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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
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12.SYS:Firmware/amdgpu> list
polaris12_uvd.bin 375424 ----rwed Tuesday 10:57:12
polaris11_uvd.bin 375424 ----rwed Tuesday 10:57:12
polaris10_uvd.bin 375424 ----rwed Tuesday 10:57:12
3 files - 1099K bytes - 2205 blocks used

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I checked, I have those files in Sys:Firmware/amdgpu

I also have a drawer called radeon with TAHITI_UVD.bin

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
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AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Also check your Emotion tool types .


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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks tooltypes are ok.

I captured my serial output from Emotion.

This line suggest VA should work:
VADecoder: Hardwaredecoder found

This next line confuses me:
decode thread: SW decoder

Is this correct?

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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This is what you should get :

video thread: open va codec
VADecoder: H264 Hardwaredecoder found
VADecoder: Hardwaredecoder found
VADecoder: vaContext (12) succesfully created
decode thread: Hardware decoder support this codec :D

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I dont know if any Radeon RX 590 models were beta tested.
So that is a grey area.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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odd, now I am stuck. Is this a HW issue or a software config issue?

DVPlayer reports the display method as Composited Video YUV420P (blit-stream)

Edited by ddni on 2022/8/15 16:06:47
AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Try a know working video .


scr 61A949C0 dri 61A94B96
try composite blitting
yes composite blitting supported
try yuv blitting
jupp yuv blitting :D
ok window created set render hook
window all done ready to render
main thread: reset videostate
main thread: reset videostate done
main thread: wait for decoder_thread
decode thread: open streams
decode thread: found video streamID: 0
decode thread: found audio streamID: 1
decode thread: found video streamID: 2
decode thread: fill stream infos
decode thread: got framerata: num: 74520000.000000 den: 3119369.000000
decode thread: fps: 23.88
decode thread: got framerata: num: 0.000000 den: 0.000000
decode thread: fps: -1.-2147483648
decode thread: choose start streams
decode thread: videomutex
decode thread: audiomutex
decode thread: open streamcomponents
decode thread: create audio thread (streamindex 1)
decode thread: wait for audio_thread
audio thread: init sound
audio thread: opts: tolayout: 3 tofmt: 2 srate: 44100 flayout 3 format: 8 srate: 44100
audio thread: init sound done
main thread: wait for decoder_thread
decode thread: video master
video thread: open va decoder
VADecoder: va.library found
main thread: wait for decoder_thread
main thread: wait for decoder_thread
VADecoder: VA Video Acceleration supported (V1.5) displayid: 1529309264
decode thread: accelerator: h263_vaapi found
decode thread: accelerator: h264_vaapi found
decode thread: accelerator: mpeg2_vaapi found
decode thread: accelerator: mpeg4_vaapi found
decode thread: accelerator: vc1_vaapi found
decode thread: accelerator: wmv3_vaapi found
video thread: open va codec
VADecoder: H264 Hardwaredecoder found
VADecoder: Hardwaredecoder found
main thread: wait for decoder_thread
VADecoder: vaContext (12) succesfully created
decode thread: Hardware decoder support this codec :D
video thread: init video pixelformat ov: 53 av: 27 -> am: 6 YUV: 0
video thread: create image convert context...
video thread: context id: 0
decode thread: duration: 69.404442
decode thread: ready to go
main thread: set window properties
main thread: window properties done
main thread: bitmaps video: 0x0/0 framebuffer: 1920x816/6
main thread: alloc new render bitmap 1920 816 format: 6
main thread: set new videobitmap
main thread: videobitmap created
set new window dimensions depending on apsect ratio 818 x 461 > 818 348
decode thread: all ok go to mainloop
audio thread: start audio ios
audio thread: started
video thread: all done now go to mainloop
VADecoder: H264 Hardwaredecoder found
VADecoder: Hardwaredecoder found
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
main thread: all done now go to mainloop
VADecoder: surfaces used: 0
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
VADecoder: surfaces used: 1
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
VADecoder: surfaces used: 2
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
VADecoder: surfaces used: 3
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
VADecoder: surfaces used: 4
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5
audio thread: delay 0.702727...
audio thread: delay 0.539669...
audio thread: delay 0.387033...
audio thread: delay 0.234398...

Edited by Spectre660 on 2022/8/16 20:08:11
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks the Prometheus video crashes the GPU when played with Emotion or dvplayer.

RadeonRX (0): UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!!
VADecoder: error VA could not query surface status: 5

I guess the RX590 is an issue. I will borrow an RX550 to test.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Site Builder
Site Builder

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If I recall correctly, the RadeonRX driver supports up to RX 580 cards. But I am sure A-Eon will know better. I checked their wiki and there is no info under that driver.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Radeon RX550 to -Rx580 cards have been beta tested .
RX550 & Rx560 cards with Sam460ex & X5000 Machines .
RX570 & RX580 with the X5000 machines .

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks. I reverted back to my RadeonHD card.
Serial output reports that VA works here, but the prometheus trailer has choppy sound and bad frameskip on Emotion. On DVPlayer the sound is better but frames are skipped.

Certainly feels like normal non VA video playback. Starting to wonder if my R9 270x is t as compatible as I thought.
Have ordered an RX550 from EBay. Will report back.

Edited by ddni on 2022/8/15 19:29:14
AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
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Quite a regular

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Unless you have Radeon HD Driver V4.x or higher you will not get the hardware acceleration with a Radeon HD card

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks. I do have RadeonHD.chip v5.xx.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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This is what we have to look forward to :

https://os4welt-de.translate.goog/view ... _tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en#p45001

Re: DeveloperX - Emotion Media Player

contribution fromgoos»Today 12:13

Today 07:45
Just a little question of understanding.
I think you wrote that you use an older ffmpeg version because the newer ones are slower.
With hardware decoding, is it now possible to use the latest version or does this not affect each other?

Yeah right. Now we can use the latest one... just needs to be ported again ;)I have it on my todo list. With the new version, newer codecs such as h265 are also possible via hardware

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Please are there any news about successful X1000 + RadeonRX video acceleration?

I have RX 460 somewhere and will try it with X1000, but now I am nearly out of free time.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Home away from home
Home away from home

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EDIT: Nevermind.

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Two similar threads.

For completeness, https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=132681#forumpost132681

X1000 does support RX cards with the GPIOV10 jumper / CFE menu hack.
RX VA works all the way up to 4k playback with the Enhancer Pack from AEON.

RadeonHD.chip >v5, VA also works with Southern Island based cards however the GPU seems to struggle with decoding videos above 720p on AmigaOS4.x and ESP2.2.

Congrats to Hans for his super work and thanks to AEON & devs for their continued efforts, you keep this NG Amiga buzz alive

Edited by ddni on 2022/8/20 13:48:24
AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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ddni wrote:Two similar threads.

For completeness, https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=132681#forumpost132681

X1000 does support RX cards with the GPIOV10 jumper / CFE menu hack.
RX VA works all the way up to 4k playback with the Enhancer Pack from AEON.

RadeonHD.chip VA also works with Southern Island based cards however the GPU seems to struggle with decoding videos above 720p on AmigaOS4.x and ESP2.2.

Congrats to Hans for his super work and thanks to AEON & devs for their continued efforts, you keep this NG Amiga buzz alive

Great news for all x1000 users! :)

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