and it seems that ScummVM does sometimes realloc(). I wonder if this could break the allocation scheme? Here is some info: http://forum.hyperion-entertainment.c ... f=14&t=1591&hilit=realloc

I hacked custom malloc/calloc/realloc/free functions into ScummVM and Fullpipe started without crash 3 times. It crashed on each exit though - probably my fault :) By the way game sprite graphics looks buggy, perhaps endian-related.

I think realloc issue is not fully confirmed but it's one potential clue.

Tried also Fullpipe on Linux with Valgrind and Clang but didn't see much.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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See User information

Hmm, i'll relay that realloc() comment of yours to my bug report, maybe the devs have more ideas?

Could you share your hacks too?
Maybe if i post them there, they'll get some clues on what is going wrong for AmigaOS4.

wrt the broken sprites:
Yes, that is also already in the tracker, i created it at one of those rare occasions i was able to reach the game et al.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

Here is my patch. Currently I'm able to start and exit FP successfully: http://capehill.kapsi.fi/scummvm/

There is a primitive attempt to profile drawing, shader compilation hack, memory allocation workaround in fullpipe.cpp and finally, some realloc() workaround attempt (but it didn't change a thing).

Maybe it would be possible to capture all malloc/free/realloc/calloc calls and create a newlib testcase based on that data. Data might be captured over serial, for example.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Wow, thanks a lot for that.

Could you maybe describe the malloc workaround a bit?
What do yu think is going wrong in the scummvm code and what are "fixing", i need some material to add to my bugreport, just throwing in that patch would be a little rude imho.
Of course, maybe they don't want to investigate and simply add that exclusion for AmigaOS4, but history tells me they do want to support all platforms properly.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
Just can't stay away
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Workaround just provides global symbols called malloc, free, calloc and realloc and linker then uses these to put the binary together. Newlib's symbols get by-passed: now heap allocations are requested directly from ExecSG.

This impacts also other libraries that are linked with ScummVM and need those symbols, including SDL.

I don't suspect ScummVM doing "wrong" currently.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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So, it's a problem (maybe even a bug?) in the OS?

Would you be so kind to place that into their bugtracker then?

Thanks a bunch for all the help

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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I don't know. Recorded memory calls of Fullpipe startup and then tried to replay these with a pure Newlib-based test program and problem did NOT reproduce. It seems complicated.

If there is a heap corruption by ScummVM then maybe it's somehow AmigaOS(+newlib)-specific and doesn't trigger Valgrind on Linux.

On the other hand, after replacing Newlib-calls with IExec ones, issue didn't seem to occur.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Sigh...it couldn't be easy for once, could it? :-/

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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We could try to put canaries before and after each heap allocation. If we get lucky, one of the "canaries" gets hurted and then it may be possible to slowly debug more, knowing the size of the allocation for the next attempt.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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First, i love the fact that you didn't take kittens
and second, i'm all for it, though i'd need you to do all the coding work.

I can do the tests and take all the crashes, but i'll surely will provide any output/serial logs i can gather.

Thank you again for your time and help

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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I see dead birds. Could be a bug on my side but after first tests, of 150000 free'd allocations, there were about 300 allocations where the tail end was smashed. Have to investigate more, some day.

*** Birdwatch: good canaries 149822, bad canaries 340

The canary patch (fullpipe.cpp part) is here if you want to play: http://capehill.kapsi.fi/scummvm/

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Thank you, but i don't think it will make a difference if i let the birds die too.

There's a problem which crashes the game, so i'll be waiting.

I'm thankful for all your help

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Just can't stay away

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Debugged little bit more and put a trap instruction inside dead canary detector. It seems that there is some bitmap freed:


(0x64D93E40) [engines/fullpipe/fullpipe.cpp:162] scummvm:free()+0x1a4 (section 8 @ 0x236C8)
(0x64D93E90) [engines/fullpipe/fullpipe.cpp:162] scummvm:free()+0x1a4 (section 8 @ 0x236C8)
(0x64D93EC0) [engines/fullpipe/gfx.cpp:715] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe6BitmapD1Ev()+0x50 (section 8 @ 0x36EE8)
(0x64D93EE0) scummvm:_ZN6Common14DefaultDeleterIN8Fullpipe6BitmapEEclEPS2_()+0x38 (section 8 @ 0x3D548)
(0x64D93F00) [engines/fullpipe/gfx.cpp:255] scummvm:_ZN6Common9ScopedPtrIN8Fullpipe6BitmapENS_14DefaultDeleterIS2_EEE5resetEPS2_()+0x34 (section 8 @ 0x3D59C)
(0x64D93F30) [engines/fullpipe/gfx.cpp:422] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe7Picture11freePictureEv()+0xf0 (section 8 @ 0x375BC)
(0x64D93F50) [engines/fullpipe/gfx.cpp:412] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe7PictureD2Ev()+0x30 (section 8 @ 0x377C0)
(0x64D93F70) scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe11StaticPhaseD2Ev()+0x44 (section 8 @ 0xA47C8)
(0x64D93F90) scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe12DynamicPhaseD2Ev()+0x34 (section 8 @ 0xA482C)
(0x64D93FB0) scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe7StaticsD0Ev()+0x54 (section 8 @ 0xA48B0)
(0x64D93FD0) scummvm:_ZN6Common14DefaultDeleterIN8Fullpipe7StaticsEEclEPS2_()+0x44 (section 8 @ 0xA3A58)
(0x64D93FF0) [engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:145] scummvm:_ZN6Common8for_eachIPPN8Fullpipe7StaticsENS_14DefaultDeleterIS2_EEEET0_T_S8_S7_()+0x44 (section 8 @ 0xA3AB4)
(0x64D94010) [engines/fullpipe/statics.cpp:115] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe15StaticANIObjectD0Ev()+0x68 (section 8 @ 0xA21E0)
(0x64D94030) [engines/fullpipe/scene.cpp:124] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe5SceneD0Ev()+0x118 (section 8 @ 0x84BBC)
(0x64D94060) [engines/fullpipe/gameloader.cpp:421] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe10GameLoader11unloadSceneEi()+0xf8 (section 8 @ 0x2BB44)
(0x64D94090) [engines/fullpipe/gameloader.cpp:387] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe10GameLoader12preloadSceneEii()+0x254 (section 8 @ 0x2CB2C)
(0x64D940F0) [engines/fullpipe/gameloader.cpp:572] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe10GameLoader13updateSystemsEi()+0xc8 (section 8 @ 0x2CDC4)
(0x64D94110) [engines/fullpipe/modal.cpp:233] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe10ModalIntro6finishEv()+0xc4 (section 8 @ 0x62268)
(0x64D94130) [engines/fullpipe/modal.cpp:91] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe10ModalIntro4initEi()+0x54 (section 8 @ 0x64198)
(0x64D94170) [engines/fullpipe/fullpipe.cpp:630] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe14FullpipeEngine12updateScreenEv()+0x13c (section 8 @ 0x24000)
(0x64D94190) [engines/fullpipe/fullpipe.cpp:440] scummvm:_ZN8Fullpipe14FullpipeEngine3runEv()+0x5b8 (section 8 @ 0x25394)
(0x64D94320) [base/main.cpp:327] scummvm:_Z7runGamePK6PluginR7OSystemRKN6Common6StringE()+0xd48 (section 8 @ 0x80A0)
(0x64D94840) [base/main.cpp:599] scummvm:scummvm_main()+0xde8 (section 8 @ 0x953C)
(0x64DDA0E0) [backends/platform/sdl/amigaos/amigaos-main.cpp:79] scummvm:main()+0x260 (section 8 @ 0x6AF8)

It could be that heap corruption has something to do with endian issues. To fix endian issues, somebody would have to go through all file loading code in fullpipe engine.

Here is one obvious bug (but doesn't fix graphics):

https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blo ... s/fullpipe/utils.cpp#L260

It gives just bogus reading for BE.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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First of all, thank you very much for helping out and putting so muchtime in this debugging.

I gathered all relevant information and put it in my bug report, now i wait and see.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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I have a strange linker problem (well, strange for me at least, probably dead easy for you pros)

I'm trying to port a library and with some help from one of the original devs, who fixed an endian issue in the process, i was able to link a "probably" working, at least it was built, but not yet tested) static library.

For some reason though it errors out on building the shared objects one and i'd like to know why.

Here is the error (pretty much no information given i'm afraid).
Development:Coding/SDK/gcc/ppc-amigaos/bin/ld: final link failed: Invalid operation

and here is the linker line
gcc -s -shared -Wl,-soname,libprogram.so.3 -athread=native -Wl,--no-keep-memory -L/sdk/local/newlib/lib -o libprogram-3.18.0.so "lots of object files" -lstdc++

adding -fpic and/or -use-dynld doesn't help.

Has anyone seen this error/behaviour and could give a pointer?

Thank you

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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-fPIC (position independent code) is meant for compiling (shared objects), not linking, so probably it shouldn't help here.

I don't remember seeing that kind of error. Try a clean build. Do you have RAM left? Disk space left? All object file sizes are > 0 bytes?

So this is some huge C++ library?

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Try changing "-Wl,--no-keep-memory" to "-Wl,-no-keep-memory" or removing it entirely.

At least according to this:

the linker option should only have one dash and not two.

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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-fPIC (position independent code) is meant for compiling (shared objects), not linking, so probably it shouldn't help here.

Ah, ok, thanks, i checked the compiling and -fPIC is there.


I don't remember seeing that kind of error. Try a clean build.

I did, but the error is the same, guess i need to start over with configuring it again


1-Do you have RAM left?
2-Disk space left?
3-All object file sizes are > 0 bytes?

1-approx. 700 MB when it hits the shared object linking
2-approx. 8.3 GB on the partition it is building on
3-I hope so, but i can't check, there are dozens and they are scattered all over.
Also, if this would be the problem shouldn't the static lib fail as well?


So this is some huge C++ library?

Yep, the static version of the lib is 17+ MB.
Not that is would be any useful since there is no program using it, but it's a good exercise for me

...as soon as i remember why i wanted to port that thing in the first place, i'd know what program it was a dependency of :-/

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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Try changing "-Wl,--no-keep-memory" to "-Wl,-no-keep-memory" or removing it entirely.

You are telling me i did it wrong all the time???
But that explains why there was no (real) memory saving since i put the flag...

Stupid, stupid, stupid, must have been a c&p error.
Why does ld doesn't complain, though???

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