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: Today 16:52
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I need help and confirmation on this one.
For some time now i get a missing null termination string when trying to "save as..." from various programs (MultiEdit, NotePad, AmiPDF etc.) so i`m suspecting the ASL file requester or, more to the point, the gadget that takes care of the input.
Since i don't know which is the culprit i haven't reported it yet
Steps to reproduce: 1) Open MultiEdit, NotePad etc. 2) PD-Menu "Save (file) as..." 3) Change whatever si written in "Drawer" to "ENV:" and press RETURN Instead of "ENV:" i get something along the lines of "ENV:n" (sometimes more characters following) Typing and RETURNing this a second time works, but it's annoying
Any hints, please
Thank you