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ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
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I need help and confirmation on this one.

For some time now i get a missing null termination string when trying to "save as..." from various programs (MultiEdit, NotePad, AmiPDF etc.) so i`m suspecting the ASL file requester or, more to the point, the gadget that takes care of the input.

Since i don't know which is the culprit i haven't reported it yet

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open MultiEdit, NotePad etc.
2) PD-Menu "Save (file) as..."
3) Change whatever si written in "Drawer" to "ENV:" and press RETURN
Instead of "ENV:" i get something along the lines of "ENV:n" (sometimes more characters following)
Typing and RETURNing this a second time works, but it's annoying

Any hints, please

Thank you


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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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That sounds like a known bug in the string.gadget, which so far has only manifested itself when combined with the Radeon RX driver newer than version 1.12. Is your gfx card an RX?

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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Ah, ok.

Yes, since a few days I have an RX card running in the x1000...was already wondering why it just recently happened.

No string.gadget in the Enhancer package...so no fix :-/

Edited by Raziel on 2022/8/27 8:24:43

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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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"Known" as in "already in the bug tracker/database" or as in "known but already forgotten"?

string.gadget is not a part of enhancer, so i could try my luck and report it to Hyperion...but i'm afraid i'm being turned down for using "foreign" software


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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Quite a regular
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George Orwell.
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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Thank you sir


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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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"Known" as in "already in the bug tracker/database" or as in "known but already forgotten"?

Confirmed by one of the OS4 developers, who promised to have a look at the bug as soon as he gets some time.

string.gadget is not a part of enhancer, so i could try my luck and report it to Hyperion...but i'm afraid i'm being turned down for using "foreign" software

Why would you be afraid of that? Both ASL and the string.gadget are OS4 components, so Hyperion/OS4 devs are the people to go to.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Why would you be afraid of that? Both ASL and the string.gadget are OS4 components, so Hyperion/OS4 devs are the people to go to.

Because i was under the impression (from your first answer) that it might have been triggered by the Radeon RX driver, which is 3rd party software, which normally means they are going to tell me to bother the 3rd party.

But that has been cleared now

Thank you


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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Site Builder
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If you guys check the AmiUpdate a new version of string.gadget is available that solves the issues with it and Radeon RX gfx cards.

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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Thats some good news.


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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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If you guys check the AmiUpdate a new version of string.gadget is available...

And a new version of newlib, too-- nice!

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Re: ASL file requester bug?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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walkero wrote:If you guys check the AmiUpdate a new version of string.gadget is available that solves the issues with it and Radeon RX gfx cards.

Updated! Great to see fresh things on AmiUpdate!

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