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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Just popping in 
I am pleased and (with patience) can confirm I have received my A1222+ software enhancer 2.2 key.
They updated my invoice to reflect the change, I can see my Amiga OS4 key and the software enhancer 2.2 key on the updated invoice.
Hopefully your reseller will do the same for yourself.
Just saw your previous post with a photo of the A1222+ sticker and your desk setup.
I hope you have been having fun with your new A1222+ tower system, I certainly have.
Re: new video: AmigaOS 3.2 on AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 12/31 23:56
Just popping in 
Thanks for providing a copy of the uaerc file.
It is much appreciated.
Yep, that did help, as you say just tweaked a few settings there and there.
Managed to get the hardfile along with the virtual filesystem to access my Amiga OS 4 files successfully.
All seems good.
Many thanks and a happy new year too, only 5mins to go! after I post this.
Re: new video: AmigaOS 3.2 on AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 12/31 11:33
Just popping in 
I had a look at the uaerc config file.
But all I could find is this setting:
Is this PPC-JIT setting you are referring to?
Re: new video: AmigaOS 3.2 on AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 12/30 23:40
Just popping in 
@Maijestro Yep, that helped, I managed to get Amiga OS installed successfully running within e-uae. Tried various system profile configs but it seem to be stable on an A1200 with 2mb chip ram, 68020 proc, and 4mb fast ram config. Seem to be ok so far...for now  Thanks again.
Re: new video: AmigaOS 3.2 on AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 12/30 18:06
Just popping in 
Hi All,
Nice video and I am trying this on my A1222+.
I got Amiga OS3.2 ISO with update, E-UAE-SDL version:0.8.29 and along with its EasyUAE GUI version:1.6 installed successfully.
I can load EasyUAE GUI fine.
I can load amiga OS kick a1200 rom splash screen fine.
I can also load its install disk fine too.
However I am having problems getting a virtual hard drive created.
Within EasyUAE GUI create hard drive wizard, its is unable to create an os3.2.hdf file for me with this permission alert within the Amiga shell showing below:
5.AmigaOS4:MyFiles/E-UAE_GUI> uae Rexx port "UAE" installed. E-UAE 0.8.29 Build date: Jul 12 2014 17:03:54 Found 0 joysticks Opening cfgfile '.uaerc'...failed Timebase frequency: 49.995000 MHz Failed to open hardfile with write permission. Trying as read-only That it, no further error message after that, any ideas how to successfully create an amiga virtual hard drive file via EasyUAE?
Thank you.
Re: Introducing the Rear Window blog
Posted on: 12/27 14:02
Just popping in 
Just downloaded both games on my A1222+.
Installed fine and both are playing fine so far.
I enjoyed both games but I seem to prefer and play better at Shisen-Sek.
Keep porting more games to OS4.
Thank you.
Re: Xmas Card Design 2024 - Started on A600GS Finished on X1000
Posted on: 12/22 13:06
Just popping in 
Very good to see the variety of Amiga apps in action and its versatility too, as I was not aware of using NetFS can allow files to be save to RAM then - somehow or while I understand it on the same network - it can then appear on another Amiga system RAM too?
Normally I would be using SMB to transfer files between Amiga systems but did I understood that what NetFS can do?
Merry Christmas!
Re: Pointers in Amiga OS4.1
Posted on: 12/19 13:38
Just popping in 
Thanks for your replies.
It is very much appreciated.
I now got it, i rename the def_pointer.info file.
That allowed the pref's pointer editor to change the original pointer.
To a nice bold lime color to allow me to visually see the pointer more clearly on my monitor.
Many thanks again.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: Pointers in Amiga OS4.1
Posted on: 12/18 23:47
Just popping in 
Thanks for the reply.
Ok, I found the file as you suggested.
Indeed it is a red arrow.
You say I need to use an icon editor?
Not the pref folder's pointer application to edit the def_pointer.info file?
If yes, any recommendations, thanks.
Pointers in Amiga OS4.1
Posted on: 12/18 21:08
Just popping in 
Hi All,
I been trying to adjust the colours of the pointer.
I been using the pointer editor in the prefs drawer.
But each time I make an attempt save, test, use, etc.
The changes are not taking into effect even with a reboot.
It just defaulting on the red pointer instead.
I notice there other pointers to to try like black and white but even that not changing either.
Any ideas on how to change the pointer?
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 12/16 22:53
Just popping in 
Hey All,
Just did an Amiupdate and it suggested there a new Netsurf available.
I was a bit skeptical as I was on the latest build 6772.
Went ahead with it, updated it and it installed fine.
But it installed build 28/12/23.
None of the sites work on that build.
You will want to remove it from Amiupdate.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/11/27 21:47
Just popping in 
I just installed build #6772 on my A1222+.
I can confirm its installed successfully.
I also can now browse the web much better than it was before.
I am even typing this message within Netsurf fine.
Only thing I notice is.
When you use minimize icon.
Instead of netsurf icon, it has a square window and full title of the page on the desktop.
Is it possible to minize into an icon instead?
Also when I try to view the amigians threads as newest first from the topic options, nothing happens?
But overall build #6772 is much more better so far than previous builds.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
Posted on: 2024/11/7 23:10
Just popping in 
@Maijestro, Just catching up the news on this forum to discover you are no longer in possession of the A1222+ anymore  or I am incorrect on that assumption? If no, was there a particular reason why you no longer need your A1222+ system if I can ask that to you? However, I see you are now moving on to the big league with X5000/40 system. Good luck with your new computer, I am curious to see more of the X5000/40 but I doubt I will get it soon and it is cost prohibitive for me...for now.  It just a shame we wont see more you tube video clips of you showing off the potential of the A1222+ system.
Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Posted on: 2024/11/7 22:53
Just popping in 
@Mr-Byte, You supposedly to have both license keys on your invoice if you have purchased the motherboard or complete system from http://www.a1222plus.com/On mine, I can see the Amiga OS 4.1 key on the invoice. But the software enhancer 2.2 key is not on it. Puzzled, I reached out to the AAA team via whatapp. They mentioned they are planning to get electronic license for software enhancer 2.2 in late Oct/Nov. If you check you invoice again, can you confirm if you have also got software enhancer 2.2 key too? Thanks.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/10/2 19:52
Just popping in 
@chris -- I will need to get back to you later on providing you a serial log output on my A1222+ system running Netsurf, I do not have an RS-232 cable. -- Meanwhile I tried the https://www.cy2.uk/netsurf_os4_no_r.lha build. -- It installs fine, then upon arriving at the welcome page, none of the links are able to fetch a page. -- I tried the top right search bar, again same thing, any search criteria such as goolge, bbc, riscos, unable to fetch page. -- If I was to type, www.google.co.uk in the address bar, the page does load fine. -- If I search within google, its search results appears fine, but clicking on any of the links, unable to fetch page. -- If I set frogfind as the default home page upon loading netsurf, (however it did lockup the entire computer requiring a restart) the page loads fine and I can search and click of any of its links, the website page itself loads fine albeit in a very simple text format without any fancy graphics. -- I also tried the debug tool from: https://www.cy2.uk/ns_os4_dbg.zip and captured the ns.log for you for further review but I am not sure how to add the full ns log into the "" button or </> button at top of the reply button? -- Thank you
Re: A1222+ Automatic Shutdown
Posted on: 2024/10/2 13:09
Just popping in 
@smf Just to ask a couple of questions. Q1: The Tabor TRM is the A1222+ technical reference manual that is preinstalled with Amiga OS 4.1 documentation drawer you are referring to, correct? Q2: Also is this the correct USB to TTL device from Amazon you mentioned in your previous post via this link below: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Serial-Conver ... nal-FT232RL/dp/B075N82CDLThank you.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: A1222Plus: Reloading OS4.1 A precautionary tale
Posted on: 2024/9/27 16:07
Just popping in 
Hi All,
The way I did to reinstall OS 4.1 via the recovery USB key was just to right click on AmigaOS4 hard drive icon, and choose the format option.
I kept the same volume name as AmigaOS4, then selected the quick format option to erase the entire disk.
Then I double-click the RestoreHDinstall.shell icon within the actual Restore drawer to reinstall the OS fully.
Once the process was completed, I rebooted the computer and a fresh Amiga OS 4.1 successfully booted fine.
Edited by Boabster on 2024/9/28 1:27:08 Edited by Boabster on 2024/9/28 1:28:00
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/9/22 17:53
Just popping in 
Sure, I have the A1222+ complete system from A-EON.
From the technical manual there is an RS-232 port.
I understand I would need an RS-232 cable to USB.
If you can explain the procedure or show a guide on how to do this.
I will see I can try to get a log for you.
Many thanks.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/9/21 23:28
Just popping in 
I have AmiSSL 5.17 installed.
I also reinstalled AmiSSL 5.17 fine without errors.
Then hard reboot the computer.
But I am still experiencing the feeze/lockups using Netsurf.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.
Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
Posted on: 2024/9/21 11:54
Just popping in 
Hey All, I tried downloading Netsurf from this link below: https://www.cy2.uk/netsurf_os4_amissl_20240920.lhaDownloaded and Installed fine. But as soon it started. It locked up my entire system, no grim reaper. I had to reboot. Tried again to start the app. It loading the Netsurf starting page fine. But each link on the start page, it freeze and lock up entire system. After another reboot, I type a web address manually into the address bar. Google website loads fine, but upon clicking any link on the google page, it is freezes and lock up the system. After another reboot, I went to the bbc.co.uk website again manaully typing into the address bar. It loads again fine BUT it seem anytime I click on a link within the BBC page, the system completely locks up and freeze. A reboot is required to get system back into a responsive state. Strange. Keep on trying @Chris, appreciate you are doing your best to squash the bugs.
Amiga OS 4.1 with A1222+ Amiga 1200 with V2, V4 & PiStorm32. C64 with Epyx Fast Load and the VIC20.