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X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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My X5000 is getting old ....

Today I was moving two SATA cables and suddenly one of the capacitors (C1162) FELL OFF!


The machine works - at least now. Anyone know what the capacitor is related to?

And last but not least any suggestions on how to solder it back on again? I am not the experienced with SMD soldering. To say the least!

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I don't know it specifically, but it could be a capacitor for stabilizing a power suppply voltage - either as a local stabilisation or stabilizing the output of a DC/DC converter.
Most capacitors in a digital PCB design is for power stabilization and noise reduction, which is probably why your board is still running without it - it's still within specs for normal operation without this one single capacitor. But it may result in the odd trip-up.

Better find a soldering iron and put it back in (and remember to protect against anti static discharge when you do).

Regards, Thomas

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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And while you're at it buy a new one to replace the old one!

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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I'm pretty terrible at soldering in general and don't have the guts to solder SMD components directly on the board.

Personally I would add more solder to the pads and solder the cap to the pads with two wires, trying to only heat up the solder and not touch the pads.

Not saying that it's a good idea and you should probably find a place that does actual proper SMD repairs or contact aeon/amigakit

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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If you're terrible at soldering you may not be the best to give advise on this
kinda of problem? It's a kinda expensive board after all.

Are you able to fix this yourself? If not where are you located?

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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Just popping in

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I guess we're on the same page.
My point was that he should try to avoid self repair.

But if johnfante were to proceed with soldering it back with an iron I assume, wouldn't using two short leads be safer than directly soldering it back on the board? I've seen too many restoration videos where SMD pads gets ripped off by using an iron.

Using two leads with additional solder worked for me in the past and made it easier for me, I'm not sure how to do it safer without a reflow station.

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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Just popping in

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I'm not trying to convince someone with little soldering experience to do repairs on an X5000 but i just want to know why people are so scared of SMD soldering?

SMD soldering requires less heat/power than trough hole soldering so in a way it's easier to perform especially if it's just a cap.
Just place it on the pads and add a little heat and solder and the process is done.

Stuff with more legs is ofcourse a little more advanced and requires more practise.

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Sorry to sound rude, but I know we're not on the same page, I have 35 years of soldering experience.

Like @smf says, smd soldering isn't any harder than true hole soldering!
Trust me, I have soldered an Amy board!

But that doesn't help @johnfante
Are you still here?

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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yes you are correct but to a beginner it’s a different story lol….also FLUX is your friend for those that are starting out and watching lots of how-to vids on youtube and especially practicing on old throw away parts…PLEASE don’t try working on any Amiga or Commodore computer BUT do feel free to work on any Apple products

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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BUT do feel free to work on any Apple products

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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Just popping in

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Caught in real life ...

I have thought about doing it my self but have gone away from that idea again. Risk is just too great since I do not have the experience or the equipment.

I am located in Copenhagen. I have reached out to the Amiga community here in Denmark to see if there are any SMD wizards around.

Have you experience with X5000 boards? I am looking to get the cap reattached and the rest of the board looked after carefully to see if any of the other components are considering abandoning ship ...

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Yeah I guess you should find a die hard Amigan with smd soldering skills in København, if not I'm located in Stockholm.

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Re: X5000 capacitor fell off ...!!!!!
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Just popping in

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Thank you for all the good advice!

Found a SMD-shark here in Denmark and the board is on its way for a welldeserved service.

Wish me luck

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