MartinW wrote:
I never had any luck with creating multiple kick layouts when I tried before but things have moved on in qemu now so I can try in there before going anywhere near the x5000. Great advice!
To have multiple kicklayouts on your X5000 simply just open up the Kickstart/kicklayout file in an texteditor, copy all the lines and paste them at the end of the file.
Goto the line that begins with the "LABEL" keyword and change it into something like "LABEL Amigaos 4.1 with broken usb"
next time you hardreset your X5000 amigaboot will allow you to select two kicklayouts to boot from.
One with the original name and one with the name "Amigaos4.1 with broken usb"
(The amigaboot menu will not appear if the u-boot variable amigaboot_quiet is set to 'y'
In quiet mode it simply boots the chosen/best/first (whatever) configuration.
When booting with multiple kicklayouts works you can simply just change the lines for the modules you would like to experiment with to make them load from another place, like Kickstart/testing/ehci.usbhcd