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How to reboot ?
Just can't stay away
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After installing Enhancer Software 2.2, the x5000/20 can no longer reboot warmly. What can I do ? Is there an explanation ?

Thanks, elfpipe

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Re: How to reboot ?
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If you are using RadeonHD gfx card, you need to downgrade your RadeonHD driver to 3.7. With version 5.x the driver lost its ability to do a warm reboot.

Best regards,

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Re: How to reboot ?
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Re: How to reboot ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi All,

Sorry not to hijack the post onto a different topic but a similar query.

I have the A1222+ system, sometimes it can completely lock up and I use the power button to power off and on the system to get it back into a responsive state.

I understand on the amiga classic you would use the Left CTRL, and the 2x amiga keys to reboot, the classic amiga.

However using a Windows keyboard, I understand, it is CTRL, left Alt and right Alt to reboot the A1222+ system.

But it does not always work, when the system completely locks up, it does not respond to those above keys, though I am using a wireless keyboard, could it maybe to do with that being unable to respond?

If I used a wired keyboard instead, you shoud not get that problem, it should be able to reboot the A1222+ regardless?

Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+
Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32.
C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
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Re: How to reboot ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi @Boabster,

The issue is that if OS 4 crashes, it most likely also kills the USB stack. This means that it does not matters if you have a wired or wireless keyboard; because the stack is dead, no input will be processed.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ah, I see, thank you for the clarification.

I guess in time we hope for a more resilant usb stack in the future.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
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Really we need a more resilient system. The problem is the USB stack is task based so any system freeze will lock up input as if multitasking is disabled the stack is dead. This wasn't so bad on PS/2 (A1/XE) as it could read the ports in an interrupt and still detect it.

Anyway for reboot Ctrl-Alt-Alt is for hard reboot and will fully reboot machine. Crtl-Amiga-Amiga is still there in the form of Ctrl-Windows-Windows. Or Ctrl-Logo-Logo as I call it. There's some alternate forms if right Windows is missing, usually selectable in some input prefs, if it's not removed.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Crtl-Amiga-Amiga is still there in the form of Ctrl-Windows-Windows. Or Ctrl-Logo-Logo as I call it.
Only if you don't use a Radeon HD or RX gfx card with current drivers.
With the old Radeon HD v3 drivers soft reboot still worked, but not with the v5 drivers any more.

There's some alternate forms if right Windows is missing, usually selectable in some input prefs, if it's not removed.
On for AmigaOS unusable keyboards the Windows MENU key, usually between Alt Gr. (right ALT on AmigaOS) and the right CTRL key (same as left CTRL on AmigaOS since the original Amiga keyboards only had a single CTRL key), can be used as replacement for the missing right logo/AMIGA key.

Unlike the old PS/2 keyboards USB ones can't be used for rebooting if there is a serious crash, but what still works, or at least should, is the case power button:
Short press = soft/fast reboot (AmigaOS restart only)
Long press = hard reboot (complete reboot executing the firmware and reloading AmigaOS)
Very long press = power off

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Re: How to reboot ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@joerg @Hypex & everybody in this thread.

Thanks for the additional reboot info.

It is very much appreciated.

Trying various key combos myself.

I think this is the hard reboot option.

It seem to respond to the key prompts better than the soft reboot option.

It is a WIFI usb receiver Logitec Waves Windows/MAC ergonomics keyboard.

I tried holding the keys in sequence below.

1. Left CTRL
2. Left ALT
3. Right CTRL.
4. Right ALT.

The A1222+ reboots with an A-EON splash screen soon after and it then boots into Amiga OS 4.1 fine.

The soft reboot:

1. Left CTRL.
2. Left ALT.
3. Right ALT.

The monitor goes black, it remains black, I can see the monitor is refreshed but it not capturing the video signal from the GPU, it just remains black and I have to power off and on the A1222+ to get a display again.

For now I will stick to the hard reboot option and hopefully saves eveyone's new A1222+ front chassis power button from repeated use.

Edited by Boabster on 2024/7/19 20:23:38
Edited by Boabster on 2024/7/19 20:25:45
Edited by Boabster on 2024/7/19 20:31:42
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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Only if you don't use a Radeon HD or RX gfx card with current drivers.
With the old Radeon HD v3 drivers soft reboot still worked, but not with the v5 drivers any more.

Currently I am using V3. Though it would be good if I could update my card in future I have no need for V5 driver at present. Perhaps a V4 with reboot code would be good right now.

This looks like it will become a permanent issue not being able to soft reboot. It makes it harder when something crashes and system is still active to do a soft reboot. But you are forced to do a full reboot. An Amiga would do this as well. But on a modern machine it loads up a boot loader to load Kickstart and the process is a lot slower.

On for AmigaOS unusable keyboards the Windows MENU key, usually between Alt Gr. (right ALT on AmigaOS) and the right CTRL key (same as left CTRL on AmigaOS since the original Amiga keyboards only had a single CTRL key), can be used as replacement for the missing right logo/AMIGA key.

Yes those alternate forms. This laptop I have has no right menu or Windows key. Just Ctrl.

Unlike the old PS/2 keyboards USB ones can't be used for rebooting if there is a serious crash, but what still works, or at least should, is the case power button:

That's what I find a lot. It makes it more annoying. The system is alive but the keyboard is dead.

Short press = soft/fast reboot (AmigaOS restart only)
Long press = hard reboot (complete reboot executing the firmware and reloading AmigaOS)
Very long press = power off

Thanks. I was aware of the long press but good to know three combos of it. I've haven't seen any restarting from power button that I have noticed. But I wonder if my battery is loosing power even though I replaced it a while back. I was having trouble with it, pressing it, but the system just seemed to ignore it. Was working again last night.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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1. Left CTRL.
2. Left ALT.
3. Right ALT.

The monitor goes black, it remains black, I can see the monitor is refreshed but it not capturing the video signal from the GPU, it just remains black and I have to power off and on the A1222+ to get a display again.

That should have full rebooted as that's the full reset combo.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hypex wrote:@Boabster

1. Left CTRL.
2. Left ALT.
3. Right ALT.

The monitor goes black, it remains black, I can see the monitor is refreshed but it not capturing the video signal from the GPU, it just remains black and I have to power off and on the A1222+ to get a display again.

That should have full rebooted as that's the full reset combo.

I suppose the Amiga-Alt keys swap isn't enabled in Prefs/Input

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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I suppose the Amiga-Alt keys swap isn't enabled in Prefs/Input

That's possible. But it usually shouldn't be needed unless the keycodes are reversed Or keys physically swapped around.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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what still works, or at least should, is the case power button:
Short press = soft/fast reboot (AmigaOS restart only)
Long press = hard reboot (complete reboot executing the firmware and reloading AmigaOS)
Very long press = power off

Is this specific to any particular OS4 machine? Or should it apply to them all? I just checked and the only thing the power switch does on my X5040 board is power it off. Admittedly, I only tried a short press. Didn't think to try the long press.

But then really, I'm on an RX card so even if a short press did do a soft boot it wouldn't help me because the GPU not getting reset on a warm boot will still prevent the system coming back up.

Amiga x5040 ı 16GB ı RX580
GB-A1000 060@100,
A1200 PiStorm32-Lite CM4
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Re: How to reboot ?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Is this specific to any particular OS4 machine? Or should it apply to them all?
It depends in the motherboard, and how the case buttons are wired to it.
If you have a case with a separate reset button, for example the Fractal Design 2300 Tower often used for the X5000, the power button is only used for power on/off.

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Re: How to reboot ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Checked the motherboard manual this morning and it doesn't look like it applies to X5000 series boards as they have separate power and reset headers on the board. Was going to look to see if it applied to the A1222 but I couldn't find a motherboard manual online (only briefly looked as I should be working of course).

Amiga x5040 ı 16GB ı RX580
GB-A1000 060@100,
A1200 PiStorm32-Lite CM4
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